I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 594? Bao Zheng Zhuge Zhengwo Xiahou Dun

Chapter 594 Bao Zheng Zhuge Zhengwo Xiahou Dun

"System, draw a lottery!"

Without much hesitation, Ye Qing clicked the lottery directly.

"Good master, now draw a lottery for you!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the master for using the general card and getting the Three Kingdoms Lejin (first-class)!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the master for using the Famous Minister Card and obtaining Bao Zheng of the Song Dynasty."

"Ding! Congratulations to the master for using the martial arts card and getting the "Four Famous Captures" Zhuge Zhengwo (rank five)!"

Le Jin, one of the five sons of the Three Kingdoms.

However, the force is also a first-class start, which is a bit low among the current generals of the Great Zhou.

You must know that even the Yanyun Eighteen Riders have entered the ranks now.

I can only wait for the rising dragon pill in the future, feed him one and forcefully lift it up.

Bao Zheng, stern and selfless Bao Zheng.

This is another representative of Legalism.

At that time, it can be used to maintain the law and order of Da Zhou Chang'an.

The governor of Chang'an can hand it over to Bao Heitan.

Zhuge Zhengwo, the master of the Four Famous Arrests.

It is also one of the top four famous arresters.

The strength of the fifth rank is not weak.

Even in Dazhou, he is one of the top masters.

Here comes another heavyweight helper.

"In this way, Jin Yiwei is adding a master, which is more conducive to its development. Wen You has often complained to me about the manpower problem." Ye Qing immediately set the position for Zhuge Zheng and me.

"Ding! Congratulations to the master for collecting the Three Kingdoms Five Sons Good General card and rewarding Three Kingdoms Xiahou Dun (first grade)!"

Gathered five good generals from the Three Kingdoms, and sent a one-eyed Marquis Xia.

Xiahou Dun, a famous general of the Three Kingdoms, is an important confidant of Cao Cao.

Come and get a free product, this deal is really a bargain.

Ye Qing smiled happily.

Immediately, Ye Qing summoned all the four people he got.

After the four of them showed up, Ye Qing arranged the four of them down again.

Bao Zheng took over as governor of Chang'an to maintain the law and order of Chang'an.

Zhuge Zhengwo, Xiahoudun, and Le Jin were sent directly to Jiangzhou to participate in the ensuing battle against Pakistan.


Chang'an West City!

In a certain alley!
"The governor of Chang'an has suddenly changed!"

"What's going on? It's okay to change people. The original Li Fuyin has been replaced. Our plan will not be affected!"

It turned out that there were spies from Chuyue Kingdom gathered in the house.

Chu Yueguo planned to take advantage of this scientific expedition to add some obstacles to Da Zhou and mess things up.

Even if you can't do the yellow imperial examination, you will lose the face of Da Zhou.

The person in charge asked: "Who will be the Governor?"

"It seems to be a person named Bao Zheng. This person has a dark complexion and a crescent-shaped birthmark on his forehead. He doesn't look like a good person!"

"Bao Zheng, have you never heard of it?" The person in charge asked again: "Is this person a descendant of an aristocratic family?"

"It doesn't look like it, it seems to have popped up out of nowhere, without any information or resume, and it was airborne directly."

After hearing this, the others said one after another: "That may be from the old Xiaoyao Mansion.

I heard that all the characters from Xiaoyao Mansion are powerful characters, and they are very difficult to deal with.

"Don't panic, things are not so scary. A governor who just took office doesn't even know the big and small affairs of Chang'an, he can't even control the power, and he can't even mobilize government officials. How can he control Chang'an.

Just keep an eye on him, our plan remains the same, don't be affected by it, let alone scare yourself. "



Three days later!
"How's the situation?"

In front of Zhang Ren stood a mysterious man.

