I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 601 ? ? Killed 2 Enemies and Captured 3

Chapter 601 Kill [-] Enemies and Capture [-]
"Withdraw! Quickly withdraw!"

The army was defeated like a mountain.

The retreat was like a dike breaking.

The rear of the Pakistani army retreated, but the Chinese army withdrew due to bad economics.

Either be entangled by Zhou Bing.

Either they were scattered by Ma Chao's mere five hundred riders, and it was impossible to retreat in a unified way.

Forcibly evacuating, that is, one's own people will trample their own people to death.

Besides, their opponent was the famous general Wang Jian.

Seeing that Ba Jun was about to run away, Wang Jian finally had a smile on his rigid face.

"Send the order, the two wings move closer to the middle, tighten the pockets, and prepare to eat a big meal."

Take it when you see it, Wang Jian is not greedy for merit.

He wanted to ensure that while being able to eat the enemy army, he also ensured that the loss of the Fluctlight Army was minimized.

This is something a qualified commander has to consider.

The Southwest battlefield is huge.

Apart from the Fluctlight Army, the Empire will not send any other troops to support them.

So saving enough soldiers and horses is a very important task.

Once the loss is too large, it will directly affect the next battle and the progress of the war.

and even the result.

Soon most of the central army of the Pakistani army was surrounded by the Zhou army, and Ma Chao rushed out from the last encirclement, monitoring the retreating Pakistani army with [-] cavalry.

In case they kill a carbine to rescue the trapped Pakistani army.

The Ba army surrounded in the middle was gradually killed by the Zhou army besieged on all sides.

The number of people began to drop sharply.

The Pakistani army was huddled together in a mess.

If the soldiers don't know the generals, the generals can't fight the soldiers, and they can't be unified at all.

Not to mention defense.

Can only be killed passively.

"Surrender! Surrender! Surrender!"

The shouts of Zhou Jun from all around were matched with the shining weapons.

The besieged Pakistani army had already been beaten out of temper, and all of them were terrified at this time.

After being shot and killed ten waves of people in a row, he finally broke down and couldn't bear it. He dropped his weapon and cried.

The Pakistani army who fled back to the camp saw that all the besieged compatriots surrendered.

One by one lamented unceasingly, and at the same time still had lingering fears.

More confusion about the war.

Even if you lose to the Zhou army in the field battle, can you still win the siege battle?
Can they return to Dianjiang along the Fushui, and return to Jiangzhou City?
The Pakistani army, which was weak in the first battle and frightened, was not afraid to come out after sticking to the camp.

The Yaoguang Group Army drove the captives back to the city, and cleaned up the battlefield by the way, waiting for the Zhou army to leave.

Only then did the Pakistani army dare to come out to collect the corpses of their own family members and bury them.

In the city!

Return with a big victory.

The whole army celebrates, needless to say good wine and good meat.

After nightfall, Wang Jian and Zhang Liang came over with the calculated battle damage report.

"Wang Shuai, our army killed 500 people in this battle, [-] were lightly or seriously injured, and the damage to ordnance was in the tens of thousands."

After listening, Wang Jian smiled and said, "Fortunately, the loss is not big, so how is the result?"

Zhang Liang then replied: "[-] enemies were killed, [-] were captured, and more than [-] weapons and armor were captured!"

"In this way, there are still [-] soldiers and horses in the Ba Kingdom's Western Expedition Army. If you say more, you can say less!" Wang Jian thought for a while and said:
"Tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, shouldn't it be time for the Shu Army to arrive?"

"That's right, Wang Shuai, the Shu army will arrive tomorrow at the earliest, and the day after tomorrow at the latest." Zhang Liang said:

"I estimate that the number of Shu troops heading to our side will be between 2 and [-], and there will be another [-] people who will attack Fu County."

Fu County!

Wang Jian's thoughts suddenly turned to the north.

At this time, Fu County also ushered in its bloody baptism.

General Pingdong of the Kingdom of Shu led his army to the Fushui River quietly.

