I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 591 So, Let’s Fight Shu Kingdom First

Chapter 591 So, Let’s Fight Shu Kingdom First
"This, the general may have misunderstood."

Ba Huang's envoy swallowed the saliva between his teeth and said: "The truce between the two countries is based on the current situation. Of course, Ba Kingdom can retreat [-] to [-] miles and give up a few cities."

"It's really interesting to let a few cities, hahaha, they were originally the cities of my Shu Kingdom, but they were snatched by your Ba Kingdom. You are so generous!" Zhang Ren also turned cold, and waved his hands:
"Since you're here to amuse me, then go back and tell Bahuang that if you want to be empty-handed, then there's no need to talk about it."

"Anyway, when the Great Zhou goes south, your Ba Kingdom will be the first to be destroyed, not our Shu Kingdom!"

The envoy of Ba State said anxiously: "General, think twice, Ye Qing entered Hanzhong and destroyed your Zhang family. He killed all members of your Zhang family, don't you hate him?
If you sit back and watch our demise, your great revenge will never be avenged! "

"Hmph, you don't need to worry about my Zhang family's vengeance, someone will fork it out!" Zhang Ren became angrier as he listened, and ordered his subordinates to come in, dragging the Ba Guo envoy out.

"Damn it, how could Ye Qing be so strong, Da Zhou, with an army of 40." Zhang Ren was kicking and smashing things in the hall alone.

Such a strong Da Zhou, not to mention his current strength, even if he regained the entire territory of Shu, he would not be Da Zhou's opponent.

He had never won against Ye Qing.

Thinking of Ye Qing made him angry.

But after venting, Zhang Ren asked people to find all his martial arts and martial arts.

After hearing this, all the generals' faces were filled with joy.

"General, this is a good thing. Now that Pakistan feels the crisis, whether it is a truce or vomiting out the land that has invaded our country, it is a good thing."

"Yes, as long as Pakistan is willing to cease the war, it will be a good thing for us. We really need to rest and recuperate now."

"I think Qianwei can not take it back, but Guanghan must be in our hands, otherwise we won't even have a line of defense against Da Zhou."

"Yes, without Guanghan County, we would have to move our capital directly to the vassal state of Shu County."

Calm down and think about it, as long as the truce is beneficial to yourself.

Zhang Rendao: "Okay, then let's cease the war with Ba Guo, but we can't agree to them so quickly, at least we must take Guang Han back."

"At the same time, make preparations for moving the capital. I heard from the envoy of the Ba Kingdom that Da Zhou has a sharp siege weapon that can throw huge stones and bombard the city wall. There is also a strong crossbow that needs a winch and can shoot one or two thousand steps away. It is amazingly powerful. , Even a high-end master can be easily injured."



Jin Yiwei travels through the dark night, and when encountering major events, he shows his bronze medal, and can call to open the city gate even in the middle of the night.

"Today I saw a living Jin Yiwei, no, it was a living Qianhu."

The head of Jin Yiwei, Li Ru, also entered the palace overnight after receiving the report from Qianhu.

Ye Qing wrapped himself in a robe, yawned and said, "Why is Wen You so urgent!"

Li Rudao: "Your Majesty, we have reported from the southwest that the Ba Kingdom has suddenly ceased fighting with the Shu Kingdom. Ba Huang has sent envoys to contact Zhang Ren with the intention of repairing the truce."

"Oh, why did Emperor Ba stop the war suddenly? He doesn't want the capital of Shu anymore?" Ye Qing was a little puzzled.

If you don't fight well, Bahuang will succeed if you work hard.

"Returning to Your Majesty, it should be that Emperor Ba knew the news of His Majesty's ascension to the throne and was aware of it, and he also learned the fact that I have strengthened the army of the Great Zhou, so he was afraid that we would go south to attack them." Li Rudao:

"Or the Chuyue Kingdom made trouble from it and used our Dazhou border to get in touch with the Ba Kingdom. In the end, it may be the Blood Shadow Pavilion who made trouble."

