I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 600? The Pakistani Army Retreats

Chapter 600 The Pakistani Army Retreats
"That is……"

The generals of the Ba Guoxi Army looked up at the long crossbow arrows and boulders that swept through the air, and they were all dumbfounded.

This is Da Zhou's weapon.

next moment.


A huge boulder fell down.

Smash the Pakistani soldiers into the air.

A bloody mess.

Then more boulders fell.

The soldiers of the Pakistani army wanted to dodge in horror, but this thing landed randomly.

Even if you avoid it, you may be injured by it a second time.

In addition, countless bed crossbows flew over.

The Pakistani soldiers holding the shields were also taken away by Sweep.

Whether it is the left and right wings or the front team of the Pakistani army in the middle, they were hit and scattered one after another.

The rhythm of the attack was immediately knocked out.

The formation of the phalanx is even more chaotic.

"General, if you fight like this... I'm afraid... you won't be able to attack!"

Da Zhou actually had such a sharp weapon.

The Pakistani army suddenly felt an urge not to fight.

This is just the beginning, Zhou Jun's powerful scriptures greeted their imagination.

General Ba Guozhengxi's face was not much better, but he is the coach, so he sternly shouted: "Stop talking nonsense, continue to attack, the Zhou army has strong weapons, we should eat them even more, if we can get their powerful weapons, this It will have a huge effect on our Pakistani country in the future, and the strength of our Pakistani country begins here!"

"Order all the ministries to continue the attack, retreat and cut, and kill those who run away timidly!"

"No!" Only then did everyone cheer up.

With a little bit of chicken blood, I was excited.

Continue to command operations.

But things are often not transferred according to the will of the individual.

They were unable to break through the front row of shield soldiers and spearmen of the Zhou army, and the Pakistani army was constantly bombarded by the army's bed crossbows and catapults, causing a sharp increase in casualties.

When they got close to the Zhou army, there were covering crossbows, which directly killed the rows of Pakistani troops.

The two armies fought like this for four quarters.

The Ba army is the main offensive, and the Zhou army is attacking and defending.

The spirit of the Pakistani army was directly defeated. Not only did the offensive fail to make progress, but on the contrary there were countless casualties.

"Wang Shuai, I think the Pakistani army can't hold on anymore. Their offensive has passed the frontier, and they are powerless to advance. It's our turn to fight back!"

Zhang Liang and Wang Jian stood on the watchtower, looking at the battlefield as well.

Keenly noticed the changes in the battlefield.

Wang Jian slightly nodded and said: "Zifang has also noticed the changes in our two armies. The Pakistani army is indeed weakened. Their front team is almost wiped out. The middle army and the rear team are also affected by the front team. Morale It fell."

"Come here! Send an order to let the trebuchet and bed crossbow extend their strikes."

"Notify all the ministries to prepare to attack, and let General Ma Chao hear the sound of the drum and rush out from the right flank. He will definitely attack the enemy's left flank and disrupt the central army!"

Looking at the entire battlefield, Wang Jian quickly adjusted his troops.

Although Ma Chao's army was small, only [-] cavalry came, but it was a strange force.

The Pakistani army certainly did not expect that the Fluctlight Army would attack them with cavalry.

After all, it is too difficult for the cavalry to go south from Hanzhong.

Moreover, the Fluctlight Army did not have any cavalry.

In the entire southwestern region, there is no cavalry battle in the first place, and it is mainly based on infantry battles.

But Wang Jian just used it this time.

Who knows that there is an open land in the west of Guanghan City, and the area of ​​Shudu is also an inner plain area, which is also used for cavalry.

After a while, Zhou Jun's side was all ready.

The sound of the drums began to change, and the whole army became restless.

"All armies obey orders and attack! Get rid of Ba Guo for me!"

The generals on Zhou Jun's side received the signal and began to clamor, one by one ordering to take the initiative to attack.

The soldiers of the Fluctuating Light Legion have long held their breath.

It was all defensive just now, although countless Pakistani countries were killed.

But as a soldier, who the fuck likes to be beaten passively.

