Chapter 606 The navy goes south, and the decisive battle with Pakistan

Chang'an East City!

A family of famous families was taken down by the Jingwei soldiers who rushed in.

"What are you going to do? My royal family belongs to the first-class family of Da Zhou. If you are so rude, I will go to His Majesty to sue you..."

In the Wang family's mansion, the head of the Wang family wanted to say something, but Yu Jin, the leader, drew his sword and directly stabbed the man to death.

Everyone in the Wang family who originally wanted to resist stopped in amazement.

"My former foot guard was ordered to cooperate with the Chang'an government to capture the traitors who colluded with the Chuyue Kingdom, to investigate the Wang family, and to kill those who obstructed it without mercy."

Similar things happened in each square of Dongcheng.

As long as there is a connection with the Chuyue Kingdom, no matter whether it is the direct line of the head of the family or the Pang line.

All the aristocratic families who were involved were confiscated.

The momentum of thunder is decisive and swift.

In the entire Chang'an City, a quarter of the wealthy families were lost in a short time.

Those aristocratic families who were dissatisfied because of the scientific examination and wanted to secretly use the Chuyue people to make tricks fell silent.

Only then did they realize the true terror of Ye Qing, who had the military power in his hands.

All of a sudden, every family imitated Yang Cui and others, went to the palace to face the saints, begging for living and donating money.

In Chang'an City, also because of the frequent actions of Chang'an Mansion, righteousness filled the entire city for a while.

The students from all over the world who came to Beijing are also honest and well-behaved, and they dare not make troubles by making irresponsible remarks.

Even more dare not doubt the importance and fairness of Da Zhou's scientific research.

The aristocratic family of the Great Zhou Dynasty, the officials of the Great Zhou Dynasty, the emperor dealt with it as he said.

For those of them who came thousands of miles to take the exam, they are even less polite.

Anyone who dares to make trouble again will be killed.

The day of the scientific examination finally arrived.

Although more than 1 people came to take the exam.

However, the scientific examination of the Great Zhou Dynasty did not only examine Confucian classics and righteousness.

Instead, they are selected by subjects.

There are Mingjing, Jinshi, Law, Mingshu, Arithmetic, Agriculture, Civil Engineering, Commerce, Martial Arts, and Medicine.

The time of the ten exams is different and does not overlap.

Moreover, students can apply for multiple subjects at the same time, and if they fail one subject, they still have the opportunity to get good grades in other subjects and enter the selection sequence of the big week.

However, most people go for the first two subjects, and the fewer applicants go to the latter.

Because the talents needed later are more single and professional.

And it is disdainful for ordinary readers.

The scientific examination began in Chang'an, and it was the students' turn to enter the newly built factory building in Nancheng County, Dazhou. There is a large space here, which is convenient for confidential invigilation.

Not only are there troops stationed there, but there are also invigilating officials in every corner.

These officials are drawn from various ministries to prevent collusion and cheating.


Jiangling City, the capital of Chuyue Kingdom.

"Heh, a bunch of trash, so many people, they couldn't even destroy a small scientific research. It's not for nothing. Ye Qing even pulled out the Anzhuang lurking in Chang'an in one go."

After Xiong Wan received the message from Chang'an, he was so angry that he cursed directly.

This time, he really lost his wife and lost his army.

"Your Majesty, calm down. No one would have thought that Bao Zheng, the new governor of Chang'an Prefecture, who took office in the Great Zhou Dynasty, would be so powerful. With just a few clues, he could find out these secret agents in our country." Yin San of Yinlongwei said:
"Fortunately, none of the people we sent to participate in the scientific examination was found. I believe that as long as they can get the top spot and get a good ranking, they will still be able to deal with Da Zhou if they take root in Da Zhou in the future."

"Hmph! I hope so." Xiong Wan was a little tired and didn't want to talk about this topic anymore, so he asked:
"What's going on with the East China Sea? How much powerful ordnance did Dazhou send to the East China Sea? Haven't you Yinlongwei stolen Dazhou's ordnance yet?"

