I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 610 ? ? Attack on Jiangzhou City

Chapter 610 Attacking Jiangzhou City

"Arrogance, life and death!"

Bahuang said angrily, and then asked, "What else is there?"

"The Great Zhou also said that five days later will be the day when Jiangzhou will be captured. On that day, the Emperor of the Great Zhou will come over in person and take the Zhou army to capture Jiangzhou in person." The reporter continued.

"Hahahaha, what a joke." Bahuang laughed, a little sarcastically.

"Ye Qing wants to come here in person. Come here. I want to see how he captured Jiangzhou in five days."

"If he can really capture Jiangzhou within five days, I will bring all the officials and people of Ba to kneel to welcome him, and Ba will be incorporated into the Great Zhou forever!"

Everyone took this as a joke.

If Jiangzhou is really going to be breached, the emperor and them will become prisoners, so there is no room for them to call the shots.

What's more, within five days, Zhou's army is growing stronger, and it is impossible to capture Jiangzhou with any siege equipment.

Jiangzhou, which will never fall, is definitely not bragging.

But history proves it.

The wild words of capturing Jiangzhou in five days quickly spread throughout Jiangzhou City.

The people of Ba Kingdom in Jiangzhou just laughed and didn't take it seriously.

And the soldiers of the Pakistani army only took it as arrogant words when they heard it.

However, the city defense of Pakistan has become tighter.

I am afraid that Zhou Jun will take the opportunity to attack the city.

However, for three days in a row, the Zhou army in Shuizhai did not make any move to attack the city.

The naval warship routinely travels to blockade Jiangzhou Island.

The army infantry drilled on time, ate, drank and rested.

Fourth day.

It was just dawn, and the world was entering the most refreshing time of the day.

The underground teleportation array of Xiaoyao Mansion.

Multicolored light flashed.

Ye Qing's figure appeared in front of everyone.

Accompanied by a group of military generals and great Zhou masters.

"Congratulations, Your Majesty!"

The people greeted each other.

Ye Qing raised his hand and said, "There's no need to be too polite, just proceed according to the plan and each do his own thing well!"


Soon Ye Qing brought people to the ground.

Li Xun Huan jumped out of the shadows and ran over, "Your Majesty, everything is safe in the mansion, and the Ba Kingdom surveillance people outside the mansion are also closely monitored by us. We only need to give an order to take them all!"

Ba Guo monitored Xiaoyao Mansion, but he didn't expect that Xiaoyao Mansion was also counter-monitoring the dark men they sent to spread around.

It never occurred to the Pakistani side that the embassy of Xiaoyao Mansion, which is harmless to humans and animals, would have masters of the fifth or sixth rank.

Therefore, those monitors of the first and second grades in the Ba Kingdom have all become decorations.

After all, those masters of the fifth and sixth ranks and the supreme should either be sent to defend the city or protect the country of Ba, so how could they be wasted in Xiaoyao Mansion where there are no masters of the first rank.

Since Ye Qing left, the importance of Xiaoyao Mansion has faded from the eyes of Ba Guo.

Even Ba Huang, who has repeatedly stated that he wants to monitor Xiaoyao Mansion, doesn't think that anything can happen here.

"Well, continue to monitor, wait for orders, and take action!" Ye Qing led the crowd to the hall, and soon all the ministries arrived.

The teleportation array is still continuously transporting people.

Increase the success rate of this operation.

"My lords, we are implementing an unprecedented plan this time. If this is successful, then Jiangzhou City will not have to sacrifice a large number of soldiers, and it will also reduce the casualties of the people of Ba Kingdom." Ye Qing swept towards the crowd and stretched out his right hand Gently clenched his fist and said:
"After a quarter of an hour, the three city gates will feign an attack to attract the attention of the Pakistani side. We will go after three quarters of an hour."

"It's Your Majesty!"

Everyone replied softly, although they were in Xiaoyao Mansion, they didn't dare to make too much noise.

After a moment.

