Chapter 614: The Zhou Army Enters the City to Honor the Marquis of Righteousness

Finish these three sentences.

Ba Huang seemed to have lost all energy.

The whole person suddenly aged 20 years.

Like an old man who has been bald for a long time, he sighed heavily, and then sat down on the white marble slab.

Hearing the words, Ba Jun in the outer hall was silent for a while.

Then they knelt down on one knee.

"His Majesty!"

The next moment, the weapons in their hands were placed on the ground one after another.

Then someone went outside to deliver the order.

The generals who were rushing to the gate of the palace also stopped when they heard the words of the messenger.

All faces were blank for a while, and then the weapons in their hands fell to the ground one after another.


Countless generals were half crying and half complaining, and suddenly howled with inexplicable sentimentality.

"His Majesty's decree is passed on, the Kingdom of Ba descended to the Great Zhou Dynasty, and the gate of Jiangzhou City was opened..."

The messenger rode through the street, barking as he ran.

The news quickly spread throughout Jiangzhou City.

"What? My country, Pakistan, has surrendered!"

"What's going on, it's fine, why did you suddenly surrender!"

"Who is falsely preaching the oracle? How could His Majesty issue such an order..."

The Pakistani people took to the streets, unable to believe this fact.

Hearing the sound of shouting and killing coming from the direction of the city gate, the sound of boulder bombardment came up and down from time to time.

Soon the oracle spread to the three city gates.

The guards were all dumbfounded.

All the masters were also stunned.

This hasn't been fought yet, so why surrender.

"What's going on, why do you want to falsely preach the oracle!"

A grumpy general stepped forward and directly picked up the soldier who preached the oracle.

"General, calm down, I did not falsely pass on the oracle, this is what His Majesty said."

"Generals, lords, I didn't lie. The Emperor of the Great Zhou suddenly appeared in the palace with the masters of the Great Zhou, and took His Majesty hostage. The masters of our country... a few sixth-rank masters, all... the whole battle died!"

"how can that be!"

A group of people lost their minds and stumbled backwards.

"The sixth rank... all died in battle!"

"How could it be possible for the Great Zhou Emperor to appear in the city, how could it be...ah!"

There are more and more news, and more than one wave came to preach the oracle.

The rank of the preachers is getting higher and higher.

The guards of the three city gates finally had to accept this fact.

"Open... the city gate!"

"Welcome... Zhou Jun!"

There was a sound of lamentation.

In Jiangzhou City, the three city gates were wide open.

The flag of the Pakistani army was lowered from the city.

The civil servants of Pakistan came out of it.

"Welcome the generals of the Great Zhou Dynasty to enter the city, and our Ba Kingdom is willing to surrender..."

"Stop, stop projecting, stop!"

The former generals stopped their subordinates one after another, and then reported the news to Wang Jian, Zhang Liang, Zhou Yu and others.

In fact, there is no need to report, the three of them also used binoculars to see the changes on the top of the city.

However, the cautious Wang Jian still did not send an army up, but only sent a small team of one hundred people up.

The hundred-man team went up to the city gate.

At this time, a general of a week came out from the inside.

The leader is Zhang Fei and others.

See the generals of your own family.

This time Wang Jian and the others no doubt had it.

Their cooperation was over, and the emperor Ye Qing and others attacked the city and beheaded successfully.

An unprecedented battle to seize the city and capture the capital of another country was completed so quickly.

"Order, the army enters the city!"

"Send the order of the commander-in-chief, all the troops enter the city!"

The soldiers of the Fluctuating Light Legion were all excited.

Ba Kingdom has surrendered, and this city, which claims to never fall, was brought down by us so quickly.

Our Fluctlight Legion is awesome.

We make history.

After Jiangzhou, the country of Ba died.

Thousands of miles of national border, all belong to Dazhou.

