I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 611? Glad you were captured

Chapter 611 Glad You Were Captured

After all, the three city gates are so strong.

And the defense is so perfect.

So well prepared.

Now it is just a war, and it is estimated that Da Zhou is just testing it out.

But as soon as his cognition stopped, someone shouted outside: "Your Majesty, something is wrong, Zhou Jun has two very fierce weapons!"

When Bahuang and the others heard someone rushing to play, their faces turned pale and bloodless.

The Minister of the Ministry of War also looked embarrassed and a little stiff.

"Xuan come in."

Soon the reporter brought in, so he reported the situation of the city gate truthfully.

After listening to the watch, all the officials of the Ba Kingdom, who were still a little bit happy, fell silent.

One by one sucked in the cold air.

Da Zhou had equipment capable of throwing stones, as well as a long crossbow that was only a little smaller than a long spear.

The gates of the city were smashed into a mess by the projected stone bullets.

"My lords, what should we do now?" Ba Huang sat back on the dragon chair

The general of Ba State said: "Your Majesty, I think it is better to send more troops first, and ask the Ministry of Industry to send more people to the three city gates. Once the Zhou army stops smashing momentum, the damaged city walls must be repaired as soon as possible."

"Okay, according to the general's words, the Ministry of War will dispatch troops, and the Ministry of Industry will send people! The city gate must not be lost."

Bahuang rubbed his temples and waved his hands, his head hurt badly.

People from the Ministry of War and the Ministry of Industry immediately went to work.

The city gates were tight, and a large number of soldiers were transferred to the three city gates.

The attention of everyone in the city was attracted by the battle situation at the three city gates.

Including the surveillance personnel of the Ba Kingdom guarding the Xiaoyao Mansion, they also heard about this and began to imagine it in their minds.

If the city gate is lost, where will they go.

Everyone who was watching suddenly had a wonderful feeling, their scalps went numb, they looked back, and then lost consciousness.

"Surveillance we dare to desert!"

After solving the secret surveillance personnel, the big Zhou masters who took action sent secret signals to Xiaoyao Mansion one after another.

"Your Majesty, all the monitors in Pakistan have been removed."

Ye Qing waved his hand after hearing this and said:
"Go, go to the emperor!"

The gate of Xiaoyao Mansion was wide open, and the masters of the Great Zhou came out in a file, one by one holding weapons, and then came to the street.

After Ye Qing walked out, more soldiers of the Great Zhou followed.

The Da Zhou Anzi who had been lurking in the neighborhood for a long time also received the signal one after another, and then ambush behind the door of the street.

Ye Qing led a group of people out of the door and walked westward, heading straight for the palace of the Ba Kingdom.

Everyone was wearing the robes of a Bajun soldier, which looked very much like a Pakistani army.

"Who is it?" The guard in front of the nearest palace gate spotted Ye Qing and the others and asked reflexively.

"According to the order of General Cheqi, I have something important to report to Your Majesty!"

Lu Bu replied with a look of tiger eyes.

Everyone didn't stop and continued to move forward.

The soldiers of Pakistan do not doubt that they have it.

But the goalkeeper was stunned for a moment, and just about to let go, but reacted back.

"No, where did the chariot general come from in our Daba country?"

"I didn't have it before, but now... I have it!"

Cheng Yaojin was like a black whirlwind, rushed to the side, then raised his ax to strike.

The Pakistani goalkeeper raises his sword to block it.

Half way out of the sword, he was hacked to death by Cheng Yaojin.

The surrounding Pakistani soldiers were shocked.

"No, someone..."

All the generals of the Great Zhou stepped forward one after another, beheading the soldiers guarding the gate with one shot or one sword or one knife.

The soldiers behind them raised their crossbows and shot upwards, and the Pakistani soldiers patrolling the palace wall above were hit by arrows.


Cheng Yaojin and others all rushed into the palace gate and pushed open the palace gate that was about to close.

Ye Qing and others continued to move forward.

Seeing this, the Pakistani soldiers inside rushed up one after another.

None of them could block a round, and they were beheaded by Cheng Yaojin, Lu Bu, Huang Zhong, Zhang Fei, Guan Yu and others.

Ye Qing was familiar with the Ba Kingdom's imperial army, and Zhang Liang had specially drawn a map of the Ba Kingdom's palace.

So everyone went all the way to the government hall to kill.

The forbidden soldiers in the palace blocked each other one after another, but they were all beheaded soon.

The gates of the palace were captured by Ye Qing and others at the fastest speed, and they rushed all the way in a trot.

Soon they attacked the open-air hall outside the main hall.

"Your Majesty! Something is wrong, Zhou Jun... Zhou Jun rushed into the palace..." A guard had just climbed the steps of the outer hall and waved towards the inner hall when he was shot through by an arrow.

He fell straight down.

The soldiers of the Ba Kingdom guarding the inner hall were even more horrified when they saw this. Looking into the distance, it was incredible that a murderous army was coming towards the inner hall.

This army wears red armor from top to bottom, and the helmets on their heads are mainly red.

"Zhou...Zhou Jun!"

The frightened general guarding the palace stumbled and ran in. At this time, Bahuang and other important people noticed something strange outside.

and was attracted.

"What's going on, what's the noise!"

"Your Majesty, the Great Zhou Army, the Great Zhou's army has reached the outer hall, Your Majesty, hurry up!"

While speaking, several arrows were shot from scriptures.

The soldiers of the Ba Kingdom guarding the inner hall swung their weapons to block the arrows, and they fell to the ground one after another.

At this moment, Bahuang and all the officials came back to their senses.

Zhou Jun has entered the palace!
how can that be!

"Protect Your Majesty!"

The other imperial guards in the palace and the masters who followed Bahuang at any time all started to drink loudly.

They all wanted to rush out of the hall.

But at this time, Ye Qing and others stopped the ladder with the Department of Scriptures.

With a lift of the crossbow, countless arrows were shot out in a straight line.

The Pakistani masters and soldiers who wanted to rush out retreated in one after another.

"Your Majesty, it's really Zhou Jun, a lot of Zhou Jun."

The masters protecting Bahuang secretly cried out.

It can be seen that the opponent's group is all masters, and there is also a group of soldiers who are adding sharp continuous crossbow weapons.

I really can't get out.

Without their reminding, Bahuang Yijing saw Ye Qing standing at the gate of the hall.

Bahuang and all the officials were so shocked that their jaws almost dropped.

They opened their mouths one by one.

I can't believe what I see.

Zhou Jun not only entered the palace.

And the leader is Ye Qing.

how can that be.

The majestic emperor of the Great Zhou Dynasty appeared in Jiangzhou, their country of Ba.

That crazy guy really appeared in the city and captured Jiangzhou.

How did it work? In such a short period of time, why there was no news and the city gate fell.

Ye Qingcai didn't care what they thought, stepped in, with a smile on his face, and said slowly: "Long time no see Bahuang!"

haven't seen you for a long time.

In an instant, Ba Huang's thoughts were pulled back.

All the officials of Pakistan were also pleasantly surprised.

"Ye Qing, you... really dare to come to Jiangzhou!"

Bahuang still had an expression of disbelief.

Ye Qing smiled and said: "Bahuang, I said that if you take Jiangzhou within five days, you will definitely be able to take it.

If I said I would come, I would definitely come. When I come, there will still be fake ones. "

"What do you think, all the officials of the Ba Kingdom are very happy, you have all been captured!"

I'm...not happy at all.

We are captured.

Inexplicably, he was captured.

What the hell is going on with this TM.

It's a national war, can you stop making such a joke.

This is so funny.

They just can't accept it.

(End of this chapter)

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