I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 590? Bahuang's Small Abacus

Chapter 590 Bahuang's Small Abacus
Draw troops again, the emperor's methods are really ruthless and decisive.

If the Xishan Qiang obeys, it will completely subdue the Xishan Qiang.

If the Xishan Qiang refuses to mobilize troops, they will fight directly to completely wipe out the Xishan Qiang.

After all, with the addition of [-] Hanzhong Army who are good at mountain warfare, the White Tiger Army will be stronger.

He is better at fighting Xishan Qiang.

"In addition, Sandi made great achievements in combat, and the Jiudi area was divided into Hanzhong's vassal state, which became a separate county.

The second brother of Hanzhong is rewarded by the state, and the official department recommends the country's prime minister to enter Jiudi to build an imperial government office to rule the three chieftains! "

As mentioned earlier, Ye Qing no longer recognized the title of king of Sandi, but changed to a chieftain officer.

In order to facilitate governance, this time the site of Jiudi was divided into a county separately, so as not to affect the jurisdiction of Hanzhong County.

In order to suppress the three chieftains, the prefect was not enough, so Ye Qing simply set up a vassal state and changed Ye Tao's title to it.

As for Ye Tao, there is no need to go to the vassal state, and he can directly send a prime minister to manage the government, and then send a vassal captain to be in charge of the army.

This set of gameplay does not exist in Soaring Dragon Continent.

However, in Ye Qing's original Huaxia Han Empire, he used it very frequently and easily.


Jiangzhou City!
"What do you mean? The current Great Zhou Emperor is Ye Qing, not Ye Zhen?"

Emperor Ba was immediately stunned.

How could Ye Qing be the emperor.

The timeline doesn't match up!
When Ye Zhen died, Ye Qing was still in Jiangzhou.

He can fly back to Guanzhong to ascend the throne.

"Your Majesty, this matter is absolutely true. The current emperor of the Great Zhou is Ye Qing, and he holds great power. In his hands, the Great Zhou wiped out a million Chuyue troops."

"Ye Qing also established six group armies, namely Baihu, Qinglong, Suzaku, Xuanwu, Tanlang, and Yaoguang (Pojun). Each group army has an organizational structure of [-], and it is basically formed by classics.

There are still sixteen guards in Chang'an City, and the sixteen guards have 40 motors. Now the total strength of Dazhou has reached an astonishing [-]! "

The person who came to report spoke sincerely, with a hint of fear in his heart.

Without it, Da Zhou is a bit too strong right now.

If Ba Guo confronts him, he may suffer a big loss.

You must know that the navy of Dazhou is still stationed in the upper reaches of Ba.

As long as the Great Zhou gives an order, the powerful army of the Great Zhou can directly go south to attack the country of Pakistan, and the country of Pakistan will perish.

"However, I still can't figure out how he returned to Guanzhong. He has been in my city of Jiangzhou, but only occasionally went to Twelve..." Bahuang suddenly had his head opened, and his inspiration exploded.

"Tell me, did Ye Qing fly to Chang'an in no time through the territory of Xi Manzi!"

The Twelve Witches of the Western Man, the inside is too mysterious, no one knows what is in the Great Wu Mountain.

Will there be some secret method to make Ye Qing return to Chang'an in an instant.

Bahuang developed rich associations and bold guesses
His ministers also diverged their thinking and felt that this possibility existed.

"Your Majesty, Ye Qing is too scary. He was able to cooperate with the Western barbarians, and he didn't let us know. If one day he and the Western barbarians attack our country from north to south, our country will surely perish."

Hearing this, Emperor Ba slapped the dragon chair hard:
"That's the thing, what a sinister Ye Qing, he just wants us to fight Shu, let us consume, and when we are exhausted, he will come out to clean up our two countries, and finally capture the land of Bashu."

"Hey! It's a bit late to find out. At this time, we are riding a tiger and it's hard to get off!"

Ba Huang looked remorseful.

"Your Majesty, how about...let's cease the war with the Kingdom of Shu!"

Looking at his cautious subordinates, Ba Huang really wanted to slap him to death.

The truce, how is it possible, until the meat of the mouth is spit out.