The man respectfully replied:
"General, I just learned that the real target of the Great Zhou this time is actually the Ba Kingdom. That Wang Jian took the main force of the Yaoguang (Pojun) group army along the Zishui River to Guanghan, and was planning to attack the Ba Kingdom's West Conquest Army. , not really to attack our Shu Kingdom."

Hearing this, a smug smile rose on Zhang Ren's face.

The confidants asked: "General, do we want to tell Ba Guo this news?"

"Why tell them, wouldn't it be good to let Da Zhou fight Ba Guo?" Zhang Ren sneered:

"We are enemies with Da Zhou, so why not with Ba Guo?"

"It wouldn't be better to let the two wolves fight each other and consume each other. When they are tired from fighting, we will take back what we have done and even take Ba Guo down."

Zhang Ren's goal has never been a Shu country.

Not to mention lingering.

What he wants is the Great Southwest, the Kingdom of Ba, the Kingdom of Shu, and Hanzhong.

He also wants a big week.

"Then what should we do now, General?"

Everyone in Shu also felt that there was nothing wrong with it.

It is right to unite with Pakistan to deal with Da Zhou.

But the Ba Kingdom is the deadly enemy of the Shu Kingdom, and now the Ba Kingdom still occupies the land of the Shu Kingdom.

Both Da Zhou and Ba Guo are not good birds.

Zhang Ren thought for a while and said: "Just follow the plan, and we don't know about it. We eat up the small Zhou army that came over, and then push back to capture Fuling and Zitong, and seal the retreat of the Dazhou Yaoguang army. , and then let the people of Da Zhou fight with Ba Guo, and when they are almost done fighting, they will go south to cooperate with Ba Guo to eat the Yaoguang army.

At that time, Ba State had no power to maintain the occupied land of Guanghan County, so naturally all of them returned to Ba State! "

Everyone's eyes lit up when they heard the words.

That's right, take Fuling and Zitong mainly.

Cutting off here, it will be difficult for Da Zhou to enter Shu. Shu not only blocked Da Zhou, but also occupied the upper reaches, and had a positional advantage over Ba Guo's Western Expedition Army.

Next, Da Zhou wanted to retaliate and also attacked Pakistan.

The Kingdom of Shu can sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight, and slowly recuperate.




In front of King Jiandi, there was also a mysterious man with his mouth and nose covered and only his eyes exposed.

"King Di, soon Diandi, Chundi, and Baidi will attack your tribe, and your tribe may be dying!"

King Jiandi asked with doubts: "Why do you want to help us? Are you from the Great Zhou? Or from the Shu Kingdom? Or from the Zhang family?"

"Sorry, I'm just here to deliver news, not to clear up doubts." The mysterious man reminded coldly:
"Finally, I would like to send you a message. There are a batch of weapons in the mountains at the border between your department and Gangdi. I heard that they are very useful. If you like them, you can take them. If you don't like them...you should move to the west or go south to the Kingdom of Shu as soon as possible!"

Without waiting for King Jiandi to reply, the mysterious man turned around and left the hall, and then disappeared with a leap.

This kind of skill, with their current strength, can't stay at all.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for King Jiandi to let the other party appear so arrogantly, let alone let them leave so gracefully.

"King, what shall we do?"

All the generals in the Di Department asked one after another.

Now that the Jiandi Department has no allies, it is difficult to deal with the progress of Diandi, Chundi, and Baidi.

If you move westward, you will enter the territory of the plateau Qiang, and those people are truly barbarians.

Even more savage than they are.

As for going south to Shu Kingdom, it is not a good choice.

If possible, of course I don’t want to leave my hometown.

King Jiandi sat on the chair, opened his eyes after thinking for a long time, glanced around and said, "Go and get those weapons first, and then we can do anything with good weapons. Diandi, Chundi, It is not so easy for Bai Di to destroy our department."

"It's not a last resort. I think everyone doesn't want to leave here. If you don't want to, then make a desperate plan."

"It's the king!"

(End of this chapter)

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