I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 609: Jiangzhou was broken on the 5th, and the Western Conquest Army surrendered

Chapter 609 Breaking through Jiangzhou in five days, the Western Conquest Army surrendered
That's right.

General Zhengxi is not considering the future of Zhengxi Army, but the country of Ba.

Whether Pakistan can survive or not is the key to the existence of the West Expeditionary Army.

It is the meaning of their insistence.

If Pakistan is doomed to perish.

Their Zhengxi army continued to fight against the Zhou army, and that was meaningless death.

"General, we..."

Someone wanted to say that word, but finally endured it.

Others also moved their throats.

Although there is no hope, as a general, there are still some things that are hard to say.

"Well, let's have a good talk with Zhou Jun. After all, Baguo and Dazhou have cooperated, and they used to be so close. The soldiers of the two countries are like a family!" General Zhengxi said bitterly. .

Immediately, all the generals clasped their fists together and said, "General Gao Yi!"

Talking about it is of course the condition for surrender.

To put it mildly, the basic intent remains the same.

If you have something to talk about, you can live.

Soon, General Ba Guozhengxi took two henchmen out of the camp.

Hearing the other party's identity, General Zhou Jun immediately led him to see Wang Jian.

Also given a very high specification.

After all, the opponent is General Zhengxi.

"Report! Wang Shuai, General Ba Guozheng is here!"

General Ba Guozhengxi, who entered the city soon, entered the hall, saw Wang Jian on the right seat, and greeted him with a salute: "General Ba Guozhengxi, Lu Zuo pays homage to Wang Shuai!"

Wang Jian raised his hand and said, "General Lu, you don't need to be polite, just sit down!"

"Thank you, Wang Shuai!" Lu Zuo thanked, then walked to the right, where there was a place for him.

Wang Jian continued: "I heard that General Lu is here to discuss with me about the affairs of your army. If you have any questions, I will definitely answer."

"Wang Shuai, Lu Zuo wants to ask, if our army surrenders to Da Zhou, how will Da Zhou treat our army?" Lu Zuo is not a saint, so naturally the first question is the most urgent one.

Straightforward, simply.

Wang Jian said: "If your army surrenders, everyone in the army will be able to live. If after all the battles are over, those who are willing to join our Great Zhou army will be selected for meritorious service. Those who are not willing can be released to the people and left to be free.

As long as you abide by the laws of the Great Zhou, you will not embarrass anyone! "

This condition is very superior.

If he can survive, he still has a chance to enter the army system of the Great Zhou.

Those who don't want to be soldiers and generals can serve the people, and just farm and fish well in the future.

Lu Zuo then asked again: "Based on Wang Shuai's point of view, can I defend Jiangzhou City in Baguo? Or, how long does it take for your country to take it?"

As soon as Jiangzhou was destroyed, Ba State declared its extinction.

Will Pakistan die?

Ask the coach of the enemy country such a question.

It's strange.

Even Wang Jian didn't think of it.

Can't help showing a trace of surprise.

Zhang Liang on the side stretched out his hand and said, "General Lu, Jiangzhou can be conquered in five days at the earliest, and it can be conquered in less than ten days at the slowest!"

Lu Zuo was stunned.

His face couldn't help but twitch.

It was five days soon, and only ten days slow.

See if this speaks human language?

You must know that when Shu attacked Jiangzhou for half a year, it did not defeat it.

You Da Zhou threatened to attack in five days.

If Jiangzhou was on land, he would not doubt Zhou Jun's ability.

But on the river, attack Jiangxin Island.

Da Zhou's ordnance doesn't seem to have any advantage.

But it was Zhang Liang who said this, so Lu Zuo had no choice but to believe it.

"Since Mr. Zifang says he can do it, it's not too far behind if you think about it?"

Wang Jian asked, "What is General Lu's choice?"



More than 2 Pakistani troops surrendered.

Wang Jian left 1 people to guard the prisoners, and led an army of [-] to pursue the fleeing Shu army.

Soon chased to several counties.

After two quarters of the city battle, the city was easily captured.

Then continue to pursue westward.

After a while, they finally caught up with a group of [-] Shu troops stopped by Wang Ben.

The [-] Yaoguang Army quickly consumed the [-] Shu Army, and then returned east.

Two days later, Wang Jian led an army of [-] to the south.

Among them, [-] were soldiers of the Yaoguang Group Army, and [-] were soldiers from the Shu Army.

The [-]-strong army marched to the city of Jiangzhou to join the Dazhou navy.

Jiangzhou City is suffering every day.

"Report! Zhou's army is landing on the pier!"

Forty thousand pawns.

The army is about to attack the city.

There are [-] Zhou troops outside the city, and [-] Ba troops inside the city.

The offensive and defensive forces are equal.

One side's morale is high.

One side of the city is strong and has dangerous terrain.

The three city gates are all guarded by one man, and there is no way for ten thousand men to open them.

Strong defense.

Palestine and Israel are no longer in the DPRK meeting.

Because there is nothing important to discuss.

All the focus is on defense.

It's all about how to resist the Bingfeng of the Great Zhou.

If civil servants don't care about money and food, they will go home and stay honestly.

Only the generals started to get busy.

While training and managing the soldiers under his command, he also recruited the strong people in the city.

Distribute weapons to them and start basic training in various open areas.

"I don't know if our Jiangzhou City can hold this time?"

Since the history of Pakistan, it is not the first time that Jiangzhou has been besieged.

Every time they defended, they dragged down the enemy.

But this time, they didn't have confidence.

Because the enemy is Da Zhou, not Shu.

Da Zhou is too powerful.

In the palace of Pakistan.

After Bahuang finished drinking the medicine, his health improved a little, and he asked: "The recent defense has been done well, don't make any mistakes, the city defense is related to the national destiny and survival of our country, so don't be careless."

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, we have sent extra people to defend the three city gates day and night, and the masters of the middle school are also watching there all the time, and will not give Zhou people any chance."

"That's good, now we...cough cough...by the way, Xiaoyao Mansion is different!" Bahuang suddenly became a little restless.

The person in charge of monitoring said: "Returning to Your Majesty, there is nothing unusual in Xiaoyao Mansion. The envoys stationed in the city are very peaceful. They have never done anything other than sending people out to buy meat and vegetables every day."

"Don't be careless, you must keep an eye on it, especially after their people came out, did they contact the civil and military officials of our country?" Ba Guo was still uneasy, always feeling that something would happen here in Xiaoyao Mansion.

The castle is most afraid of the enemy breaking through from the inside.

In case the important officials in the court were bribed or colluded with Da Zhou, once they rebelled, the harm would be great.

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, all the courtiers of our country who have been in contact with the Zhou people of the embassy have been sent to monitor." The person in charge said, patting his chest.

Ba Huang was waving his hands to drive away the crowd, and someone here reported outside: "Your Majesty, the pawns of Da Zhou have arrived!"

The pawns of the Great Zhou Dynasty have arrived.

Phew, the air seemed to freeze.


Ba Huangqiang swallowed a breath and said.

The visitor immediately trotted in, and then said: "Forty thousand infantry came from Da Zhou, and they landed at various piers and entered the water village camp.

The Zhou people also sent a letter of war, threatening to capture Jiangzhou within five days. "


Hearing this, everyone in Pakistan was furious.

Ba Huang was so angry that he spit out a mouthful of blood.

Five days.

It's crazy.

You have a total of only 5 people on land and water in Dazhou, and you don't have an advantage in military strength. You dare to say that you have broken through Jiangzhou City, which has never been lost, in five days.

It's just idiotic dreams.

(End of this chapter)

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