Chapter 615
After the edict was written, the officials of Ba State summoned the Quartet.

Then Ye Qing looked at Baiguan again and said: "You can also rest assured, I don't like to kill indiscriminately, everyone will keep yourselves safe, don't cause chaos, don't cause trouble, I can guarantee that your family is small, and your wealth is safe." nothing!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

All the officials in Pakistan breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as they don't come up, behead their heads, ransack their families and exterminate their clans, and use excuses to harvest their wealth, that's fine.

As long as he is alive, as long as his family wealth is still there, even if he can't be an official in the future, he can be a rich man.

What's more, Dazhou needs them to rule Bamin Badi, so there may be a chance to come back.

So one by one, my thoughts began to come alive.

"Come here, take all the important ministers of the Ba Kingdom down to rest first, I have something to say to Hou Zunyi alone!"

The Zhou army went down with all the officials of Ba.

Only Ye Qing and Ba Huang or the Duke of Zunyi of the Great Zhou were left in the hall.

"Your Majesty, I don't know if you have anything to ask me." Ba Huang opened his mouth and said.

Ye Qingdao: "Honor Yi, who is that man in black who appeared today?"

Man in black!
Bahuang hesitated to speak, struggled for a while, and finally replied truthfully: "Return to Your Majesty, the man in black is Sha Ke, and he is the Little Sha Wu King of the Twelve Witch Kingdoms of the Western Man, with a sixth-rank strength."

Sure enough, they are from the Twelve Witch Kingdoms.

Ye Qing was greatly moved, and asked again: "Those three men in black with him are all dead?"

Bahuang nodded and said: "That's right, Your Majesty, they are all dead, and they are inherited from the clan.

One of the secret techniques of the Twelve Witch Kingdoms is to raise corpses, exorcise corpses, use corpses to fight, and regard these dead corpses as their comrades in arms. "

Raise corpses, exorcise corpses.

It sounds like an evil door, as expected of Wu Kingdom.

"Why didn't you mention at that time that I entered Jiangzhou to go to Dawu Mountain to go to Chuyue Kingdom, but you concealed this important information?" Ye Qing was slightly dissatisfied, with a bad expression on his face.

Hearing the words, Ba Huang said with some fear: "Your Majesty, forgive me, this matter is confidential, and I will not contact and invite the Little Sand Witch King to enter the country, nor will I reveal the secrets of the Twelve Witches of the Western Man. .”

"Hmph, forget it this time." Ye Qing said:

"You are telling me something about the Western barbarians!"

"It's Your Majesty!" Bahuang then began to tell the secrets he knew one by one.

It turns out that the Western barbarians have inherited corpses from within the clan. As long as they are strong, they can directly obtain old corpses from the seniors of the family.

The owners of the corpses are some talented masters in the original clan. After the battle, they usually use them to raise new corpses for the juniors to practice. They call these raised corpses witch warriors.

There are four types of witch fighter strength, which are distinguished by black iron, bronze, silver, and gold.

The three corpses that Sha Ke brought today were of bronze rank.

Moreover, the warriors of the Western Barbarians only had two general levels, namely the Little Witch and the Big Witch.

The demarcation of power is not so clear.

Little Wu, Da Wu and Da Zhou are not equal in nature and acquired, so there is no reference standard.

In addition, the Twelve Witch Kingdoms of the Western Man are a dual-kingdom system.

Both big and small.

So there are 24 kings in the Twelve Witch Kingdoms.

The Shake who appeared today is the little king of the Shawu Kingdom.

A little king's strength is at the sixth rank, so the great king is at least the sixth rank, or even the seventh rank.

The Western barbarians respected their strength and fought fiercely. They compared each other, compared with witches and warriors, and compared them with their own strength.

One person is equivalent to a combat team.

Therefore, the Western barbarians are very strong, and every year there is a competition between the Twelve Wu Kingdoms.

The Western barbarians tried to use this method to select their leaders and then unify Dawushan.

However, because of the western barbarian's customs and characteristics of raising corpses, expelling corpses, and fighting fiercely.

In addition to the reason of the living environment, the population has always remained at that horizontal point.

Therefore, the overall strength is also limited by this, and there has been no breakthrough.

