I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 595 Established Facts

Chapter 595 Established Facts
Guanghan County!
Ma Chao's troops moved forward as planned, but when they reached Mianzhu, they suddenly turned eastward and did not continue westward.

This surprised the Shu officials who ambushed him.

"Ma Chao went east, how many people did he bring?"

General Pingdong of the Kingdom of Shu asked, and his subordinates replied: "Just take his 3000 soldiers. These Di people are good at climbing and walking in mountains. We lost them."

"Incompetence, in the territory of our Shu Kingdom, people have disappeared from under their noses." General Pingdong of the Shu Kingdom was so angry that he wanted to draw his sword to kill, but he calmed down quickly.

"What does Ma Chao want to do? He suddenly disappeared in the attacking route. Why would he do this? I can't figure it out!"

After murmuring a few words, the General Pingdong of the Shu Kingdom said: "Send someone to search eastward, and someone will definitely find them, and we can't let them sneak in."

"It's the general!"

So where did Ma Chao go? Of course, it was a few counties to the east. This is the defense zone that Ba Guo secretly retreated to at this time.

To the west and to the north, the Ba Kingdom Yijing was quietly handed over to the Shu Kingdom.

The counties to the east and south are still in their own hands.

That's why Ma Chao came here directly in order to involve Ba Qing's West Conquest army.

At this time, Ba State did not know that Ma Chao was coming, and Shu State did not remind Ba State.

Originally, the Kingdom of Shu wanted Da Zhou and Ba Zhong to fight each other, so I wouldn't say much.

A few days later, the Ba Kingdom was still waiting for the news of the war between the Shu Kingdom and the Great Zhou.

However, it was quiet in the north, and there was no collision between the two armies, and no news of an ambush by the Shu Kingdom.

This made the Pakistani side wonder.

After creating such good conditions, Da Zhou and Shu have not yet started fighting.

Just when the Pakistan side was also suspicious, a general rushed in suddenly: "General, it's not good, our military camp outside the city was attacked by the Shu army.

Now the fighting outside the city is extremely lively, and the general is also invited to send troops to help. "

"What's going on? How could the Shu army come to attack us again? They're crazy." General Zhengxi of the Ba Kingdom didn't believe it.

At this time, although the Ba Kingdom and the Shu Kingdom have not formally submitted an alliance, there is no exchange of ambassadors, and there is no written agreement, but the tacit understanding between the two countries against the enemy is there.

And how could the Kingdom of Shu abandon the great enemy Dazhou and not fight, and ran to attack their Ba Kingdom.

"General, that's the truth. The people of Shu are attacking like crazy, and the weapons they use are much better than before. Although there are not many people, they are extremely tough. They are probably transferred from the northwest, which is quite different from the previous ones. Same!"

"Damn it, then kill me first and then talk about it, save some lives, and then I can question the Kingdom of Shu, what are they going to do?" General Zhengxi did not hesitate, and immediately led everyone out of the city with their own troops to rescue the big ones outside the city. camp.

When they came out, the so-called Shu army that attacked the city was still attacking the camp outside the city.

"All the soldiers follow me to kill..."


In the dark night, the two armies fought for half an hour before the attacking so-called Shu army withdrew.

"Chasing, don't let a Shu person go, these damned bastards are making progress, we must teach them a lesson.

"Chasing, killing..."

Soon, the red-eyed Ba soldiers chased after the so-called retreating direction of the Shu army.


Azusa Water Upstream!

"How is it?"

Wang Jian led the army to stop here, looking at Humanity who came back from the south.

"Commander, General Ma Chao successfully tricked the Pakistani army into attacking the vanguard of our army, and our army's forward suffered heavy losses. Please, Commander, be the master of the vanguard!"

Wang Jian drew his sword and directed it to the side: "The generals obey the order, attack the Ba army, cut off the retreat of the Ba army to conquer the west, and control the Fushui!"

"No!" All the generals had already been gearing up for a long time. After hearing the order, they went down one by one, leading the soldiers towards Guanghan City.

Seeing that all the generals had left, Wang Jian said, "How is General Meng Qi?"

"Commander, General Ma is fine. There are no generals in the Pakistani army who can fight against General Ma. General Ma will bring the remnants of his troops and approach our army."

"That's good." Wang Jian put away his sword, and said to Zhang Liang:
"Sir, I trouble you to write a letter to denounce Pakistan, and go to its army to paralyze this army that conquered the West!"

"Okay, wait a moment, Commander."

Zhang Liang asked his subordinates to grind it, then wrote a pleading letter, and then ordered someone to transcribe, print and send it to various places.

Then Zhang Liang took the letter of pleading written by himself to the camp of the Ba State Conquest Army.

Of course Zhang Sanfeng was also there.


count counties!

There was a lot of hype within the Pakistani Army to Conquer the West.

"What should we do now? We fell into the trap of the Shu people, chased them out and killed the wrong army of Dazhou. What should we do?"

"Why did the vanguard of the Great Zhou suddenly appear to the north of several counties of ours? Shouldn't they be in Mianzhu?"

"Probably changed his mind suddenly and wanted to break through the defense of the Shu army from the south. He detected in advance that there was a change in the north, and changed his way temporarily. After all, most of this vanguard army is Di, and these Di people are better at marching and fighting in mountains. "

General Zhengxi also had a big head at this time.

Why is it like this.

There was a smell of conspiracy hanging over several counties, which made him depressed.

Soon a city gate general came over and said, "The general is not good. Zhang Liang, the strategist of the Dazhou Yaoguang (Breaking Army) Legion, has come to Xingshi to question the teacher, and he brought that Zhang... Sanfeng!"

"What? So fast!"

General Ba Guozhengxi stood up abruptly, his expression changed drastically.

The eyes are cloudy.

The hall also suddenly fell silent.

Zhang Liang, this person is Ye Qing's confidant.

They have stayed in Jiangzhou City a lot.

Even their Emperor His Majesty respected them extremely.

Not to mention Zhang Sanfeng, this guy is a sixth-rank supreme master.

Even in their Daba country, few people can beat him.

After deliberating for a long time, General Zhengxi did not send someone to let Zhang Liang in, but said to everyone: "Come with me to meet Zhang Liang and see what he wants to do?"

The crowd followed General Zhengxi to the North City Gate very quickly.

Sure enough, there were Zhang Liang, Zhang Sanfeng, and a dozen soldiers outside.

Although the number of people was small, the anger on their faces was obvious.

"Mr. Zifang's sudden visit, what's the matter?" General Zhengxi asked.

Zhang Liang and Cui Ma approached and said: "General, I am here to seek an explanation for General Ma, the vanguard general of our Southwest Army. I traveled thousands of miles to help Ba Kingdom deal with Shu Kingdom, but was suddenly attacked by your country and was killed or injured. About two thousand soldiers, don’t know what this means in your country?”

General Zhengxi and the others looked rather ugly.

About [-] people were killed or injured, which is probably a serious matter.

But he still pretended not to be clear and said: "Oh, there is such a thing? How is this possible? Our Pakistan and Da Zhou are allies. The two armies have cooperated for a long time and have always been harmonious and smooth. How can our Pakistan army What about attacking Da Zhou's army?"

The people around him also chimed in: "In other words, our Ba army is in several counties, and your Dazhou army is in the area of ​​Mianzhu. The distance between the two armies is very far. How could it be possible to kill by mistake, let alone an attack?"

(End of this chapter)

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