I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 599? Agreeing to the field battle

Chapter 599 Agreeing to the Field Battle
"Very good, our navy successfully captured the Dianjiang River, so that the left wing of our Yaoguang Army is safe, and we can safely deal with the Ba State Conquest Army and the Shu State Army in the front." Wang Jian put down the channel in his hand:

"Send someone to notify Wang Ben in Fu County, and tell him to be careful of the Shu army's surprise attack on Fu County and guard the right wing of our army. If Fu County is lost, I will take him as a questioner."

"No!" Someone went to pass the order.

After the herald left, Wang Jian said to Zhang Liang: "According to the advice of the military advisor, the two armies from Ba and Shu will take the initiative to attack us? We only need to use defense as offense!"

Zhang Liang said with a smile: "That's right, Commander Wang, now that we have captured Guanghan and Deyang, the Pakistani army must be anxious and want to open up this waterway as soon as possible. Similarly, the Kingdom of Shu does not want to see us destroy the Kingdom of Ba, and will be in a hurry. Huo, cooperate with Pakistan to attack us, otherwise the longer the delay, the worse it will be for them!"

"We will focus on defending the city to wear down the vigor of the two armies. After they are exhausted, we will be able to destroy the main force in one fell swoop when the whole army is exhausted. Then it will be easy to attack Shu or Qianwei."

"If so, this battle will be easy to fight." Wang Jian stroked his beard and said:
"Just do as the military adviser said, we will defend first and fight back!"

The next day!

Ba Guoxi army marched to the city of Guanghan.

The army set up camp, and General Ba Guozhengxi led his people to the gate of the city.

Surveyed the city defense of Guanghan City.

The whip pointed at the city and said, "Look, a lot of new gadgets have been added to the city. This Wang Jian is not only a man who is good at attacking, but also a general who is good at defending. This city is not easy to attack!"

Not to mention that the city defense has changed, but it has not changed. The Yaoguang Army has 5 to [-] people. With so many soldiers and horses defending the city, it is not easy to fight.

"General, if not, make an appointment with the Zhou army and submit the letter of invitation." A clever general said:
"If the Zhou army agrees, then we can turn its advantage into a disadvantage and turn the siege into a field battle. If the Zhou army disagrees, the morale of the Zhou army will drop a little, and the morale of our army will be stronger, which will be beneficial to the siege!"

The general Zhengxi of Ba Kingdom was overjoyed when he heard the words, so he said: "Okay, let's do it like this, send the letter of war!"

"I guess, Zhou Jun dare not go out to fight in the city, he must want to procrastinate."

"What the general said is true!"

All the generals of the Ba Kingdom's Western Expedition Army flattered them one after another.

So did they.

Zhou Jun will not leave a good city undefended and come out to fight in the field. ,

So this is a conspiracy, which can boost the morale of the West Army.

The morale of the Pakistani soldiers, who were already eager to return home, was high. With encouragement, the fighting spirit became even higher.

The letter of war shot an arrow at the top of the city, and the Pakistani army did not expect Zhou Jun to respond.

So I left without looking back.

Wang Jian took the letter of war sent by his subordinates, sneered and said with disdain: "Little trick! You can't get on the stage."

Zhang Liang took it and read it and said: "It seems that Wang Shuai has a new plan, I think it's okay."

"Since the military advisers think it's feasible, then it must be done!" Wang Jian stood up, his tiger eyes glaring fiercely, piercing people's hearts: "Go back to Ba to conquer the Western Army, and fight in the field tomorrow. Those who don't fight are cowards!"

Someone was leading the way at the moment.

Then Wang Jian said again: "Beat the drum and gather the generals to discuss the matter of going to battle tomorrow!"

It seems that it is really about to fight.

Didn't we say to use defense as offense?

Zhang Liang explained: "Defensive as offensive was used when the two armies of Ba and Shu were united. Now the first army of Ba is under the city, and it's aiming to weaken the morale of our army. So now we can fight with them in the field. Our advantage is to go to the city first, seize its vigor, and destroy its prestige."

