I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 598 The Choice of the Two Kingdoms of Bashu

Chapter 598

Bahuang didn't come up in one breath, and fainted directly on the dragon chair.

The hundred and eighties of Pakistan also only felt that their eyes were dim.

The court hall was instantly shrouded in a haze.

Once Deyang in Guanghan was lost, Zhengxi Army could not come back.

Once the Dianjiang River was lost, the cities in Sanjiang to the north were basically lost as well.

Moreover, the Dazhou navy can directly attack the capital Jiangzhou when it comes down.

At this time, not all of Qianwei's navy had returned.

The strength of the navy is still slightly weak.

"What to do now? What to do?"

"Hey, even if all the navy comes back, they may not be able to defeat Dazhou's navy on the water. The only thing we can rely on is the city wall on Jiangzhou Island."

"Actually, the last thing I want is for our navy to come back. After all, the island's defenses are strong, and Da Zhou will definitely not be able to attack them. On the contrary, our troops returning thousands of miles away will become the prey of Da Zhou's navy and be defeated one by one! "

When everyone heard this, they nodded in agreement.

Jiangzhou Island has not been breached since the founding of the country.

The city is high and strong, and the enemy starts to attack from the pier, and the soldiers and horses invested at one time will not be too many.

Moreover, it is not convenient to charge, so Jiangzhou Island is an unsinkable water fortress that cannot be opened by one man.

When Bahuang Youyou woke up, his face was extremely pale.

"How long?"

"Return to Your Majesty, half a day!"

Ba Huang let out a breath of relief slowly.

He asked again: "Is there any movement from the Great Zhou Navy?"

"Your Majesty, the Great Zhou Navy has stopped at Dianjiang and has not gone south for the time being."

This time is no better than the last time Shu captured Dianjiang.

The Kingdom of Shu captured Dianjiang, but they had no follow-up output, so it was difficult for them to continue going south.

And at that time, Ba State had a navy and a Dazhou navy, so Jiangzhou was not in danger.

This time is different.

It was Zhou Jun who captured Dianjiang, and now there are [-] Yaoguang Legion as backing.

"It's better if you don't go south!" Bahuang's expression improved a little.

Then he asked: "Did you come up with a plan that can stop the Great Zhou's army from continuing to go south?"

All the senior officials beside the dragon bed look at me and I look at you.

There is really no good way to deal with Da Zhou's attack.

Dazhou went south too fast, attacked too fast, and took Dianjiang in just a few days.

"Your Majesty, there are three voices in the court now!" the Minister of the Ministry of Officials said carefully.

Bahuang said: "Say!"

"The first is to stick to Jiangzhou, try to bring all the troops back, and fight a decisive battle with Dazhou. The victory will be determined in one battle."

"The second way is to move the capital to the north, and go to Qianwei County to set up the accompanying capital, and join forces with the Kingdom of Shu to deal with the Great Zhou!"

"The third way is to only defend Jiangzhou, use time to drag down the Great Zhou, let our navy accumulate strength upstream, and at the same time let the Zhengxi Army open up the situation in Guanghan County, take back Deyang, and let Shu take back Guanghan to capture Zitong ” said the Minister of the Ministry of Officials one by one.

Speaking of this, there is still a coda that has not ended.

"Heh, the third method is really good. Jiangzhou City is strong. Even if Dazhou is attacked for several days, it can't be broken. It can drag Dazhou forever!" Ba Huang sneered:
"Do you want me to be a bastard? Can Da Zhou be the same as Shu?"

Bahuang slapped the dragon bed heavily, furious: "Would it be better to just surrender to Dazhou, negotiate a peace with Dazhou, and cede the north of Dianjiang, so that the war will end immediately, and everyone will live in peace!"

"I dare not wait!"

Everyone bowed down one after another.

There are really people with this kind of thinking, and there are many.

After losing the northern part of the Ba Kingdom, it is completely possible to take it back from the Shu Kingdom.

If you can appease Da Zhou's anger, rebuild for good, turn around and fight Shu Kingdom together, and divide the land of Shu Kingdom, it will be a top choice.

It's just that no one dared to bring it up in front of Bahuang.

