Chapter 603

"Newspapers! Newspapers! Good news from the Southwest! Great news!"

The newspaper seller took rolls of newspapers to the street and shouted:

"The Yaoguang Group Army marched into Shunli, captured Guangyang and Deyang, wiped out tens of thousands of enemies, and captured [-] prisoners!"

"My great Zhou went south to Ba State. General Zhang Liao of Shenji Battalion opened the gate of Ba State and captured Langzhong. The naval commander Zhou Yu attacked Dianjiang, the important town of Ba State. It is only a hundred miles away from Jiangzhou of Ba State."

As soon as the yelling came, the people around were excited.

Those with a little spare money beckoned for a newspaper one after another.

Those who didn't listened quietly to the rappers in teahouses and restaurants reading the content.

Students from Dazhou who were rushing to take the exam, or students from other countries met, and asked for a copy one after another.

They scrambled to read one by one.

"Da Zhou dispatched a group army, a navy, and three guards. A total of [-] troops went south to attack Shu and Ba at the same time."

"The army of the Great Zhou Dynasty was really fierce. They won the battle and captured several cities in the two counties of the Shu Kingdom, and also destroyed tens of thousands of troops from the Ba Kingdom."

"The newspaper said that the attack has almost reached Jiangzhou, the capital of Ba, and captured two-thirds of Ba's land.

I don't know how big this Pakistan is, and it will fall so soon! "

Someone immediately explained: "I heard that Ba Guoguan is so big, and the three counties of Guanzhong in Dazhou are not as big as Ba Guo."

"Si, being so powerful doesn't mean that Da Zhou added two more counties."

The students all around showed surprise and envy.

In just a few days, Da Zhou captured two counties.

Da Zhou annexed the frontier foreign countries too fast this year.

Some time ago, four counties were built in Xihammer, and now they have taken down two counties.

The country has doubled in size.

It is swift and violent.

"The country of Ba is huge, but I heard that it is covered with mountains. The valuable places are along the banks of the big rivers. As long as you control the waterways, you can fight against the country of Ba!"

"The Great Zhou also needs to have a powerful navy, but when it comes to navy, I think of Chuyue Kingdom, Donghai Kingdom, and Bohai Kingdom. They either rely on the sea or have great rivers. Weak..."

"Guys, instead of paying attention to these things, why don't you care about some exams, I heard..." Someone came up to him suddenly, his eyes drifted around, and he whispered cautiously:

"I heard that someone is selling test papers."


The students who were discussing the Great Zhou Southwest War all paid attention.

Everything else is thrown overseas.

They came to Chang'an to take the exam.

Exams are what they care most about.

"Brother, don't talk nonsense."

Someone pretended to remind.

The person who spoke just now sneered and said: "Don't you believe it, now that the news has spread, most of the students in Pakistan have got the test papers, and they are studying in a targeted manner. After the test, you will Look, it must be the students of Da Zhou on the list."

It turned out that the person who spoke was an examinee sent by Chuyue Kingdom to stir up trouble, in order to sabotage Da Zhou's scientific examination.

What he said was also a conspiracy based on probability.

Don't think about it, Da Zhou will definitely admit students from Da Zhou's own country.

One is to rest assured, to be loyal to the original person.

The second is that there are a large number of students taking the exam in Dazhou.

The acceptance rate is also a point majority to a certain extent.

As for the matter of selling examination papers, it was born out of nothing.

Sure enough, the people below smelled it and became emotional one by one.

"How could Dazhou do this, trick us from thousands of miles away, and finally admit students from Dazhou, so why open it to the whole world?"

"Of course it's for the sake of fame. You must know that the last thing the emperor of the Zhou Dynasty used was the technique of bewitching. He gained a good reputation through the imperial examinations, attracted the attention of scholars all over the world, and could be praised by the great Confucians.

In the future, when the Great Zhou attacks the countries in the Kanto region, it will be able to reach its peak, and it can accuse other countries..."

The dark sons of the Chuyue Kingdom set up their platforms one after another to pour out all kinds of bitterness, confuse the public, and play up the matter wantonly.

It seemed that Da Zhou had really done something outrageous.

"Damn it, I knew Da Zhou was not easy, how could he be so good, dare to conduct a fair scientific examination on the world."

"Let's go, let's go to Da Zhou's Royal Academy to make a fuss, let's ask Da Zhou seriously, do they still want face?"

"Go together! Go together!"

Soon the news spread, and more and more students were brought into rhythm and headed towards the Royal Academy of Da Zhou.

This is the headquarters of the Ministry of Education.

The academy was the original Taixue, but it was changed after Ye Qing ascended the throne.

It was also extended.

In the future, the Royal Library will have a separate door in its extension for people to come in and borrow.

Royal Academy!

"Master Shangshu is not good, it is not good, many students who are applying for admission to Beijing have come to our Royal Academy."

Suddenly a doctor came to report to Mencius, and his expression was extremely bad.

He looked anxious, as if there was a fire coming from behind him.

Mencius was also shocked when he heard this.

"Why don't you come back, tell me clearly, why would a student who is a good candidate for the exam come to us to make trouble!"

The doctor then told Jane what the people below reported.

"This is a rumor. The test papers were all produced by me, and they are still sealed in His Majesty's palace. Even our Royal Academy has no access to them. How could they be sold to the students of Dazhou?"

"Besides, my Dazhou has such a mind, facing the whole world, I am afraid that students from various countries will do better than our Dazhou students. What your majesty wants is talents, and the purpose is to select real talents, and you can't pull out students from other countries. They are all elites, so how could they do this..."

Obviously Mencius was also an honest man.

The doctor said: "Master Shangshu, we all understand this, but the students outside will not believe it. They can't see through His Majesty's true intention of conducting the scientific examination. They only have fame and fame in their eyes. They all think that they are talented and will be assigned a great mission." Yuji."

"Hmph! I haven't taken the exam yet, so I don't know if I'm a good-for-nothing or a talented person." Mencius said angrily:
"Let me go and have a look, I don't believe they can make trouble."

Mencius led the teachers from the Royal Academy and officials from the Ministry of Education to the gate.

A shrewd official from the Ministry of Education did not follow, but turned around and exited through the back door, mounted a horse and headed towards Suzaku Avenue.

Mencius probably couldn't handle this kind of thing, so he had to ask the emperor for instructions.

At the same time, Chang'an Mansion!

Bao Zheng also received a report from his servants.

"It seems that these mice finally couldn't help but take action." Bao Zheng couldn't tolerate sand in his eyes the most, and his face showed a murderous look, he put away his sleeves and said: "Everyone who comes, follow the house Imperial Army Academy, absolutely cannot let these spies of Chuyue Kingdom destroy His Majesty's long-term plan!"


The officials and yamen servants of Chang'an Mansion followed Bao Zheng one after another, and at the same time, some people took the pillow letter and went to Xunchengying to transfer troops.

In the Tai Chi Palace.

Ye Qing also quickly received a report from the Ministry of Education.

"Come here, tell me that Li Ru and Liu Buren are here to see me!"

(End of this chapter)

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