Zhou Yu and Wang Jian watched the hourglass timer run out of sand.

Qi Qi drew his swords and said, "Siege the city, attack Jiangzhou City!"

The drums of war thumped.

Outside the city gates on the north, south, east, and east sides, the sound of Da Zhou's drums sounded.

Then the soldiers of Dazhou opened the stage, chanting chant, and walked towards the stairs.

Looking up along the ladder-like ladder, that is the gate of Jiangzhou City.

The steps are steep and the steps are long.

Casualties from storming would be huge.

However, Zhou Jun set up a trebuchet and a bed crossbow on the flat ground of the dock.

Even the building boats tried their best to get close to the pier and anchored.

A trebuchet faces the city gate.

"Not good! Da Zhou's army is about to attack the city."

"Da Zhou is attacking the city!"

"Quick, get ready, go to the wall!"

"Go to the city and inform His Majesty that there are still great generals and Lord Shangshu!"

The Pakistani army in the city began to be busy, running around anxiously.

The archers were dispatched to the top of the city one after another.

Great view over the city.

And the shooting angle is also good.

So Ba Guo transferred all the archers to the city gate to guard the city.

This is their experience, shooting the enemy with a bow is the most effective.

Much better than throwing stones at wood.

After all, the ladder was smashed, and Pakistan had to repair it after the war.

What increased was the labor intensity of Pakistan, and what was consumed was the money and grain of Pakistan.


Under the city, Da Zhou's trebuchets fired one after another.

Stone bullets flew up one by one.


The stone bullets hit the city wall or flew into the city, smashing everything that blocked him.

The Pakistani army guarding the city was stunned.

There was a moment of astonishment.

It wasn't until more stone bullets fell that everyone was startled from their dreams.

"Damn, run away!"


Suddenly a stone bullet fell on the wall.

Suddenly scattered sand and stones splashed around.

Numerous Pakistani soldiers were wounded.

The huge sound of smashing made the other Pakistani soldiers even more fearful.

Only then did they understand how strong Da Zhou was.

No wonder the north has been lost one after another.

Zhou Jun actually still has such a powerful weapon.

Can throw stones up.

More stones fell on the solid wall, and the resonant shock sent out made the soldiers of the Pakistani army even more frightened.

It feels like this solid city wall is about to collapse once.

"Hide well, hide well, hide under the wall!"

The generals of the Pakistani army reminded their soldiers.

At this time, the crossbow arrows fired upwards from the city flew over.

Ba soldiers who hadn't had time to squat down were shot one after another, flying with arrows, and Luo entered the inner city.

Some were directly nailed to the gate of the tower.


The crossbow bolts with sharp arrows directly penetrated and smashed or loosened the masonry of the wall crenel.

More hit the wall, found the sound of gold and stone, and countless sparks flashed out.

The soldiers of Pakistan were even more horrified.

Zhou also has powerful and invincible weapons.

The clever general crawled over and reached out to pick up a long crossbow.

Eyes full of disbelief.

"How did Zhou Jun manage such a long and thick arrow!"

Borrowing courage, someone looked up and glanced down, only to see that Zhou Jun was loading the crossbow arrows, and only then did he believe that the crossbow arrows shot up were fired by those big bow-like things.

"Quickly, go and tell His Majesty that the Zhou army has two kinds of powerful weapons, both of which can pose a threat to our defense of the city.

These two weapons are too fierce, and more strength is needed outside the city gate! "

Soon someone rushed back to the city and rushed towards the palace.

At this time, Emperor Ba heard the news that the Zhou army was attacking the city, so he also came from the sleeping hall to the main hall of the court.

Many officials from the DPRK and China also came after hearing the news.

"My lords, the Zhou army has attacked the city. How is the battle at the three gates?"

Bahuang asked.

The Secretary of the Ministry of War replied: "Your Majesty, we have just received the news that Dazhou attacked the three gates at the same time, and the navy and army were dispatched. It is estimated that there will be no news in a while."

(End of this chapter)

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