Standing on a gentle slope and looking across the river, that is the city of Fu County.

"General, we investigated the upstream and downstream separately, and found that the Zhou army was lax in guarding the upstream and did not send any patrol troops.

There are not only many ships in the downstream, but there are garrison points two miles away.It is really difficult to break through and defend from the downstream. "The man who came back replied to General Pingdong.

General Pingdong of the Kingdom of Shu asked, "How many soldiers and horses are there in Fu County, and who are the guards?"

Someone came back and said: "General, the guard seems to be Wang Ben, the son of Wang Jian, with a high level of strength, and the total number of soldiers and horses is 9000.

Among them, 1000 are in the city, and [-] are in various defense points downstream. The upstream is the army of [-]. In addition to routine patrols, these [-] people are also responsible for chopping firewood and providing logistical support for the army. "

"Oh, by the way, General, Zitong seems to have only a thousand old, weak, sick and disabled, and no other troops. Once Fu County is taken, Zitong can easily take it!"

This investigation has been quite careful.

After all, this place used to be the territory of Shu Kingdom.

So these Shu troops are familiar with this area, and a small scouting army can easily pass through and check the information clearly.

The General Zhengxi of the Kingdom of Shu thought for a while when he heard the words.

Wang Ben is an unknown person.

Only by relying on his father's relationship can he sit in a high position.

Such a person has no talent, at most he can be regarded as a warrior.

"Notify the army to gather north and cross the river tonight!"

Then he said to his subordinates: "Kaohsiung, tomorrow you will lead 5000 people to build momentum downstream, pretending to cross the river from the downstream, and restrain Zhou's army!"


All the generals took orders one after another.

In the afternoon, the Shu army gathered towards the upper reaches of the river one after another, and all of them hid in the dense forest.

Waiting for the sky to darken.

When the night fell completely, the Shu army on this side found that the torches on the other side had not been lit for a long time.

Soon someone swam over.

"General, the Zhou army has all withdrawn, and most of them have returned to the city to rest. Now there are three points guarding a hundred soldiers here."

Night battles are all about death and death.

What's more, it is in this place where the big rivers are rushing.

Who would risk their lives for a large army swim in the middle of the night

But this time the Shu Kingdom was also forced to do nothing. It was already difficult to conquer the Fushui.

"Cross the river, hurry up!"

Looking up at the dim sky, the general of the Shu Kingdom knew that there was not much time left for him.

There is no boat, no pontoon bridge, just relying on swimming, not many soldiers can survive a long night.

But for tomorrow's siege, we must swim as many soldiers as possible tonight.

Soon a large number of Shu troops swam over and guarded far away to provide cover for the army.

Fortunately, there have been no accidents.

The Zhou army from far away also stayed in the garrison point, warming up by the fire.

"General, we have crossed 1 horses by the meridian, and it will be dawn soon, shall we still cross?"

The deputy general came over to ask for instructions.

Only then did General Pingdong of Shu recover from his breath.

Glancing at the eastern side, which was about to dawn, he said: "No need, you stay here to lead the other 5000 people, and I will personally cross the river to attack the city."

After speaking, the man got off and walked towards the river.

A group of master guards followed suit.

Soon they also swam across.

"Put the rope away, and don't let the Shu army find out."

"Go east and hide in that valley. After dawn, it's time for Zhou Jun to patrol here. No one can find the sound!"

Everything was perfect, and the [-] Shu troops hid in a valley that had been explored earlier.

Sure enough, after dawn, the soldiers patrolling by the Zhou army began to patrol towards the place where they swam.

But what surprised the Shu army was that the number of patrolling soldiers increased.

Originally 1000 people were arranged upstream, but suddenly it became 6000 people.

Seeing a large number of Zhou troops approaching their hiding place, the generals and soldiers of the Shu army who were watching from the tree outside panicked and immediately slid down the tree.

"General, it's not good. The Zhou army suddenly increased the guard force in the upper reaches of the river, and the number increased from one thousand to six thousand!"

(End of this chapter)

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