"Ahem, get out, get out of here." Ba Huang coughed a few times and pointed in the direction of the bedroom:

"Mobilize troops, continue to order the army, all must be withdrawn, and the navy army must not be missing."



"Shuai Zhou, do we want to go south immediately and take Jiangzhou directly?"

Zhou Tai asked.

The other generals are also eager to try, impatient.

After conquering Jiangzhou, the Ba Kingdom was destroyed, and they took all of the Ba Kingdom, and went upstream to take the Shu Kingdom.

Cooperate with the Yaoguang (Pojun) group army, capture the capital of Shu, eat the Kingdom of Shu, and end the war in the Southwest.

Zhou Yu shook his head and said, "No rush, no rush, the naval forces of Ba Kingdom have not yet returned to Jiangzhou, let them all gather in Jiangzhou, we will make a decision, and save them from everywhere."

"Furthermore, the Yaoguang Army has yet to deal with Ba's West Conquest Army. Even if we can take down Jiangzhou, we don't have reliable troops to defend Jiangzhou."

"It's easy to seize Jiangzhou, but it's not so easy to manage it."

Zhou Yu and the others all knew that there was a teleportation formation, so it was easy to break through Jiangzhou from the inside, but what happened after the capture was the most important thing.

Da Zhou did not come to plunder or pass by, but to rule here.

"So, let's take all the cities north of the Dianjiang River in Ba State first, and we'll clear out all the Ba State forces here first, and finally take Jiangzhou." Zhou Tai looked northwest and said: "I don't know Wang Shuai, When will the Western Expedition Army in Pakistan be resolved."

"Don't worry, we are not inferior to the Pakistani army in terms of military strength. The ordnance is better and sharper. The Pakistani army that is in disarray won't last long. It depends on whether Zhang Ren will stand by and whether Shu has a sense of cooperation." Zhou Yu half-heartedly Squinting and jumping in the direction of Guanghan.

However, at this time, the army's morale was indeed in chaos.

They didn't expect Zhou's army to move so fast and captured Guanghan on the second day after declaring war.

Then all the way east, they captured Deyang and cut off their rear.

How Dianjiang and Jiangzhou are like this, I don't know at all.

"Come here, contact the Shu army quickly, and make it clear that we must attack Zhou together. It needs to be urgent. If Shu is slow, and my Ba kingdom is destroyed, his Shu kingdom will not be much better!" Can be appointed as Zhengxi The commander in chief of the army, the general of Ba Guozhengxi is naturally not a stupid person.

Now the situation is so critical that there is no time to think about it, and there is no time to care about it.

The Shu State was even more shocked than the Ba State Conquest to the West.

The main force of the Dazhou Yaoguang Group Army all went south, but the real target was the country of Ba.

The attack on Shu turned out to be just a cover this time.

Zhang Ren was dumbfounded after hearing this.

"Ye Ji, it seems that Da Zhou knew that we were secretly colluding with Pakistan, and discussed the matter of cooperation and joint resistance against Zhou. So he preemptively attacked Ba with all his strength, and caught Pakistan by surprise." Zhang Ren went back and forth. After a few steps, he muttered to himself:
"If the Zishui and Fushuis are like this, the West Hanshui must be the same. The navy army of the Great Zhou rushed forward quickly. It is impossible to say that it will be lost at this time."

"General, what should we do now? If the Ba Kingdom perishes, although we can seize the opportunity to take back our power, we will not be able to defend it. We will soon be captured by the navy of the Great Zhou Dynasty. At that time, our Shu Kingdom will not be able to survive alone!" Zhang Ren The confidant said worriedly.

Zhang Ren ordered decisively: "Immediately sign a contract agreement with the Ba Guoxi Army to take back Guanghan County and Qianwei County.

At the same time, they sent troops to merge with Ba Guoxi's army to attack Guanghan, captured Guanghan and Guangde, and opened up the waterway to Dianjiang. "

"Also, order General Pingdong to attack Fuling. I don't care what method he uses. Within seven days, he must attack Zitong. I want Zitong. I want to cut off the retreat of the Dazhou Yaoguang (Pojun) Army."

"It's the general, I'm going to send an order to gather the army!"

(End of this chapter)

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