Chapter 596
"So the general won't admit it."

Zhang Liang said in a cold voice, "It's still to say that among Ba Guo's majestic conscript army, none of them dared to admit that they had made a mistake."

On the city, General Zhengxi and all the generals were silent.

They couldn't answer that.

Now even Bite can't admit that they attacked Da Zhou's troops.

After all, the fact is that they terminated the contract with Da Zhou Yi Jing invisibly, and they are no longer allies.

But they cannot open the head of the covenant.

"Hahaha, what a Ba Kingdom conquering the west army, dare to act but dare not to act, no wonder you secretly handed over the covenant with the Shu Kingdom, sending Mianzhu, Luo County and other places to the Shu Kingdom, and let them attack the Southwest Army Corps that ambushed my Great Zhou. .”

"The Ba Kingdom has no faith and no righteousness. It's thanks to me that I sent a navy to help you capture so many territories in the Shu Kingdom before the Great Zhou Dynasty."

"At the time when Dianjiang in your country of Ba was in danger, it was my soldiers from Dazhou who risked their lives to help you take back the city and control of Sanshui. I didn't expect you, the country of Ba, to be such a white-eyed wolf."

"Okay, since your Ba Kingdom is willing to form an alliance with the Shu Kingdom to entrap my Great Zhou, then my Great Zhou will have nothing to do with your Ba Kingdom from now on, and you and I will be enemies from now on."

After speaking, Zhang Liang turned around and left.

Zhang Sanfeng and the others didn't say a word, and left silently.


General Zhengxi has a hard time.

The generals looked at each other
This is too much, if there is a disagreement, the relationship will be broken.

They also spoke harshly, wanting to become enemies with each other.

"General, it seems that what Zhang Liang said is not false, we should report it to Jiangzhou earlier to let His Majesty know!"

General Zhengxi sighed helplessly when he heard the words: "Oh, it has to be like this. This time, the Southwest Army of Dazhou didn't get caught, and killed two thousand Di people. It was a mistake. I guess I will be replaced. !"

"Don't say that, General. This may be... the fault of the Shu Kingdom."

"Shu Kingdom!" General Zhengxi suddenly shot a fierce light in his eyes when he heard the words.

Shu Kingdom, it is really possible, these damned Shu people can't believe it.

It is a misfortune rather than a blessing for our Pakistani country to form an alliance with it.


Jiameng City!
"Soldiers, the Ba Kingdom betrayed their promises, colluded with the Shu Kingdom, and ambushed my great Zhou's southward vanguard army, what do you say!"

Zhou Yu stood on the deck of the third-floor ship and swept towards the soldiers of each ship.

All the officers and men of the navy roared back one after another: "Fight Ba, go into Ba, and teach them a lesson!"

"Avenge our dead brother! Avenge...!"

Zhou Yu pulled out his sword and said, "Okay, since everyone thinks we should take revenge, then come south with me to take revenge!"

"Vengeance! Revenge! Revenge!"

"Set sail, raise the sails..."

All the troops started to get busy one after another, and soon the navy army set sail and headed towards Jingyou.

They are all familiar with the downstream water pattern geography.

How many cities are there, and what are the characteristics of each city?

Where is suitable for ambush, where is suitable for combat, and where can be landed, it has been clearly inquired through.

Recorded carefully.

I saw Da Zhou's navy and warships heading south.

The Ba Guo generals and officials stationed in Langzhong received the news immediately.

But each one was puzzled.

"Have we invited the navy of Dazhou to go south to help?"

Everyone shook their heads.

"No, the atmosphere in Jiangzhou is not right now. It seems that the relationship between my Ba Kingdom and Da Zhou is about to falter, and instead I have started to hook up with Shu Kingdom."

"Playing the piano, are all the officials in Jiangzhou crazy? They don't know how powerful the Great Zhou Navy is, don't they know how sharp the warships of the Great Zhou Navy are?"

