I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 592: Three King's Little Thoughts

Chapter 592

What do you mean?
Talked for a long time, a bunch of nonsense.

This is not like Guo Jia's style.

When did Guo Jia become so incompetent?

Ye Qing said: "Speak human words!"

Guo Jia smiled and explained: "The soldiers and horses we cross the border don't have to be many, and they don't have to be soldiers from the Western Group Army, they can be soldiers from the Di tribe.

As long as it belongs to my Great Zhou in name, it will be fine. Once my soldiers and horses of Great Zhou are plotted against or attacked by the Ba Kingdom, they will become famous as teachers. "


Hearing this, everyone was overwhelmed and screamed.

It was intended to attack the Kingdom of Shu, but in fact it was still an attack on the Kingdom of Ba.

It's just an excuse for myself.

Originally, the reason was used to stop the mouths of ignorant people.

Regardless of the reasons for it, good or bad, true or false, as long as it works.

"Hahaha, well, Feng Xiao is really a cunning fox." Ye Qing laughed loudly when he heard this, and immediately said:
"Just follow this plan. Since Pakistan has the idea of ​​renouncing the alliance, don't blame us for being rude."


With the emperor's secret order.

The Southwestern Army began to gather southward.

Hanzhong belonged to the state, and the three kings of Baidi, Chundi, and Diandi were called by Ma Chao.

After listening to the military order given by Ma Chao, each of them turned bitter.

It’s fine if Dazhou established Hanzhong as a vassal state, and the three of them agreed to include Jiudi in Dazhou in order to save their lives.

It also recognized the status of the suzerain of the Han Dynasty.

He even accepted the administration of the prime minister and took root in the mountains.

But now they were being transferred to the south to join the war, but they all shook their heads and refused.

The soldiers of the Di tribe came out of the mountains, are they still their soldiers and horses?
King Dian Di refused for the first time: "General Ma, you also know that after the battle with the five tribes of Ma Di, Wu Di, Jian Di, Yin Ping Di, and Song Di, my Dian Di was severely injured by the Jing, and the remaining men There are not many Ding, and there is really no way to go south to join the war!"

The two kings Bai Di and Chun Di also said: "Yes, General Ma, please be considerate of us. Our two divisions have no more soldiers to use. Those who die and those who are wounded must suppress Ma Di, Wu Di, and Yin Ping. The people of Di Sanbu really can't find any soldiers!"

Ma Chao's face turned cold when he heard this, and he said coldly: "I really can't get any more soldiers. I remember that a few days ago you were talking about trying to wipe out all the troops. Now why are there no more soldiers?"

"This... the general must have heard wrong!"

"That's right, General, this must be a rumor!"

"Yes, yes, it is rumored that we are currently stretched out, and we really have no soldiers to use!"

Ma Chao glanced at the three of them coldly, but the three of them dodged their gazes.

Ma Chao said: "Since you have no soldiers to use, then I have no choice but to go to the Dibu. I believe that King Jiandi must have soldiers to use. It's hard to say what the merchants will sell to Jiandi then!"

After speaking, Ma Chao left.

Don't pay attention to the three kings at all.

The three kings looked at each other.

What's the meaning.

Ma Chao is looking for Jiandi.

What are you looking for?

Do you want to incorporate Qiandi, promise Qiandi conditions, and support stronger ordnance.

Let Jin Di beat us three.

Silk!The three kings' minds suddenly widened.

Suddenly there is a sense of crisis.

If Da Zhou doesn't support them, support Jian Di instead.

In order to save his life, Jian Di will definitely turn to Da Zhou and destroy them in the end.

Such a result is also the most beneficial for Da Zhou.

Changing from nine to one is more in line with Da Zhou's interests.

"It's not good, I thought we could deal with Da Zhou once we were united, but now Da Zhou has a way to deal with us!"

"That's right, the existence of the scorpion is an untimely threat, and it must be eliminated first!"

