Chapter 602


The generals of the Shu army also became astonished.

"Is the Zhou army coming towards us?" General Pingdong of the Shu Kingdom asked hurriedly.

"That's right, general, most of them are coming towards us. It is estimated that they have reached Taniguchi at this time."

"So fast!"

General Pingdong of Shu's scalp felt a little numb, and he was a little dizzy.

He was able to become General Pingdong not because of connections.

Instead, he has his own ability, and only by standing on Zhang Ren's side can he have a chance.

Whether it is his own ability or vision, he is much stronger than others.

Judging from Zhou Jun's abnormal situation, it is likely that their Shu Kingdom was exposed, or even Zhou Jun deliberately lured them in.

But if it's the latter, it's terrible.

It would be terrible if the other party could have guessed this earlier.

Murphy's Law is often true.

Come whatever you are most afraid of.

Soon Zhou Jun stopped at Taniguchi and built a defense outside. Layers of shields added up to seal the exit tightly.

The crossbows, bows and arrows were all aimed inside.

"Listen to the Shu army inside, you are surrounded by Yijing, surrender, you can't escape."

This time, all the [-] Shu troops in the valley were blown up.

They swam hard last night and were cold all night, not to mention cold and hungry.

It is still inexplicably surrounded in the valley.

If you want to go out, the only way is Taniguchi.

"how so!"

"How could we be exposed!"

"It's over, it's over, we're dead!"

There was a lot of discussion in the whole valley.

Anxiety, panic, panic spread to everyone.

"General, what shall we do now?"

All the generals and soldiers cast their eyes on General Pingdong.

General Pingdong's face turned bitter.

With a long sigh, he said: "Go out, now concentrate all our strength, charge once, if you can kill out last, if you can't kill out, then it depends on God's will!"

God willing!

The generals looked at each other in blank dismay.

A group of people listened to the order to deal with General Pingdong first, and organized the soldiers who dared to fight to rush out of the Taniguchi.

"Fire arrows!"

Outside the valley, Wang Ben personally commanded.

Pointing at the long sword, his expression was determined.

Countless bows and arrows flew over.

As many Shu troops rushed up, they died.

After doing this several times, the Shu army lost 600 people and did not dare to charge anymore.

"Listen to the Shu army inside, my deputy commander had already guessed that you would come from the upper reaches to attack Fu County, so he set up a net of heaven and earth, and you have no chance to escape, so you surrender and don't kill."

"My Majesty has been to your country of Shu before, and you are good friends with your Majesty. There is no enmity between the two countries. It is because of Zhang Ren and Zhang's chaos in Shu that the two armies are at war. Our Great Zhou is dealing with Zhang Ren, not you. , you don’t want to sacrifice your life for Zhang Ren, a traitor who killed the king and seized power.”

"Think about the wives and children in your family, what will they do if you are dead?"

"Also, your Highness the Third Princess is also good friends with my Majesty. They both went south to Meimen and had a heart-to-heart friendship. At that time, your Highness the Third Princess said that she hoped that the Kingdom of Shu could restore peace and not war. When the generals of the Great Zhou Dynasty enter Shu, they will definitely welcome your third princess back, and not let her wander outside, wandering indefinitely..."

Facing a sentence of attacking words.

The soldiers of the Shu army who had no hope of breaking through the encirclement in the valley dropped their weapons one after another.

This battle is out of the question.

It is true that what Zhou Jun said is the same, they do not want to fight for Zhang Ren.

The top generals are Zhang Ren's subordinates, but the middle and grassroots are not.

They don't care about that much.


Facing the discerning subordinates, General Pingdong's confidantes also began to feel apprehensive.

In such an environment, there is no way to restrain your subordinates.

Otherwise, internal strife will break out.

"Huh!" Chang Changhe exhaled.

General Pingdong also made a difficult decision, gritted his teeth and said, "Tell Zhou Jun that I want to negotiate with their chief general."


After all, he resigned to his fate.

In such a passive situation, he couldn't think of how to gain hope.

Hearing this, Wang Ben waved his hand and said, "Let go, the opponent's master will come out."

Soon General Pingdong of the Kingdom of Shu came out, with two warriors by his side, both of whom were at the third rank.

But the three of them didn't dare to move.

Looking at the young general who was only about twenty, a hint of surprise flashed in the eyes of the three of them.

This Wang Ben is not only the second generation of the army, but also so young.

Were they defeated by such a number one person?
It is ironic and unwilling.

"Tell me, what else do you want to talk about?" Wang Ben emphasized:

"If you want to get close to me, and then control me and coerce the army to let you go, then you are planning to make a mistake.

Even if you succeed, I will not let the soldiers let you go. The soldiers of my Great Zhou will only kill you all at the fastest speed, including the people in the valley. "

Wang Ben faced the three people of Shu Kingdom alone, frankly and fearlessly.

This made General Shu Pingdong stunned for a moment.


In contrast, their Shu Kingdom lost in tolerance.

Great Zhou, Great Country, Great General.

"General Wang, we have no intention of harming you and holding you hostage." General Shu Kingdom Pingdong asked:
"General, after our army surrenders, how will you deal with our army's generals?"

Deal with generals, not soldiers.

Wang Ben said coldly: "The generals will be sent to Hanzhong uniformly, and your lives will not be hurt for the time being. If you cooperate with our army, you will be exempted from rewards. If you are useless, you will be sent to a labor camp for education."

Exemption rewards for good performance.

Undoubtedly this is good news.

This is another form of wooing in disguise, and it depends on who knows the practice.

But where is the labor camp and what kind of education will be provided.

It confuses them.

But Wang Ben won't explain much.

Because in essence, this Shu army is not qualified to negotiate with him.

Unless you take the initiative to vote, there are still conditions.

"Thank you General, I understand, please allow us to go back and think about it!"

"Okay, but your time is only two quarters, and it won't be too late." Wang Ben emphasized:

"If you don't surrender, we'll throw stones or pour oil from both sides of the valley, and set fire to the valley."


The fighting situation in Bashu was sent to Chang'an as soon as possible.

The teleportation array of Jiameng City was used.

Ye Qing arrived soon and sent the urgent battle report.

"Dianjiang, Guanghan, and Deyang have all been captured, and Ba is nothing to worry about." Ye Qing put down the memorial, and then issued an order before sending someone away.

The next day, he received a new battle report from Guanghan.

"Killed [-] enemies and captured [-] prisoners. Wang Jian fought well." Ye Qing signed another order.

The above writes like this - fight steadily, don't wait, to preserve the strength of our army, what I want is not a temporary victory, but a complete Bashu, and a sound Yaoguang army.

After finishing writing, Ye Qing said to Cao Zhengchun again: "Call Cai Lun to come over and publish the results of the Southwest Army's battlefield in the newspaper, so as to add fire to this scientific expedition!"

(End of this chapter)

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