"In this way, these warships are not invited to go south, but to attack us. What can we do to stop them?"

Amid some sighs, the guard waved his hands and said, "Notify the water village, prepare for battle, and at the same time send out warships, ask the navy of Da Zhou why they went south!"

Soon the warships of the Baguo navy stationed in Langzhong blocked the front of the Dazhou navy against the current.

"Shuai Zhou, the Pakistani navy asked us, what are we doing going south?"

Zhou Yu said directly: "Tell the navy of the Ba Kingdom that there are generals and officials guarding Langzhong, and tell them that the Ba Kingdom has broken the covenant, betrayed their promises, and colluded with the Shu Kingdom to entrap our Da Zhou soldiers and kill our Da Zhou generals. People, I, Da Zhou, are now attacking the Ba Kingdom in the name of justice.

The whole country of Pakistan has to bear the price, either surrender to Kaesong, or die in battle! "

The meaning of the Dazhou navy was transmitted, and the Pakistani navy was shocked when they heard it.

Soon he realized the seriousness of the situation, so he reported to the guard in Langzhong.

All the generals in the city looked at each other after listening

All of them looked bitter.

"Everyone, the worst thing has happened. The Great Zhou Navy is here to attack. Get ready to fight!"

After the guard had finished speaking, the other lieutenants were heartbroken.

One heart ashes.

Really want to fight Da Zhou.

What are they holding on to.

The water army in the water village will be killed by Da Zhou immediately.

Then the city was besieged by the Zhou army.

"Everyone, we have no choice. Langzhong is the first checkpoint. Even if we don't want to fight, have you ever thought about the people in Jiangzhou and our family?"

Mentioning this, everyone loses their temper at all.

You can only consider yourself unlucky.

The generals of the downstream cities can surrender, because they are close to the Zhou River, and once they break through, they will soon be able to reach Jiangzhou.

As for Langzhong, the first pass defense, if they surrender without a fight, the news will soon spread to Jiangzhou, and the emperor will execute their family members immediately.

So they can't surrender.

Can only fight to the death.

"It's the general, fight to the death! Fight to the death!"

Zhou Yu did not attack immediately, but waited for Ba to prepare.

It wasn't until all the naval forces of the Ba Kingdom pulled out of the water fortress that they waved their hands and said, "Attack and crush them."

The warships of both sides know each other well, so it is almost impossible to use any wonderful tactics.

Soon the two armies clashed and fought.

The long-range weapons of the bed crossbows on the Dazhou Navy are enough for the warships of the Ba Kingdom.

How did the Ba Kingdom abuse the Shu Kingdom navy by relying on the Great Zhou Navy, and how it is being abused now.

In less than an hour, the Pakistani navy was wiped out.

In the end, even the water village was attacked by the Zhou army.

Soon Zhou Jun surrounded Langzhong.

The navy blocked the waterways of Langzhong City, and Zhang Liao sent troops to cut off the land roads in Langzhong.

Only then did he calmly set up a posture outside the city.

A trebuchet is assembled.

The stones taken from the spot were piled up one by one under the handling of Lishi.

"Bomb the city! Smash Langzhong to death!"

With a finger of Zhang Liao's long sword, the manipulator immediately loaded the stone bullets, and smashed stones towards Langzhong City one by one.



The huge boulder was smashed down, devastating the originally solid city defense.

The Pakistani army guarding the city fled in all directions, and took refuge in the inner city one after another.

Even the generals who defended the city were extremely pale.

According to this posture, they would not be able to defend for a long time, and Langzhong would be broken.

"General, what should we do now? Zhou's army is not only strong in the navy, but the equipment used by the infantry to attack the city is even stronger and sharper. I'm afraid I won't be able to defend the city today, and I will have to die for the country."

"I'm afraid that it will be in vain for me to die for my country. The Zhou army has such powerful weapons, and the capital will not be able to defend it for a long time. My country of Ba will perish..."

(End of this chapter)

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