Ye Qing thought about it for a while and said: "No matter what the reason is, since Ba has proposed a truce, the Ba and Shu countries will not be able to fight, and they may join forces to deal with us. The difference is only a matter of time and their terms of peace talks. "

"Then Your Majesty, we have to act first, and we will destroy the Ba Kingdom first, and then the Shu Kingdom." Li Ru suggested.

He is not a passive person.

The first strike is strong, and the second strike suffers.

Dazhou has a teleportation array, which can capture Jiangzhou in the first time, kill or capture Ba Guo and other important figures. It is quite simple to take Ba Guo.

But Ye Qing shook his head: "No, we are allies with Pakistan, and we will lose our trust if we act rashly. In the future, our other allies will not trust us anymore. The loss outweighs the gain."

"Before attacking Pakistan, it is necessary for Pakistan to tear up the covenant first, so that we can become famous. When we attack Pakistan, Pakistan's resistance will not be so strong."

"Then this matter will be a bit difficult to handle. If Ba Guo drags us along, we will have to wait." Li Ru felt a little regretful seeing Ye Qing's refusal to use this trick.

Ye Qing said: "Don't worry, Bashu and Sichuan will not reach an agreement so quickly for the time being, so we still have some time, let's go back and rest first, and submit it to the cabinet for discussion tomorrow!"


Li Ru took the order to retreat.

The next day!

In the Hall of Liangyi, all the cabinet members were present, and Li Ru spoke out the information he had received.

"Bashu has ceased fighting!"

"One to two months in advance!"

"It's reasonable, even if they don't realize how strong I am in Zhou, they are tired from fighting each other, and it's hard to support a luxurious battle with supplies and troops!"

Ye Qing glanced at everyone and said: "Now that the Ba Kingdom and the Shu Kingdom have ceased fighting, we can't fight Ba Kingdom first. What do you think should be done?"

Shang Yang said: "People cannot be established without trust. We will wait for the Ba Kingdom to reach a settlement with the Shu Kingdom. After the alliance, we will attack the Ba Kingdom and use its betrayal of the alliance as an excuse to attack. Such righteousness is in hand!"

Shang Yang's words won the approval of most of Zhang Yi, Fang Xuanling, Sima Guang and others.

It's just that Bai Qi, the general of the Ministry of National Defense, raised his eyebrows slightly, while Guo Jia shook the folding fan, and he didn't dislike the cool autumn wind, which made his bangs and temple hair slightly raised.

Wait, it's too slow.

Ye Qing didn't like it.

So he looked at Bai Qi.

"What does the General think?"

For military affairs, the Ministry of National Defense should still be used to set the tone.

Bai Qi stood up and said: "Why do we have to wait for the two countries to hand over the covenant to fight? It's too slow and troublesome."

"Since Ba is no longer fighting, we can fight for Ba as allies. Anyway, my Great Zhou and Shu are enemies. It is only natural to fight Shu. In a word, fight Shu!"

You are three words!
"But General, if the Ba Kingdom doesn't let us cross the border to fight the Shu Kingdom, how will we fight?" Sima Guang asked.

This hits the nail on the head.

Originally, Da Zhou's plan was to destroy the Ba Kingdom first, so he took advantage of the situation to attack the Shu Kingdom.

Now the goal of the attack has been changed and the difficulty has been increased.

Ye Qing looked at Guo Jia, where the old god was, and said with a sideways glance, "Feng Xiao, don't drink the northwest wind, I'll transfer you to the Hexi Duwei's mansion."

Upon hearing this, Guo Jia immediately stood up, straightened her back, coughed and said:

"First of all, the truce between Bashu and Sichuan shows that they have the intention to deal with our great Zhou together. So indirectly, they already have the basis and facts of an alliance. If we fight Shu, it will speed up the alliance between the two countries.

Secondly, when we attacked the Kingdom of Shu, the Kingdom of Ba must directly provide assistance to its neighbors, so even if we borrowed Guanghan County, we might have been ambushed by the Kingdom of Ba and fell into the trap of the two countries. "

Speaking of which, Guo Jia paused for a while, seeing that everyone's emotions were mobilized, and then he closed his fan and said, "So, let's attack Shu Kingdom first!"

(End of this chapter)

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