Chapter 607: Ba Kingdom’s Water Army Extinct

"Fire attack! Interesting, don't they know that I like to set fire?"

Next to Zhou Yu, the young man in white also put down his binoculars.

This person is none other than Wolong Zhuge Liang.

After a period of rest, Wolong Zhuge Liang's complexion has almost recovered.

This battle has been by Zhou Yu's side.

But never made a move.

After all, Pakistan's navy is vulnerable.

There's no need, he doesn't want to make a move easily.

And this time in Jiangzhou's decisive battle, it was finally time for him to contribute.

Zhou Yu said: "Kong Ming, there is no need to set fire. This time, you can give them some wind. Our army will take advantage of your north wind to accelerate and charge out, which is enough to defeat the navy army that wiped out Ba."

Crouching Dragon Zhuge Liang vomits blood and consumes energy every time he makes a fire attack.

There may even be a fainting phenomenon.

Zhou Yu was really afraid that Crouching Dragon Zhuge Liang would hold on if he was not careful.

Crouching Dragon Zhuge Liang glanced at Zhou Yu who was concerned about him, smiled slightly, nodded lightly and said, "Alright!"

Only then did Zhou Yu issue an order: "All the troops listened to the order. Gan Ning ordered two thousand soldiers to attack westward after leaving the river mouth; Zhou Tai led the soldiers of the two armies to attack southeast after leaving the river mouth; Han Shizhong led a thousand soldiers to stand by in front of our flagship. , ready to rush forward at any time, and attack the Pakistani navy in the south, without an order, do not attack without authorization."

The flagship continued to play semaphore, and after receiving the order, the ships and sub-ships began to move downstream to the river mouth.

Zhou Yu's flagship was fixed in place. Zhou Yu and Wolong Zhuge Liang looked at the warships passing by the flagship, and all paid attention to salute.

The war is about to start.

Life and death are life and death, and the battle situation will only be known after the fight.

Bing is impermanent, anything can happen.

It doesn't matter if you are strong, but if you have good weapons, you will definitely win.

People are the most critical factor in determining victory or defeat.

"Get ready, Da Zhou's warships are coming, all troops, let's fight!"


The officers and men of the Pakistani Navy on the east, west, south, and south sides all concentrated their energy and stared at the front with both eyes.

Soon the warships of the army left the intersection.

One, two, three, countless warships rushed out.

However, they are mainly large-wing warships, thousand-mile ships, and centipede ships. The transverse compartment ships are behind, and the building ships have not yet come out.

And the middle position is vacant, and there is no battleship to fill it.

It seems that the Pakistani navy in the south is ignored.

"Marshal, Zhou Jun's tactics are quite strange, are you still setting fire?"

The two wings go out first, and the boats are not enlarged to fight, and the original tactics are changed, which makes it difficult for the Pakistani navy to figure out Zhou Yu's way.

"Attack, the front row of warships go up to meet them, approaching the enemy ships and setting them on fire."

In the end, coach Huang Hui didn't hold back.

All the prepared fireboats had to be sent out.

Because if you don't use it anymore, it may be useless later.

After receiving the signal, the generals of the east and west sailors also sent out the fireboats in the front row.

The fire boats on three sides rushed forward at the fastest speed.

There is no one at the bow, and the stern is full of soldiers struggling to paddle.

Light on board, so fast.

Seeing that it was about to rush to the battleship of the Dazhou Navy, the Pakistani army on board lit the ship.

Then one after another jumped off the boat and swam back.

"Not good, the enemy ships are all fire ships, be careful."

Seeing this panic, Gan Ning, Zhou Tai and others hurriedly reminded their subordinates to avoid it.

At this time, Zhou Yu, the flagship, finally drew his sword and pointed forward: "Set sail, attack with drums!"

Hearing the order, Han Shizhong in the front rushed out of the river under the command of the sub-ship.

Crouching Dragon Zhuge Liang finally used his trump card at this time
The eight cards in his hand were thrown into the sky.

