I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 608? The retreat of the Shu army

Chapter 608 The Shu Army Retreats
Three water villages were captured one after another.

It's like a life-threatening talisman, constantly calling out the soul, hitting the minds of the civil and military people in the Ba Kingdom.

I heard that the last water village was also captured.

All three piers were controlled by Zhou Jun.

The news of Jiangzhou being besieged, Bahuang couldn't hold on any longer, spurted out a mouthful of old blood, and finally passed out.

All the civil and military ministers in the hands of Ba Guochao cried bitterly.

All three water villages were captured.

It is conceivable that the entire army of [-] sailors has been wiped out.

The water battle was lost after all.

As expected, within reason.

There is nothing to explain.

Everyone was also mentally prepared.

But when he was convinced, it was another scene.

Hope, the last sliver of hope under the cover of dark clouds, is still covered by the haze that hangs over the sky.

Pakistan is in danger...

Zhou Yu led the sailors to surround Jiangzhou and made no further moves.

Instead, all the generals of the navy were gathered together, and the generals of all ministries reported to the battle.

In total, [-] enemies were destroyed, [-] were captured, and [-] warships were captured.

"Send a copy of the battle report to Guanghan, and tell Commander Wang!"

"As for the share in Chang'an, it will be sent out earlier. Although the people in the city will send it back to Chang'an earlier, what they pass on is news, and what we pass on is the battle report, each of them has his own."

Zhou Yu finished arranging these things, and then said to Wolong Zhuge Liang: "Kong Ming, I will leave the defense formation to you. Although Ba Guo is not very good at counterattacks that do not make sense, Xiaowan still uses the Wannian Ship to avoid business trips." Pool."

Crouching Dragon Zhuge Liang said: "Don't worry, just leave it to me and the people in Qishan Pavilion!"



The news of the water battle was sent to Tai Chi Palace before dark.

At the same time, one step earlier was the battle report from Fu County.

"Wang Ben, this boy is not bad. The tiger father has no dogs and sons. He even captured [-] Shu troops on the north bank.

In this way, not only one soldier was not lost, but there were nearly [-] more Shu soldiers. After reading the battle report sent by Wang Ben, Ye Qing was extremely happy, even more excited than seeing Wang Jian win the battle.

"What's rare is that this kid wasn't overwhelmed by the victory, and he wasn't in a hurry to say that he would attack Mianzhu, Luoxian and other places, but was waiting for news from Wang Jian."

"Your Majesty, the father and son of the Wang family have handsome talents. The great fortune of the country is really a photo of my great Zhou Xingbang. It should be set as a model and rewarded well." Cao Zhengchun said with a smile on the side.

Ye Qing said: "Yes, it's a great fortune, the photo of Xingbang should be rewarded well."

Just when Ye Qing was thinking of giving something to the Wang family and his son.

The gatekeeper of the palace led one person to the outside of the palace.

"Your Majesty! Good news from Badi."

Ye Qing's eyes brightened when he heard this.

Cao Zhengchun immediately said: "Your Majesty has an order, declare it!"

The person who sent the message soon encloses the secret letter on his body.

After reading it, Ye Qing slapped the table and stood up.

"Okay, all the naval forces of the Ba Kingdom have been wiped out, and the Ba Kingdom has fallen into a gu, and it's time for me to go to Jiangzhou. It's time to make an explanation to the officials and the people of the Ba Kingdom!"

In the last battle of Ba Kingdom, to capture Jiangzhou, his important role is indispensable, and the masters of Da Zhou are indispensable.

Although Jiangzhou has experienced the battle of trapped beasts, the masters of Ba Kingdom are still concentrated in the city.

This is a force to be reckoned with.

"Tomorrow, let the cabinet discuss matters, and the affairs of Chang'an will be handled by the cabinet. The decisive battle in the southwest will not be exciting without me."

This trip to the southwest is not only about the Ba Kingdom, but also the Shu Kingdom, and other barbaric countries around Bashu.


the next day.

Wang Jian of Guanghan City received the good news from the navy.

For the strength of the friendly army and the swiftness of action.