King Baidi wiped and said: "Why don't we send some troops first and send Ma Chao away, and take advantage of the time when the Yaoguang group army goes south to attack Bashu, we will destroy Jiandi first. Once Jiandi is destroyed, Dazhou will be gone by then. threaten our existence."

"I think so!"

"It's okay, it's just a matter of how many soldiers and horses you give!"

The three kings stared with big eyes and small eyes.

After thinking about it for a while, they made a horoscope gesture with their hands.

800 people each!

Get together a group of two thousand and four Di tribes.

A regiment of the group army is 2000 people.

They also had four hundred more.

It's enough to give Ma Chao face.

Just do it.

The three kings immediately went to Ma Chao and expressed their willingness to form a regiment to go south with the army and serve the Great Zhou.

Ma Chao didn't pierce their little Jiujiu either.

Reluctantly accepted the offer.

With 400 people, Ma Chao also led the army south.


On this side, the two countries of Bashu have conducted several negotiations.

Conditions have been compromised, but still did not reach a unified opinion.

However, Pakistan suddenly received a request from Da Zhou to fight.

"What, Da Zhou is willing to help us fight against the Kingdom of Shu? He wants to take advantage of the way to conquer the Kingdom of Shu. First destroy the Kingdom of Shu and attack our Kingdom of Ba!" Bahuang sneered after hearing this.

He would not know such a direct trick.

The Minister of Rites replied: "Yes, Your Majesty, Da Zhou said that we are allies and we should share weal and woe, just like the navy at the time, we cooperated tacitly, our army can't beat Shu, and Da Zhou's army is willing to help.

Moreover, he also threatened that he would not want a piece of land in Shu, nor a city. Afterwards, Ba would only provide some food and grass, so as not to chill the hearts of the soldiers of Dazhou! "

"To put it nicely, I don't know how long I begged for their navy to go to war, but now I take the initiative to post it. It's strange not to want the capital of Shu." Ba Huang shook his head and said:

"Veto them, don't borrow, we will fight the Shu Kingdom ourselves, and the weasel pays New Year's greetings to the chicken. There is no need for such an ally who hides evil intentions."

The Minister of Rites hesitated for a while and said, "Your Majesty, I'm afraid it's hard to refuse this matter, because the envoys of the Great Zhou preached this matter in Jiangzhou City, Dianjiang and other parts of our Ba Kingdom.

If you refuse, it will mean that Pakistan appears stingy and does not cherish its allies.

Public opinion is unfavorable to our country! "

"Damn it, Da Zhou is too hateful, someone here will arrest all of their people, I can't let Da Zhou's people run around." Ba Huangna was annoyed.

After cursing, he asked the Minister of the Ministry of War: "Now Da Zhou insists on going south to attack the Kingdom of Shu, what do you think of the Ministry of War?"

Minister of the Ministry of War said: "Your Majesty, isn't the bottom line of the Kingdom of Shu to take back Guanghan County? Then we promise to give Guanghan to the Kingdom of Shu."

Hearing this, Bahuang felt a little liver pain.

Guanghan County is not very big, and it is not one-third of Qianwei's.

But its location is important and its strategic value is great.

The Minister of the Ministry of War continued: "Your Majesty, in this way, we agree with Da Zhou to use the excuse to let them attack the capital of Shu, and let Shu ambush Da Zhou's army. We can also pretend to be Shu's army and cooperate to eat the southwest of Da Zhou. The group army severely damaged Da Zhou's main army in one fell swoop, and from then on Da Zhou dared not covet my land in Bashu."

When Bahuang heard this, a hint of joy flashed in his eyes.

Destroy the Southwest Group Army of Da Zhou.

Good idea.

With the help of Shu, kill the army of Great Zhou.

It's wonderful.

"Okay! Let's act according to this method, first trick Da Zhou into the game, let them also taste the taste of losing troops and losing generals!"

(End of this chapter)

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