"Returning to Your Majesty, the East China Sea State and the East Qi State have reached an agreement, and the East Qi State Council will send naval troops south to fight in Donghai Jun, so that our army has never been able to break through the defense line of the East China Sea State." Yin San explained:

"The Great Zhou sent three batches of military equipment to the East China Sea, and now the East China Sea has [-] Liannu, [-] bed crossbows, and [-] trebuchets.

We couldn't get out the bed crossbow and trebuchet, but we managed to steal five of them and are sending them back to the capital. "

"Okay! With the Liannu, we can imitate and research it, and mass-produce it at that time. With the national strength of our Chuyue Kingdom, the whole army will be armed. By then, Donghai Kingdom, Wei Han, and Great Zhou will all be able to use it." It's gone." Xiong Wan was extremely excited when he heard that he got the Liannu.

Bed crossbows and trebuchets are bulky and large, making them inconvenient to steal.

But the Liannu is different.




The Ba Kingdom's naval forces were all withdrawn from the Shu Kingdom, and all of them were concentrated in various water villages in Jiangzhou City.

In order to show his sincerity, Bahuang also ordered to cede Wuyang City and Nan'an City, and withdraw more troops into Jiangzhou.

After all, Bahuang was also afraid that the navy would eventually lose to the Dazhou navy and would attack Jiangzhou's besieged city.

The more troops there remain in Jiangzhou City, the longer Jiangzhou City will be defended, and the greater the probability of it being defended.

In order to compare with Bahuang, he successively dispatched the land and water soldiers from Pingdu and Linjiang in the lower reaches.

A land and water army of 10 horses was assembled in Jiangzhou City.

"Report! Your Majesty, the Great Zhou navy is heading south!"

Like a reminder, a general ran into the hall and reported in panic.

It's time to come.

Bahuang stood up with difficulty, and looked at the Ministry of War: "Huang Hui is the commander of the navy, Cheng Yu is the deputy commander, and lead our Pakistani navy with [-] troops to face the Dazhou navy!"

"It's Your Majesty!"

Huang Hui and Cheng Yuer will stand up.

Of these two people, one is General Wei and the other is General Zhenjun.

He has a prominent official position and is a veteran in the army.

All the warships of the three water villages in Ba State were dispatched and began to gather towards the north of the city to form a large formation.

The shadow of a fleet soon appeared on the upper reaches of the broad river where the three rivers mixed.

One by one they came out.

Slowly approaching.

The huge fleet seemed to fill the entire water surface.

Suddenly the fleet going south stopped going south.

The two armies faced each other across the intersection of the two rivers.

The water in Dazhou is muddy, and it is in the form of a column, from front to end, like an arrow.

The [-]-strong Pakistani army, with countless large and small warships, was divided into three parts, guarding the entrance to the Dajiang River from the east, west and south.

Just waiting for the Zhou navy to enter the river, they launched a three-sided attack.

Whether it is the river surface in the north or the river surface entering the big river.

Once the Zhou army showed momentum, the Pakistani army had no chance of winning.

Only at the intersection of the two rivers, by taking advantage of the special geographical conditions, can we have the opportunity to carry out a three-sided siege.

This point, Ba Guo, is the only main case that can win the Great Zhou navy after numerous discussions and discussions.

However, Zhou Yu is equally clear.

The first building boat is Zhou Yu's flagship.

Zhou Yu is on the top deck.

Putting down the horizon, Zhou Yu said with a sneer: "Not only did Ba Guo choose the most favorable position for them to fight, but he also arranged a lot of dry firewood and thatch on the battleship at the front of the team, and I guess he also watered it with tung oil.

The purpose is to burn ships and ignite our warships in close combat with our army, so as to weaken our army's advantage. "

(End of this chapter)

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