Direct punching is all a man should do.

Moreover, defensive counterattacks are only hard work, and it is impossible to accumulate military exploits.

Take the initiative to attack and kill the enemy soldiers to count the heads.

So the soldiers of the Fluctuating Light Legion screamed one by one, and rushed over with their weapons.

They trampled on the corpses of the Pakistani soldiers they had just shot down the mountain like tigers.

Xiaoyong fought back.

General Ba Guozhengxi also quickly discovered this problem.

"Look, general, there are enemy cavalry over there..."

Suddenly someone pointed to the left direction, and a cavalry team rushed out, charging towards the left flank of our side.

Although there are not many people, there are only five hundred riders.

However, it is quite dangerous for an infantry regiment to fight with a cavalry.

"Stop them, hurry up, send troops, stop them!"

General Ba Guozhengxi was aware of this dangerous uneasy element, and immediately ordered his hands to intercept it.

But it was Ma Chao who rushed over.

Rank four generals.

With the spear in hand, he rushed forward in an instant, took the lead, and stabbed out with a single spear.

The Pakistani shield soldiers standing in front were stabbed and flew away.

Then Ma Chao's war horse leaped in.

The long gun swept away.

The soldiers of the Ba Kingdom all around gave out and were knocked into the air.

A gap appeared, and the former cavalry guards followed behind.

With continuous crossbow shooting, the Pakistani soldiers who wanted to come over to seal their mouths fell to the ground one after another.

Then the former cavalry guards stabbed over with their guns.

The Pakistani soldiers who stood in front fell down again.

Ma Chao led five hundred cavalry to successfully enter, and then charged towards the position of the enemy's central army.

The spears waved from side to side, and the soldiers along the way were shot to death one after another.

At this time, the general of the Pakistani army who was ordered to intercept them greeted him.

"Zhou will die!"

Ma Chao fixed his eyes and snorted coldly: "The second grade dares to come and give it away!"

It's too late, it's too soon.

Ma Chao hit hard with his spear.

The two bars of weapons shook heavily, and the sound of Jin Ming sounded.

The Pakistani general's arm went numb, and his eyes showed horror.

Four products.

Looking at the tiger's mouth, it was bleeding.


Ma Chao swung his stick and stabbed, and struck the enemy general's chest as fast as lightning.

This enemy general is also worthy of the strength of the second rank, and he is one of the strongest generals in the Zhengxi Army.

With rich experience, he was busy and took over Ma Chao's ultimate move.

However, Ma Chao staggered past him, retracted his gun, then leaned back in a horseback posture, and shot again from the back.

This shot is faster.

Directly stab the enemy general in the ribs.

The spear was extremely sharp and pierced into the internal organs.

The enemy general howled miserably, waving his weapon to fight Ma Chao with his life.

But Ma Chao pushed it hard and picked it up.

Then he swung it vigorously, the enemy general screamed again, and then flew into the enemy soldiers several feet away.

Life and death are unknown.

Ma Chao didn't have the time to care about him, so he led all the soldiers to continue to rush towards the enemy's army.

He is not a direct attack, but a left turn for a while, and a right turn for a while.

Constantly rushing left and right in the enemy army, disrupting the enemy army.

Wang Jian and others were overjoyed.

Wang Jian personally beat the drums to help the battle, and the whole army attacked.

It was decisive to devour the front team of the Pakistani army.

Eat it clean, and then charge towards the soldiers in the Pakistani army.

The two wings of the wild goose formation began to outflank.

The trebuchet was also pushed forward, continuing to strike.

The two wings of the Pakistan army were smashed, and the formation was in chaos.


Seeing this situation, General Zhengxi of the Ba Army was powerless.

Although there are a lot of people on our side, they can block the advance of the Zhou army, and the other side still has [-] cavalry to charge forward.

The Chinese army is in chaos. If they don't withdraw at this time, they will eat up more of their own Chinese army when the two wings of the Zhou army are encircled next week.

That's where it's most dangerous.

So no matter how unwilling he was, he ordered a retreat decisively.

(End of this chapter)

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