I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 604 Burned the test paper, go ahead

Chapter 604 Burned the test paper, go ahead
Soon the two came.

Li Rudao: "Your Majesty summoned the two of us to come over, but it's about the incident of the students taking the exam in Chang'an making a fuss at the Royal Academy!"

Ye Qing said: "You really understand, tell me what's going on?"

Li Ru replied: "Your Majesty, after the announcement of the scientific examination, we Jinyi have been paying attention to it all the time, and even sent some people to pretend to be students to mix in it.

According to our investigation, those who sabotaged our country's scientific research were all sent by Chuyue Kingdom. Among the students of Chuyue Kingdom, there are a large number of spies from Chuyue Kingdom.

It is one of their plans to publicize the leak of exam papers and sell them to my Da Zhou students! "

"One, it seems that the Chuyue people also racked their brains and spent a lot of energy to destroy it." Ye Qing then looked at Liu Buren:

"Do you have anything to add!"

Liu Buren replied: "Your Majesty, we also discovered that Bao Zheng, the newly appointed governor of Chang'an Prefecture, has been acting frequently recently, and sent people to mix with the students to monitor the public opinion of the students, and also grasped the crimes of some Chuyue people. Things.

However, his time in office is limited, so he doesn't have much information. "

"Of course, there are still many things we haven't figured out here. We need to arrest and interrogate the secret agents of Chuyue Kingdom before we can learn corroborating guesses."

Ye Qing tapped heavily on the table with his index finger, making a sound of duk tuk.

"Send the information that you have that can be made public to Chang'an Mansion, just hand it over to Bao Zheng, I will let Bao Zheng find out, and you Jin Yiwei don't stand out at this time."

Li Ru and Liu Buren looked at each other, and then replied at the same time: "No!"

Your Majesty wants to complete Bao Zheng, and at the same time hide Jin Yiwei to avoid being magnified by concentrated fire.


In the Royal Academy, Ren Mengzi's explanation is useless.

In the situation where the spies of Chuyue Kingdom were deliberately pacing, the students who were supposed to be wiped became more and more excited and rushed directly to the academy.

And boldly threatened: "Rush in, burn the test papers, this set of test papers will be invalidated."

The spies of Chuyue Kingdom actually wanted to rush in and burn the entire college, and by the way, ordered the Royal Library, which had just started construction.

"Burn the test paper, go ahead..."

Seeing that the students who were supposed to be sworn were about to rush in, and the soldiers guarding the Royal Academy were about to stop them with spears, Mencius stretched out his hand to stop them, saying: "Don't use violence against the students, let alone use force. Once bloodshed occurs, this matter will become a big mess." gone."

After stopping the gate guards, Mencius said earnestly to the students outside: "Everyone, please be careful, don't be impulsive, you are here for the exam, not to make trouble."

"The test papers of our scientific examination are all in the palace, with His Majesty, and are kept by His Majesty himself. Even our Ministry of Education is not qualified to touch them.

It will not be able to sell it to people with evil intentions.

Don't listen to the villain's rumors! "

"Everyone, I know that you all came to Dazhou to gain fame and fame. If you make trouble in my Dazhou Royal Academy, your qualifications will be disqualified. Wouldn't it make those troublemakers happy and benefit them!"

This time Mencius finally said something that hit the hearts of all the students.

That's right, they are here for the exam, not to make trouble.

If someone deliberately did this, all those who came to make trouble will be disqualified, and those who didn't come to make trouble will turn against a large number of real people.

The intention is sinister!

In an instant, the crowd quickly calmed down.

Emotions are not as excited as before.

Some people even asked: "Meng Shangshu, what you said is true, the test papers are not in the academy, and they were not sold to the students of Da Zhou!"

"Meng Shangshu, please explain one or two more things for us, did the students of the Great Zhou get any convenience!"

Meng Zheng was overjoyed when he heard the words, as expected, there are still many smart people.

But just as he was about to speak, the spies of Chuyue Kingdom said at the top of their voices: "Don't believe it, the test paper is inside, how could it be placed with the emperor.

The emperor has a lot to do every day, and the palace is an important place for the royal family, how can it be possible to store the test papers! "

"That's right, he knew that we didn't dare to go to Taiji Palace, so he lied that the test papers were in the palace, so that we could retreat in spite of difficulties, rush in, and know the truth after rushing in."

"That's right, hurry up, maybe he is stalling for time, transferring the test papers, and when the transfer is gone, we won't be able to find any evidence."

There are people with ulterior motives in every corner of the crowd.

They fan the flames and fabricate rumors.

The sales anxiety added fuel to the flames, and suddenly fanned the anger in the hearts of the people who had just calmed down again.

"Yes, rush in first, check it before we talk!"

"Meng Shangshu, please get out of the way, let us go in, we will check to see if there are really test papers, if not, we will leave immediately!"

"Yes! Meng Shangshu, let us in. If we don't let us in, the Royal Academy is guilty."

"Go in! Go in! Go in!"

A group of students started to riot again.

Seeing this, the spies of Chuyue Kingdom secretly lowered their heads and gave a small smile.

Old man Mencius, you want to settle the matter with just one word, you think too simply, you are too simple.

Mencius was also sweating from his forehead in anxiety.

Just when he was struggling to think about how to continue to appease the crowd, suddenly there were hurried footsteps behind the students.

"Hum ha! Ha ha!"

Everyone looked back one after another, and saw a group of yamen servants surrounding them, and behind the yamen servants, a group of patrol soldiers followed.

These all belong to Chang'an Mansion.

The black-faced Bao Zheng came here with a group of officials from the Chang'an Mansion in a rage.

"Who is making trouble!"

"Anyone who dares to attack the Royal Academy will win!"

"Those who hurt people and incite troubles will be arrested and put in prison according to law!"

When Bao Zheng came up, he drank three times in a row.

The servants of Chang'an Mansion shouted one after another:

Under the command of the stern and selfless Bao Zheng, the yamen servants who had no combat effectiveness showed their vicious looks one by one, as if they were killing red-eyed soldiers on the battlefield.

"It's from Chang'an Mansion!"

When a group of students saw the official palace and the people in the yamen, their aura weakened by half in an instant.

Many people showed timidity.

Since ancient times, people have not fought against officials.

Chang'an Mansion is the direct government that manages Chang'an with Zheng'er Bajing, and has the right to handle all civil conflicts and emergencies.

It's different from Qingshui Yamen Education Department.

The Ministry of Education is a gentleman's mouth but not his hands.

Just now they could bully an honest man like Mencius.

But he has no confidence and confidence in dealing with the overbearing officials.

What's more, there are patrol soldiers with standard ordnance not far away.

That's a soldier who really knows how to kill, and the soldier who has fought in the war, exudes a dead air all over his body, not a simple fierce air.

Bao Zheng walked straight towards Mencius.

The troubled students gave way one after another to allow the black-faced Bao Zheng to pass.

"Is Meng Shangshu all right? The Royal Academy has nothing to lose, right?"

Mencius clasped his fists back and said: "The college is fine, thanks to Bao Fu Yin coming in time, there is almost a big chaos!"

(End of this chapter)

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