It was only then that the generals realized that it was so.

The way of the art of war should be learned and used flexibly, sincerity is not deceitful.

The Western Expeditionary Army outside the city quickly received a response from Da Zhou.

One by one was also taken aback for a while.


"Yes, I agree. Aren't you guys going to fight? We agree to the agreement!" The person who came to deliver the letter replied honestly.

We didn't want to really fight.

I didn't expect you to really agree to the field battle.


How can you agree.

General Zhengxi looked a little embarrassed, waved his hand and said: "Okay, you go back, tomorrow our army will fight as scheduled."

The messenger clasped his fists and left.

Leave the Pakistani generals looking at each other in blank amazement.

"Okay, so far, tomorrow will be a field battle with Zhou Yaoguang's army. Our army has [-] troops. With a superior force, we will definitely be able to create a great Zhou army."

Accept it or not.

Fortunately, the Zhengxi army has the advantage of a large force, otherwise, they really would not dare to fight against the Zhou army.

Zhou people's combat power is much stronger than theirs.

Having fought with it, they know it well.

What's more, the Yaoguang Army can even defeat Guanghan and Deyang, which is very clear.

Both sides began to prepare for this unplanned field battle.

The next day, the armies of both sides left the city and camp.

On the Da Zhou side, Wang Jian mobilized 4 horses in the shape of a wild goose.

The [-] troops of the Pakistani army are deployed in a square formation.

Soon a general rushed out from Da Zhou's side, holding the Da Zhou flag in his hand, and inserted it between the two armies.

Ba Guo also ran over with a battle flag in his hand, and planted it a foot away.

The general on Zhou Jun's side asked, "Do you dare to fight the general?"

The general on Ba's side hesitated for a moment and replied, "No fight!"

Fighting General, who knows what will happen.

With the advantage of a large army, what kind of personal heroism is playing.

Ba Jun is not stupid.

In order to avoid long nights and dreams, of course it is an army competition, with twice the number of people crushing and defeating the Dazhou Yaoguang Army.

Fighting generals are based on things that are empty-headed.

If there is no fight, the generals of both sides will turn back.

Then start drumming.

"Dong dong dong..."

The war drums on both sides went from slow to slow, from less to more.

Beat the drum to attack, rush to charge with the drum.

The front teams of the two armies began to slowly advance towards each other.

In the middle of the walk, Da Zhou stopped, and the troops on both wings began to move forward, maintaining the wild goose formation and lengthening the defense in depth.

Because the Pakistani army has a large number of troops, the phalanx advances as a whole without considering the depth.

"Attack, smash the Zhou army, advance the whole army, take it all at once..."

General Zhengxi of Ba State pointed his sword and ordered the generals of all armies.

The generals commanded their subordinates and began to charge toward Da Zhou.

And Wang Jian's order to his subordinates was that the front troops as a whole should defend themselves, and even the two wings should erect wide shields.

Add a long spear or dagger.

The spearmen are behind, followed by the soldiers with bows and crossbows.

After them came the Chinese Army.

The row of bed crossbows in the middle of the Chinese army moved forward obliquely at an angle of more than 45 degrees, and a crossbow arrow was loaded into it.

On the two wings of the central army, there are rows of trebuchets.

The stone bombs were also stacked on the left and right carts instead of on the ground.

This makes it easy to move to deal with battlefield situations that may occur at any time.

The logistics support of the Yaoguang Army can be said to be at its maximum.


As soon as the trumpet is sounded, the whole army is in awe.

Staring at the Pakistan army rushing forward.

Soon Wang Jian pointed with his long sword.

The flag bearer waved the green flag in his hand.

The next moment, the generals commanding the bed crossbow and the catapult shouted angrily: "Let go!"


Countless bed crossbow arrows shot out.

Stone bullets made the sound of piercing the wind, passed over the heads of the soldiers of the army, and hit the front team of the Pakistani army in a parabolic direction...

(End of this chapter)

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