The soldiers of the Fluctuating Light Legion shouted excitedly, rushed up the steps, boarded the city gate, and then rushed up the city wall, took a look at the ruined and devastated city wall by them, and then opened the door at the city gate. The flag of Dazhou was erected in front of the building.

More troops rushed into the city.

Then under the guidance of the dark men in the city, take over the important strongholds of the main blocks.

There are also large camps, armories, granaries, and government offices in the city.

Finally, the imperial army of Pakistan.

"Your Majesty Wang Jian and Zhou Yu pay homage to His Majesty!"

Wang Jian and Wang Jian came hand in hand, and brought all the generals to salute Ye Qing one after another.

The dragon chair in the palace of Ba Kingdom was replaced by Ye Qing who sat on it.

Bahuang and all the officials were remanded in Xieluoli beside him.

Ye Qingdao: "My dear fellows, you have worked hard. You have worked hard from the north to the south, and you have achieved brilliant results. I am very relieved."

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Wang Jian and Zhou Yu led the land and water generals to get up one after another.

"Zhou Yu, your troops will still be stationed outside the city, and you will be in charge of the waterways in Jiangzhou and even Ba!" Ye Qing turned around and Wang Jian said again:

"Wang Jian, your department is in charge of the city. If you inform me, no one is allowed to disturb the people or loot. Anyone who violates the law will be killed without mercy."

"Promise!" Wang Jian and Zhou Yu both took orders.

Then, Wang Jian left [-] generals to guard the palace, and the other troops were stationed in various places in the city.

"Come here, send a message to Chang'an, below the Ba Kingdom, Da Zhou will attack the Shu Kingdom next!"

"It's Your Majesty!"

Someone will arrange it.

Ye Qing doesn't need to worry about this.

These things are done.

Only then did Ye Qing look at Ba Huang.

"Bahuang, I have to trouble you to write a few imperial edicts and summon all places!"

Jiangzhou is lost, but there are still important cities in the lower reaches of the river, such as Ji County, Huangshi, Pingdu, and Linjiang, and the territory of a nearby county has not been won.

There are also many infantry from Ba Kingdom in Qianwei County upstream.

If one city is fought one city at a time, it will take a lot of time and energy.

Ba Huang said: "Your Majesty has an order, I, no... I will do it!"

Only then did Ye Qing ask people to prepare pens, ink, paper and inkstones, as well as the jade seal from Ba.

When Bahuang was writing, he looked up at the dragon chair that originally belonged to him, hesitated for a moment, and asked cautiously: "His Majesty the Great Zhou Emperor, I don't know how you plan to deal with me and my people!"

Is this a weak condition?
It can also be regarded as the temptation of Ye Qing by Emperor Ba and the officials of the Ba Kingdom.

Jiangzhou was surrendered, and Ba Kingdom was destroyed.

But if Da Zhou wanted to rule Ba, he needed people like them.

If Ye Qing didn't make proper arrangements, or treated them too poorly, these people would not be willing to help Da Zhou rule Ba.

Ye Qing didn't want to talk nonsense to them either, so he said directly: "Bahuang, you are still in charge of the government, and you didn't make any serious mistakes during your reign. The only time you made a mistake was to be an enemy of my great Zhou and break the covenant, which is injustice. .

But I still want to seal you as Marquis of Honor, I hope you can learn from it! "

Honorable Lord!
This title is not bad.

It can be said that it is enough to give Bahuang face.

The king of Shaodang Qiang was originally granted the title of Marquis of Guiyi.

Return to righteousness, return to surrender, and understand righteousness.

Zunyi is a level higher than it, and it is higher than the previous level.

Fenghou, this is a reasonable thing.

Da Zhou wanted to rule Ba Min Badi well, so he couldn't kill Ba Huang.

Not to mention a reward.

But it is also impossible to give the king and the like.

Not even the king of the county.

So Fenghou is the best.

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for honoring the order!"

Ba Huang saluted with difficulty, then waved his sleeves and began to write the imperial edict.

(End of this chapter)

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