Wang Jian laohuai comforted him: "It's nice to be young, you have plenty of energy and you can run fast."

Zhang Liangdao: "Wang Shuai, it's time for our side to finish. After several days of fighting, the Bashu coalition army suffered at least [-] casualties. Now the entire army is exhausted."

If it's not finished, Zhou Yu's side should be urged.

Wang Jian said with a smile: "Notify Wang Ben to attack Mianzhu and Luo counties immediately, threaten several counties, and cooperate with the main force of our army to counterattack in an all-round way!"

Wang Ben was very excited when he received the news.

Immediately he said to the generals: "The whole army is going to attack Mianzhu and Luo counties."

Although they played a beautiful ambush and forced landing battle, Wang Ben and others were not satisfied. They took the initiative to attack and attack cities and lands is what a man should do.

Only by laying down the country can we leave a name in history.

That's the real battle.

Without the resistance of the partial army, and with the capture of a group of generals of the partial army, Wang Ben's attack on Mianzhu and Luo counties went very smoothly.

Almost a city a day.

Soon Bingfeng pointed to Xindu.

Xindu is in the northeast of Shu Kingdom, and this is the last main line from Luo County.

Once the new capital is lost, the capital of Shu is in danger.

Zhang Ren was shocked, and hurriedly dispatched troops to defend the new capital.

And sent an order to let the Shu army in Guanghan return to help.

Taking advantage of the turmoil in the Shu army, Wang Ben vainly fired a shot, leading [-] soldiers towards several counties in the southeast corner.

Under the city of Guanghan!

The Shu army, who was in danger from the capital of Shu, immediately packed up and prepared to retreat.

After hearing the news, the disabled Ba Guozheng Army came to dissuade them.

"Your army will leave like this, and Guanghan will never be able to attack again. At that time, I will lose Jiangzhou. Once my Ba Kingdom falls, where will the Shu Kingdom come from?"

Facing the words of General Ba’s Conquest to the West, General Xiaoqi of Shu said coldly: “The safety of your Ba country is important, but the safety of our Shu country is not important? The Zhou army will soon attack the capital of Shu, and you have also seen it. The Zhou army has powerful ordnance.

How long can my country of Shu last? "

"But..." General Ba Guozhengxi still wanted to persuade him.

General Xiaoqi of the Shu Kingdom was impatient: "Your Jiangzhou city is strong. We fought for nearly half a year and couldn't take it down, and the Zhou army couldn't take it down either. Besides, it's so far away, it's really dangerous, and it's too late to rush back.

On the contrary, the danger of our country of Shu is imminent. Once the country is gone, you will also lose our ally. What else can you do to save Jiangzhou. '
Looking at the Shu army leaving in a hurry, the Ba army had nothing to do.

Just be in a hurry.

And here I saw Zhou Jun from Guanghan city also pouring out.

The soldiers of Pakistan were so scared that they immediately returned to the camp for defense.

"Listen to the Western Expedition Army of the Ba Kingdom, we have completely annihilated your navy, and Jiangzhou is under siege. You will break through in a few days. Surrender immediately and seek leniency!"

The generals and soldiers of the Zhou army outside shouted to persuade them to surrender.

The Liba army still has [-] horses, and its combat effectiveness is not weak.

However, the morale of the army was completely scattered.

Allies are gone.

They were alone and helpless, and now they heard the news that the entire navy was wiped out, and it was even more thunderous.

The navy is gone, even if they get through Guanghan and Deyang, they will not be able to return to Jiangzhou.

Even if they broke out to the south and entered Qianwei, they could not trek back to Jiangzhou from here.

"General, what should we do now!"

The generals of the Western Expedition Army from Ba Kingdom ran over one after another, with extremely sad expressions on their faces.

There is no gleam in the eyes.

General Ba Guozhengxi swept over them one by one, and the more he looked at them, the colder his heart became.

In war, what is fought is the right time, the right place, and the harmony of people.

They don't take advantage of the time.

The location is advantageous.

Now the only person and also lost.

Not inside, not even outside.

Is Pakistan really dying?

(End of this chapter)

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