I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 593? The number of swabs exceeds 1

Chapter 593: More than [-] people should be swabbed

Jiameng City!
Wang Jian, Zhang Liao, Ma Chao, Zhou Yu and other generals all arrived together.

"Report! Wang Shuai, the Pakistani side sent news that our army is allowed to cross the border to attack Shu. This is the hand of the general of the Ba Kingdom to conquer the West!"

The visitor immediately put the things on.

Wang Jian glanced at it, and waved his hand to signal for the report to go on.

The pair looked at everyone and said: "Colleagues, the Ba Kingdom has laid a net of heaven and earth, waiting for us to get in, and the war is inevitable."

Speaking of this, Wang Jian's eyes stopped on Ma Chao: "General Ma, your mission is important, and going here is very dangerous. I hope you can complete the mission perfectly and return safely."

Ma Qi came out and said, "Thank you Your Majesty and Wang Shuai for their trust, Meng Qi will live up to his trust."

Then Wang Jian cast his eyes on Zhou Yu: "As long as the news is sent back, my navy of Da Zhou will be at the forefront. Zhou Dudu and I are both the commanders of the same army. I have no right to command Zhou Yu, but this time In the southwestern war, my Yaoguang (Pojun) group army will be the main attacker, Wang only has three words, please!"

Zhou Yu came out and said, "Don't worry, Commander Wang. It is our navy's duty to attack Ba. Our navy will go south as soon as possible to attack Dianjiang, block Sanjiang, and support Jiangzhou. I will leave the matter on the water to me." The navy is fine, and the land battle is all up to you."

"Okay! With your words, I feel relieved." Wang Jian then looked at Zhang Liao:

"General Zhang, the task of capturing Ba is left to you Shenjiwei, Jiangzhou and Dianjiang are lost.

The Ba army in Shu is like a rootless duckweed. Even if it unites with Shu, it will not be much stronger. This battle is related to the fate of the country. "

"Willing to be loyal to His Majesty, willing to fight for the rise of the empire!"

The next day!

The army marched out, crossing the difficult Shu road from Jiameng to Zitong, then crossing Tongshui from Zitong to Fu County, crossing Fushui to Mianzhu, and Luo County crossing Luoshui to go south to Shudu. The road was tortuous and took a long time.

Ma Chao took 3000 people as pioneers to the forefront.

Among them, two thousand and four were Di soldiers, and six hundred were light cavalry from the headquarters, advancing slowly.

Wang Jian divided the army into several batches, some marched during the day, and some marched with torches at night.

This made the spies of the Shu and Ba kingdoms not sure how many soldiers came from the Great Zhou.

The false and the real confuse them.



The Southwest is about to start a war. Besides sending experts to lurk into Jiangzhou City, Ye Qing is more concerned about the scientific research.

This is not only Da Zhou's first scientific expedition, but also the first time in the East and even the entire Dragon Continent.

Naturally, it has attracted the attention of all parties, and Ye Qing himself attaches great importance to it.

"Your Majesty, according to statistics, so far, more than ten thousand people have come to respond."

Mencius pulled out the list he had brought and read:
"Among them, there are 620 seven candidates from my Dazhou, and 340 five candidates from Beishi State.

Chuyue State had 220 candidates, and South Korea had 180 candidates.

There are 860 people in Wei State, 250 in Donghai State, and 220 in Bohai State.

There are 66 people in the Eastern Qi State, 32 in the Northern Dai State, and [-] in the Ji State.

Finally, there are barbarians in the north. There are 11 Turks, 27 Xianbei, 18 Jin, and [-] Liao. "

There are more than 1 people, which is a lot.

Those who dare to take the test must either be courageous or confident and talented.

Either it is opportunistic and lucky.

No matter which one it is, in short, most of these people can be regarded as talents.

Even if you don't pass the selection, if you stay and use it, it will be an intangible wealth, which will help the construction of the Great Zhou.

"The barbarians even sent people to participate in the competition, which is very interesting." Ye Qing found out that there were also people from the rival Turks and other grassland tribes who took the test.

Mencius said: "Your Majesty, as you said, it is not limited to regions, nor is it limited to races and nationalities. In these barbaric countries, there are also people who admire my Central Plains culture, so they came here boldly."

"Well, since we're here, we should treat them equally. Don't underestimate them. No matter which country you belong to, whether it's an enemy or a friend, it shouldn't affect the common people." Ye Qing said:

"There can be hatred between countries, you can fight to the death, but the people are innocent, as long as they come with good intentions, they are all equal."

"Your Majesty is wise." Mencius praised.

This is the bearing that a hero should have.

But then Ye Qing emphasized: "However, if he came with hostility, no matter whether he is talented or not, no matter what his status is, take them all, you are welcome.

Entering Chang'an of our Great Zhou, one must abide by the laws of My Great Zhou, obey the orders and commands of my Chang'an City, and those who violate it will be shot to death. "

"It's Your Majesty. I asked Fawei for help in this regard, and asked them to publicize at the gates of each city. Students from various countries who enter Beijing will receive warnings immediately, telling them what they can do and what they can't say. Wait." Mencius explained.

"Well, that's very good, just continue to implement the plan, you go down first!" Ye Qing felt more relieved when he heard that, Mencius, a great Confucianist, was not too pedantic, and his work was quite quick.

Just as Mencius bowed and retreated, Ye Qing suddenly received a system voice in his head.

"Ding! Master, the Shu Kingdom would like to know, this time the Great Zhou Southwest Group Army is going south, the first target is their Shu Kingdom or the Ba Kingdom, so that they can adjust their strategic focus, and they are willing to pay [-] taels of silver as a reward! Will it be sold?"

"Ding! Master, the Pakistani side would like to know how many soldiers and horses the Great Zhou Southwest Army has going south this time, and what their combat effectiveness is, so that they can prepare for an ambush and annihilate them. They are willing to pay [-] taels of silver as a reward. Will they sell it?"

"Ding! The masters Diandi, Chundi, and Baidi want to know whether Dazhou will support Jiandi. If they take advantage of the absence of the Southwest Army to destroy Jiandi, will Dazhou send the defenders of Hanzhong County to rescue Jiandi? Are you willing to pay 5000 Two silvers as reward, whether to sell it!"

Um!Another piece of information was sold.

Ye Qing regained his energy all of a sudden.

After carefully tasting and analyzing them, Ye Qing found that they could still be sold.

"System, all three are sold." Ye Qing said directly.

"Ding! The transaction was successful!"

"After deducting 20% ​​of the handling fee, master, you still have 36000 taels of silver, and 3 chances to draw prizes!"

Ye Qing used the accumulated money to subsidize the national treasury.

Now the system space has been saved again.

Ye Qing said again: "System! Lucky draw!"

"Good master, now draw a lottery for you!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the master for drawing a general card!"

"Ding! Congratulations, Master, for drawing a Famous Official Card!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the master for drawing a martial arts card!"

Generals, famous ministers, martial arts, or old cards, I don't know what kind of characters can be opened this time.

(End of this chapter)

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