If you don't eat the Shu Kingdom now, you will really not be able to eat it in the future.

But after thinking about it, Bahuang thinks it is not impossible.

After thinking for a while, he said: "The truce is also a way. Go, get in touch with Zhang Ren of the Shu Kingdom, and tell him about the situation of Da Zhou. If he wants revenge, then the truce is now based on the actual control line between us. Let's deal with Da Zhou together!"


My men have some liver pain.

With the current status quo, it is impossible for Shu to agree to a truce.

How can there be such a good thing in the sky, you take advantage of all the advantages.

Even if Zhang Ren agrees, the officials and common people of Shu will not agree.

Looking at the map, how much territory is still in the hands of Shu Kingdom.

"Go, why are you dawdling?" Bahuang urged.

"It's Your Majesty, I'm going right away!"

Soon Bahuang's men came to Shu.

As a show of sincerity, the Pakistani army stopped its offensive.

Seeing Ba Guo's envoy, Zhang Ren said angrily, "Tell me, what are you talking about? If you want to persuade them to surrender, then there's no need. This general will never agree to it."

At this time, Zhang Ren's wife Meng Jiang was established as the queen, and Zhang Ren himself served as the general protecting the country.

In charge of all military affairs, he is actually the controller of Shu.

After fighting for more than half a year, it can be said that the Kingdom of Shu and the Kingdom of Ba will never stop dying, and there is nothing to worry about.

The natural tone is as angry as you want.

"The general misunderstood, my emperor sent me here not to persuade the general to surrender, but to cease fighting with the general, and the two countries will rest well." The envoy of the Ba Kingdom praised.

Zhang Ren was stunned for a moment.

What the hell?

how can that be.

You Pakistan has the upper hand, and you have Da Zhou as an ally.

Now it is said that there is a truce, which sounds ironic.

"Are you here to amuse the general?" Zhang Ren became even more angry, with his hands on the hilt of his sword, ready to chop off the head of the envoy of Ba Kingdom at any time.

The envoy of the Ba Kingdom hurriedly said: "Don't be upset, General. I really came to discuss the truce with the General. My emperor said that there may be some misunderstanding between the two countries, but it doesn't matter now. The two countries have ceased the war and rested. Stop fighting and defend against foreign enemies!"

"Well, what do you mean?" Zhang Ren was a little confused.

Seeing each other doesn't seem like a joke.

I believe that no one dares to laugh at himself like this.

The envoy of Ba State then gave a detailed account of the changes in the army.

After listening, Zhang Ren was shocked.

"What? Ye Qing is now the emperor of Dazhou, and he has formed a 40-strong army."

Zhang Ren couldn't believe it.

Ye Zhen was not well numb, but was poisoned to death.

Ye Qing was able to fly to Guanzhong to ascend the throne in Jiangzhou.

It was so bizarre, it was like listening to a fairy tale.

What's more, it also wiped out 100 million troops of Chuyue Kingdom.

At other times he would not believe it at all.

But this time Pakistan took the initiative to cease the war and sent envoys, which convinced him half.

"So, great general, Ye Qing has this supernatural power, he can suddenly leave my country of Ba, and he can also kill my country of Ba suddenly. In addition, his powerful navy is upstream, and there are enough strong troops. Our country of Ba is powerless." If we resist, the Kingdom of Shu is also powerless to resist, and only our two countries can resist Zhou!" The envoy of Ba Kingdom said:

"If we continue to fight, only Da Zhou will benefit, so it's better to stop fighting and recuperate earlier."

Only then did Zhang Ren fully understand why Ba Guo suddenly changed the direction of the wind.

It turned out that he was afraid that Da Zhou would break his promise and suddenly attack Ba.

This is interesting, the geographical location of the Ba Kingdom is indeed more coveted by the Great Zhou than the Shu Kingdom.

It is easier to be taken by Da Zhou.

Thinking of this, Zhang Ren suddenly laughed: "Hahaha, yes, the truce is fine, you return the two counties of Qianwei and Guanghan in our country, and return to Ba by yourself, this general will act as if nothing happened before, and we will deal with it together Great week!"

(End of this chapter)

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