The four or eight cards turned into starlight and flew in all directions.

"Know God's will, it's hard to go against the sky!"

"Beifeng! Beifeng! Beifeng helps Zhou Lang..."

After finishing speaking, a strong wind blew up from behind.

The blowing made the mast shake, and the blowing made the ship shake greatly.

All the boats that had just set sail were heading south at a speed of fifteen or sixteen knots in an instant.

At the place where the two rivers meet, the burning Pakistani navy warship was also driven by the wind to turn Meng Ran, and rushed backwards towards the own warship group.

The wind blows.

The Pakistani navy did not change their colors.

In the land of Bashu, the most prevalent winds are the southwest wind and the south wind.

There are occasional north winds, but it is impossible to have such a strong wind. After all, the Qinling Mountains and Daba Mountains block it, so it is impossible for the north wind to blow such a strong wind.

This evil wind is suspicious.

And it's even worse.

The gust of wind blew, and the warships of the Pakistani Navy collided one after another, and the huge waves raised directly tilted the already small ships and poured them into the water.

The Pakistani generals on board shouted to hold on.

"General, look, our fireboat is blowing back!"

Natural disasters are terrible, but man-made disasters are even more frightening.

As soon as the wind direction changed, the fire boat blew in and hit the own boat in an instant.

All of a sudden, the warships of our side can be ignited.

The fire borrows the power of the wind, and the wind helps the fire.

It's downwind again.

The fire burned several ships, and the mast canvas was ignited for the first time.

There is no chance to run if you want to run.


"Withdraw! Quickly withdraw... Back to the water village, quickly!"

The warships behind scattered and fled.

At this time, the warships of the Dazhou Navy came rushing with the wind.

Gan Ning and Zhou Tai took advantage of the turmoil in the Ba Kingdom's naval forces on the east and west sides, and rushed in.

The warships on fire all blew towards the front, so the two armies took advantage of the situation to enter without being affected, and just tore apart the defense of the other side.

In addition to the sharp weapons on the big ship, it is natural that the Pakistani navy retreated steadily in two directions, with many dead and wounded.


Almost done, Crouching Dragon Zhuge Liang took back the eight cards.

The wind stopped.

All boats can operate on the river peacefully.

With the acceleration of the big Zhoulou ship, it avoided the burning warship of the Baguo navy in the south, followed Han Shizhong behind, and rushed to the Baguo navy who was about to escape to the south.

The Dazhou navy, with strong ships and powerful guns, faced the crushing past.

Crashing Pakistan's boat into pieces is crushing it into the water.

Countless Pakistani navy fell into the water.

All of a sudden, the board floated on the water, and Ba Guo was swimming desperately.

The Zhou army on board began to shoot and clear these Pakistani navy soldiers with bows and crossbows.

The expected battle did not happen.

The great rout was staged in three aspects.

The Zhou army was also divided into three parts, each chasing their target enemy.

Zhou Yu and the others took the lead, running behind and chasing the Pakistani navy, and they were the first to catch up to the water village in Jiangzhou City.

Before the Pakistani navy retreated into the camp, they were wiped out by the Zhou army.

Afterwards, Zhou Yu sent Wang Ping and Zhang Ni to land and capture the water village.

The next one is to attack the other two.

Before dark, all three docks in Jiangzhou were captured.

Gan Ning returned immediately.

They pursued against the current, but the Pakistani ships were too slow to escape.

Zhou Tai, on the other hand, rushed back to Jiangzhou to meet up in the afternoon of the second day.

Because they are chasing downstream.The speed of the Ba army's escape was about the same as that of the Zhou army's warships.

But in the end, he still couldn't escape the end of destruction.

Three water villages and docks were captured.

"Report! Your Majesty, the Nanzhai of the water army has been captured by the Zhou army!"

"Report! Your Majesty, the Beizhai of the water army has been captured by the Zhou army!"

"Report! Your Majesty, the East Village of the water army was captured by the Zhou army!"

(End of this chapter)

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