Chapter 612

Still the original taste.

Still the original recipe.

It was still Ye Qing.

But more free and easy than before, more arrogant.

As the emperor, the unconcealable domineering aura in his body became even stronger.

The corner of Bahuang's mouth twitched slightly.

He stood up, glared at Ye Qing and said, "Ye Qing, don't get too complacent. This is the palace of my Ba Kingdom. You don't know what cards my Ba Kingdom has. We have an advantage here!"

"You got into the palace by luck. Although I don't know how you got in, I think the three city gates haven't been breached yet, so there are only a few people around you now."

Ba Guo, who was rarely confused, suddenly became clever.

Only then did the officials of the Ba Kingdom come to their senses, as if they had regained their backbone.

They moved closer to Emperor Ba.

If it was as Ba Huang said, then Ye Qing didn't bring many people.

Once the Ba army outside the palace knew about it, they would swarm over to Qin Wang.

Besides, there are still many masters protecting Bahuang in the main hall, among them is the Supreme of the sixth rank.

In addition, there are still a large number of forbidden troops in the palace, and other masters in the previous palace are also in other places, and they will all arrive as long as there is a delay.

"Bahuang, I know you want to delay time, but I'm not complaining, because sooner or later your masters in Ba Kingdom will be cleared and killed.

It is better to kill them all than to kill them one by one. "Ye Qing shouted loudly:


Suddenly, Ye Qing had an extra gun in his hand.

Then stomped one foot on the ground, and Yaoying rushed out.

All the generals behind them grabbed their weapons and rushed forward.

"Emperor Da Zhou, don't be presumptuous!"

The military officials of the Ba State were all military commanders, and they had certain martial arts skills. Although they didn't have weapons in their hands, they still punched Ye Qing.

He wanted to capture Ye Qing immediately.

Ye Qing snorted coldly, swung the Overlord Coiling Dragon Spear and swept it away.

The two Pakistani generals who rushed forward raised their arms to block.



The arms of the two were broken at the same time, and the whole person flew upside down like a cannonball and hit the gilt pillar on the main hall.

Then landed heavily, Qi Qi vomited blood, and then lost his breath.

What a powerful force.

Kill two first-rank generals with one move.

"Emperor Zhou takes his life!"

The two bodyguards protecting Bahuang drew their swords and stabbed Ye Qing who had landed.

Ye Qing raised his gun to block it, and then swiped it instead.

The two of them hurriedly dodged to hide, not daring to pick it up.

But the next moment Ye Qing's figure came to their side, and his reaction was faster than that.

One shot out.

Pierce both of them at the same time.


With Ye Qing's forceful flick, the two of them took off their guns, and two blood curtains flew in the air.

Then it hit three civil servants.

The two men screamed in horror.

The other guards of the Ba Kingdom who rushed down also fought with Cheng Yaojin, Huang Zhong, Zhang Fei, Shi Potian, Zhuge Zhengwo and other generals who were still in the Great Zhou Dynasty.

However, these people were obviously weaker in combat power, and soon they were either killed or beaten back again and again.

Ye Qing raised his gun and walked straight towards Bahuang.

Bahuang was supported by the eunuchs to run, Ye Qing jumped up, at this time, a eunuch next to Bahuang who was originally showing weakness suddenly burst into a fierce look.

A dragon claw attacked Ye Qing.

Ye Qing felt a strong energy attack as soon as this man's aura opened up.

This is a master of the sixth stage.

However, instead of retreating, Ye Qing advanced, turned the long spear in his hand, and stabbed him.

After stabbing, let go of your hand, and then shouted: "Fearless charge!"

The Baguo eunuch who was grabbing it with both hands felt a buzzing in his head, and his hands were empty.

Then a black shadow rushed from the side.

Take the sword out.

The long sword in Ye Qing's hand flicked.

The whole body of this sixth-grade eunuch was stunned, and the expression on his face was also stiff.

Then a bloody gash appeared on the face, extending from the chin to the neck and to the arm.


The eunuch with the strength of the sixth rank fell in front of the dragon table in front of the dragon chair.

And Ye Qing also withdrew his sword and turned around to look at Ba Huang.

Bahuang still wanted to leave, but the other eunuchs around him were swept over by the masters of the rivers and lakes of the Great Zhou and killed them one by one.

The entire hall was controlled by the people of Da Zhou.

Ye Qing was not interested in looking at Ba Huang, and turned around to look down. The officials of Ba Guo's military department were either killed or captured.

"Report! Your Majesty, the Pakistani army is coming to the palace!"

"Report, Your Majesty, the imperial guards of Pakistan rushed to the outer hall!"

Ye Qinglang said: "Don't panic, set up defenses, everyone follow me out of the palace."

"Let's go! Bahuang be more honest!" Everyone escorted Bahuang to go out.

After leaving the main hall, five doors were opened on the wide flat ground of the outer hall, and countless Pakistani troops rushed in.

All Pakistani imperial palace guards.

There are also many masters from Pakistan who are Taoists.

Two of them are of the sixth grade.

However, they all stopped in the middle of the square and did not dare to move on.

After all, Bahuang still had a sword around his neck.

The Pakistani army did not dare to act recklessly.

"Ye Qing, you have been surrounded by rebels, you can't leave, let me go, we have something to discuss!"

When Ba Huang saw his soldiers coming to support him, a touch of red finally appeared on his face.


Ye Qing turned around and glanced at Ba Huang, then turned back to look down at the soldiers of Ba, pointing forward with the long sword in his hand:

"Everyone back down, because Emperor Ba was captured by me, he immediately opened the three city gates in Jiangzhou."

The soldiers of Pakistan, you look at me, and I look at you.

Discussed in a low voice for a while.

Even the two sixth-rank masters glanced at each other, and then discussed something.

"Your Majesty the Great Zhou Emperor, you are also surrounded by us now. If you are willing to let our Majesty go, we will let you out of the city too."

"That's right, fair trade, everyone is even!"

Ye Qing said sarcastically: "I am not bargaining with you, but an order, I count three times, if you don't surrender, then one of your Bahuang's arms will be cut off."

Holding Bahuang's iron hand and applying more force, the pain caused Bahuang to burst into tears and cry out for pain.

"Your Majesty the Great Zhou Emperor, don't mess around!"

"Please stop, Emperor Da Zhou, what can we talk about slowly?"

The two sixth-rank masters from Pakistan hurriedly shouted.

However, the bodies of the two took a few steps forward, obviously moving forward.

Ye Qing frowned slightly and shouted: "What do you want to do, step back, let the three city gates open, and let my army of Great Zhou enter the city!"

Instead of hearing about it, the two continued to move forward.

"Emperor Zhou, you can't hurt or kill our majesty. If something happens to our majesty, you won't be able to leave."

"That's right, His Majesty is gone, and the crown prince can still be enthroned, so His Majesty the Great Zhou Emperor, we are not negotiating with you, but an announcement!"

Ye Qing didn't expect these two people to disregard Ba Huang's life.

But what people say makes sense.

When Bahuang dies, he can be replaced by another person.

Suddenly Ye Qing's face changed drastically, and he looked back.

At this time, several black shadows jumped down from the tiles of the inner hall.

Three of them went to Ba Huang.

(End of this chapter)

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