Ye Qing was silent for a long time after listening to Ba Huang's secrets.

The Western barbarians are very powerful in individual combat.

Therefore, in Dawu Mountain, people from other ethnic groups who ventured in were hardly opponents of the Western barbarians.

Even if it is not in Dawu Mountain, if you fight alone, you will lose more and win less.

That's why Shake brought three corpses to and fro in Jiangzhou City, Baguo.

"Shake, I remember you, if you dare to come to Jiangzhou again, next time... hehe... it won't be so cheap."

"So what about Xiao Wang, and what if there are witch warriors?"

But after the rhetoric, Ye Qing also became a little worried.

"It seems that Jiangzhou has to send at least one sixth-rank expert to sit in the town, whether it is to deal with the unrest in Xisha Wu Kingdom or Ba Kingdom."

Counting with fingers, there are actually not many masters in Da Saturday.

Counting themselves as only eight, Cao Cao and Ye Qiu need to guard Chang'an and keep the capital safe.

At the same time, it is to guard against the Blood Shadow Pavilion and Baixiao Pavilion.

Hua Bei is the head of Qishan Pavilion. Although he can be transferred by Dayan Wusi, it is still limited after all.

After all, Qishan Pavilion also needs to be guarded in Fufeng County, and at the same time it can be regarded as the backing of Liangzhou, protecting Xihammer.

Like Tumen Town, Lu Lian guards the north guard area and guards the important place of the northwest gate, so he can't move.

Only Li Xunhuan, Zhang Sanfeng and Ding Chunqiu are left.

The Ba Kingdom released the sixth grade, and the Shu Kingdom also needs someone to guard it.

Three people go to the second, and there is only one sixth grade available in the middle school.

It's a pity that Xiaolongmen can be flexible, but Landong only has five ranks.

I also have Shi Potian, Yuhuatian, and Zhuge Zhengwo who are ranked fifth in my hand.

"There are still a few high-end talents in Jianghu, scattered all over the place, and some are not enough."

With the arrival of Bashu, the land of the Great Zhou more than doubled, and both the generals and the talents of the rivers and lakes were stretched.


In the next few days, Ye Qing stayed in the Baguo Palace. It should be said that the palace was changed to his residence at this time.

On the one hand, Dazhou began to take over the military administration of Pakistan, and screened the officials of Pakistan.

The selection of soldiers was also started.

Three days later, news came from downstream.

All counties and cities have surrendered.

After another three days, with the Dazhou navy marching westward.

Qianwei's Ba army also surrendered successively.

So far, the Ba Kingdom has been completely conquered, and the Great Zhou Dynasty has conquered the Ba Kingdom and surrendered [-] soldiers.

At the same time, most of Qianwei County in Shu Kingdom was eaten by Da Zhou.

Looking at the map handed over by Ba Guo, Ye Qing divided it into two big counties with a wave of his hand.

To the north of the Dianjiang River is a county called Beiba County.

To the south of the Dianjiang River and to the east of Jiangzhou is a county called Dongba County.

At the same time, Qianwei County of Shu Kingdom was divided into two.

To the west of Jiangzhou and to the east of the Thorn Road, there is a county called Xiba County on the south bank of the Dajiang River.

To the west of Jiangzhou and to the east of the Thorn Road, the north bank of the great river is a county, which is still called Qianwei County.

"Here came the decree to transfer [-] Ba troops out of the county to Wuwei, and hand them over to Wei Qing to lead them. At the same time, the families of the [-] soldiers were also moved to the Hexi Governor's Mansion."

Wei Qing doesn't have much resources in his hands, and if he wants to open up the situation in Hexi, he needs support.

So Ye Qing generously waved his hand and gave him a hundred thousand soldiers and civilians.

"Decree to select [-] Pakistani troops and hand them over to Zhou Yu, and order Zhou Yu to capture the entire territory of Qianwei and push the front line to Guangdu, the acropolis south of the capital of Shu!"

Zhou Yu got the order to set off early with [-] sailors and began to march northward along the waterway.

Nan'an was captured seven days later, and Wuyang was captured ten days later.

Fifteen days later, Guangdu was captured.

(End of this chapter)

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