Chapter 597

The trebuchet smashed directly for half an hour.

The city gates and walls of Langzhong were smashed and collapsed, and the solid defenses were smashed.

"Shenji Battalion, attack!"

Zhang Liao pointed forward with his sword, and the Shenji Battalion finally had a crossbow in their hands, and cooperated with two rows of ordinary shield soldiers to attack the city.

In the city, the Pakistani soldiers, who were terrified by the boulders falling from the sky, carefully climbed up the mess and destroyed more than half of the broken city wall.

As soon as he showed his head, he was forced back by the crossbow arrows of the Shenji Camp under the city.

Those who reacted slowly were killed by the arrow directly.

"My God, the Zhou army's arrow array is so sharp that it can shoot so many crossbow arrows in an instant, this battle is impossible!"

"Withdraw, withdraw into the city, and fight in the streets."

I don't know which general shouted, and went directly to the city regardless of Zhuo Shiyi's order

As soon as he ran, more soldiers followed.

As a result, the Shenji Battalion did not encounter any resistance when they attacked the city gate.

The city gate was taken very smoothly.

"Continue to attack, move forward!"

After entering the city, Shenjiying did not relax its vigilance.

Although the city gate is occupied.

However, the Pakistani defenders in the city did not suffer any substantial losses.

Therefore, the resistance in the city should be more intense.

After entering the main street, the Shenji Camp began to disperse and advance in all directions, cleaning up the streets and alleys one by one, and cleaning up the houses one by one.

Sure enough, the hidden Pakistani army was quickly discovered.

"Hush..." The crossbow fired instantly.

Dozens of crossbow arrows flew past.

Short and powerful, it shot down the Pakistani soldiers who were about to rush out for handover.

One by one, the Pakistani soldiers died in peace.

With such a sharp melee weapon, it is difficult to break through the defense and fight personally.

Occasionally someone succeeds, but only a few.

Most of the information was shot and cleared by the Shenji Battalion before the Pakistani army fought.

Soon the Shenji Battalion attacked the government office
Here the Pakistani army is unable to retreat.

When the government office was seized, Langzhong was declared completely lost.

"General, the Pakistani army is concentrated in the county office, and the resistance is very strong."

The generals on the front line came to Zhang Liao and said, "General, if we attack by force, we will suffer many casualties. Please mobilize stronger weapons to fight!"

Although the Liannu is sharp, it is not conducive to breaking the defense.

Without hesitation, Zhang Liao said directly, "Okay, bring our bed crossbows here and blast through the enemy's blocking point."


The soldiers below went to prepare things immediately.

Then Zhang Liao added: "If the bed crossbow doesn't work, just push two catapults in, and the battle must be resolved before dark today!"

"It's the general!"

Someone else took the order.

At this time Zhou Yu came over and said, "Wen Yuan, I will leave the matter here to you. Our navy will go south first, and I will leave the troop carrier and a small number of warships to cooperate with you."

"Okay, Gongjin, you go first, I hope Anhan and Dianjiang will not have such a big resistance, I wish you a smooth victory." Zhang Liao clasped his fists and said.

Then Zhou Yu led the navy down the river and arrived at Chongguo the next day.

However, because Chongguo City was not on the banks of the Shui River in the Western Han Dynasty, but on a high plain surrounded by mountains, Zhou Yu's navy could not do anything to this city.

He didn't waste his energy to conquer the country.

Chongguo, as the name suggests, a long time ago, there was a country here called Chongguo.

Chongguo is a small country, which was later annexed by Baguo, and Chongguo City was established in its original place.

This city is relatively closed, so it doesn't matter if you fight or not.

Because it doesn't affect the overall situation.

Moreover, the people of the country have no sense of belonging to Pakistan, so it is better to ignore them.

A day and a half later, the Great Zhou navy appeared in Anhan.

The defenders of Ancheng didn't know what happened upstream, and no one told them what to do.

Soon it was captured by Zhou Yu.

After all, there is not even a navy here. Once the city was surrounded, Zhou Yu left a general, and Wang Ping, who directly used the navy, captured the city.

It took another day and a half before the Dazhou navy went south to Dianjiang.

At this time, Dianjiang was prepared and received news from the southwest.

But I didn't expect the Dazhou navy to attack here so quickly.

It was also a hasty fight for a while.



"Asshole, what is Zhengxi Army doing for food? How could they attack Da Zhou's troops first?"

Bahuang was very angry when he received the news.

They all retreated to several counties, and they were still able to fight against the vanguard army of Da Zhou.

"Your Majesty, it is too late to investigate the crimes of Zhengxi Army at this time. The most important thing is how to deal with the issue of Da Zhou."

"This Liangyijing blatantly announced the severance of diplomatic relations with our country, Ba, and threatened that the Southwest Legion of Dazhou would attack our country. An army of [-] to [-] people began to attack Guangdang and Deyang in the south."

"Your Majesty, if these two cities cannot be defended, Dazhou's Southwestern Army can threaten Dianjiang. If Dianjiang is lost, Jiangzhou will be in danger."

This is just Wang Jian's Yaoguang (Pojun) group army.

You must know that the navy of the Great Zhou Dynasty is still stationed in Jiameng, and it will definitely go south along the water of the Western Han Dynasty.

This is the army that is the biggest threat.

"Decree, immediately mobilize all the naval forces of the empire, and all of them will go to the Dianjiang River for reinforcements." Bahuang also knew that the situation was critical, so he emphasized:
"Especially all the naval forces in Qianwei County have been transferred back, and there is no one left. With the power of the whole country, we must defeat the naval forces of Dazhou."

"It's Your Majesty!"

The generals of the navy replied one after another, and then one by one anxiously went down to transfer troops and ships.

They all have seen how strong Da Zhou's navy is, and they have personally experienced it.

Only by concentrating all the warships and using the technique of pack wolves can there be a chance of winning.

After the generals of the navy went down, the officials from the Ministry of Rites said, "Your Majesty, what should we do with the Xiaoyao Palace?"

Da Zhou and Ba Guo are torn apart, so is Xiaoyao Mansion okay?

"Xiaoyao Mansion...just keep a close watch on it. At the same time, from now on, the docks will not be released without my order, and the non-combat guards will not be released, and the boats will not leave the island!" Ba Huang thought for a while.

On this island, Pakistan has a natural advantage.

Little Xiaoyao Mansion still can't make big waves.

The biggest role of Xiaoyaofu now is to serve as an embassy, ​​and the people inside are all ordinary people.

Don't worry too much about it.

From the beginning to the end, neither the Emperor Ba nor the officials of the Ba Kingdom focused their energy on Jiangzhou City.

So they didn't know how many masters and armed forces of the Great Zhou had entered Jiangzhou and lurked when the two countries broke up.

I don't even know how much strength has been accumulated in Xiaoyao Mansion at this time.

Two days later, the news came back.

"Your Majesty, Guanghan fell, and Dazhou's Yaoguang Army captured Guanghan on the day that Deyang forwarded the small news of the West Conquest Army."

"Your Majesty, Deyang has also fallen, and the Zhengxi Army has lost contact with Dianjiang."

Bahuang and all the officials were astonished.

"What? Lost two cities so quickly, and Da Zhou's infantry attacked so fast?"

Just when everyone was in a trance because of the loss of the two cities.

Suddenly another palace gatekeeper ran over and said, "Your Majesty, the Dianjiang River has fallen! The navy of the Great Zhou Dynasty went south at a very fast speed, and caught our defenders of the Dianjiang River by surprise. The 3 people in our navy rushed to the battle. Losing to the Zhou State Navy, all of them died in battle..."

(End of this chapter)

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