I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 616 Zhang Ren's Choice

Chapter 616 Zhang Ren's choice, the movement of Hexi countries

"Your Majesty, with Zhou Yu's [-] troops in place, can we go north and attack the capital of Shu?"

Zhang Liang came over to ask for instructions with the battle report sent from the front.

Ye Qing corrected the important memorial sent from Chang'an.

After putting it down, he thought for a while and said: "Let's proceed according to the plan, order Wang Jian to take [-] soldiers from the Yaoguang Army to the north, and at the same time pick [-] soldiers from the Ba Army.

Jiangzhou left [-] soldiers from the Yaoguang Legion and [-] soldiers from the Shu Army. "


Zhang Liang went to make arrangements immediately.

The next day Wang Jian led the army northward, and arrived in Deyang three days later, and landed from Dechu. At the same time, he sent an order to Wang Ben to set off from Guanghan.

Among them, there are [-] from the Fluctuating Legion and [-] from the Pakistani Legion.

An army of [-] marched across Luoshui and captured Xindu.

It echoed Zhou Yu's [-] troops from north to south.

The demise of the Ba Kingdom sounded the death knell for the Shu Kingdom.

The Shu Kingdom has long been frightened.

Although there are still 8 people defending Shudu.

But Yijing has no fighting spirit.

"Husband, what should we do now? Dazhou's northern and southern armies are approaching our capital!"

Meng Jiang, who is the empress, completely panicked and shook Zhang Ren's arm.

Zhang Ren is also the first and the second big.

Is Shu really hopeless?
Are you really going to give up Shudu?
If you give up today, you will never come back tomorrow.

Once the hearts of the people and the army are lost, as an outsider, it is difficult for him to regain his strength.

Retreating to the vassal state of Shu County is a strategic retreat, replacing offense with defense, and shrinking the defense line.

It's not good to run away.

"Don't worry, don't worry, we definitely have a way, we can defend Shu." Zhang Ren pushed his wife Meng Jiang away, his eyes were red and bloodshot:
"Expand the army, call all the men in the city, distribute weapons to all, and arm them all, and we can gather an army of [-] to [-].

I want to die with Da Zhou. "

Looking at Zhang Ren who was about to go mad, Meng Jiang said: "Husband, why don't we go, we retreat to the vassal state, I heard that Da Zhou's weapons are very fierce, and a stone of a hundred catties can be smashed down. Can't live."

"Retire, I really thought it would be safe to retreat, naive." Zhang Ren sneered:

"As soon as we retreat, do you know how many people will abandon us? Do you know how many people will run away secretly, or turn around and surrender to Da Zhou?"

"If you don't retreat, I will stay here and never go anywhere. I will stick to the capital of Shu, and I won't get what I can't get." Zhang Ren seemed to have really made the final decision, gritted his teeth and said:

"If Da Zhou invades, I will set fire to the capital of Shu!"


Meng Jiang's eyes widened in disbelief, and his mouth was wide enough to stuff a duck egg.

This is the capital of his Shu Kingdom.

If it is burned, the Meng family is completely over.

How to return to the country in the future.

"Don't worry, ma'am, I won't let you be buried with me. You are the empress, you have to live. You have to bring our son alive. When our child grows up, let him take revenge." Zhang Ren came over suddenly He helped Meng Jiang up, but the latter's body was trembling.

At this moment she regretted it.

If he had not listened to Zhang Ren's words at the beginning, he would not have drugged his father and seized power.

Will the Kingdom of Shu still be like this?
Will the Kingdom of Shu still perish?
Can the Meng family be defeated to this point?

Everything is unknown.

Zhang Ren hugged him tightly.

"Whether it is the Meng family or the Zhang family, they will retreat to the vassal state. Remember my words, you must resist steadily. Even if you are defeated, you must withdraw to the west bit by bit. Even if you enter the mountains, don't let Da Zhou Take it easy, I will make Da Zhou pay a terrible price, and let them wash my Zhang family's hatred with blood."


"Ding! Master, Hexi Yueshi would like to know if Dazhou wants to attack Hexi, capture the land of thousands of miles in Hexi, prepare well in advance to defend against Zhou's army, is he willing to spend [-] taels of silver as a reward and sell it?"

"Ding! Master, Hexi Quanrong wants to know whether Dazhou will launch an attack on the Quanrong tribe, and prepare well in advance to prevent Zhou's army. Will you sell it if you are willing to spend [-] taels of silver as a reward?"

"Ding! Master, Hexi Rouran wants to know Dazhou's attitude towards the various ethnic groups and countries in Hexi, and has prepared well in advance to occupy a favorable position in the great changes in Hexi. He is willing to spend [-] taels of silver as a reward. Do you want to sell it?"

"Ding! Master, Hexi Tuyuhun wants to know why Dazhou established the Hexi Governor's Mansion, whether he wants to eat away the land of Wanli Xihe, and make preparations early to consolidate Tuyuhun's position in the Hexi area. He is willing to spend 5 taels of silver as a reward. Is it for sale?"

"Ding! Master, Qin Hu, Xiutu, Ding Ling, Xian Ling, Ju Yan, etc. want to know Da Zhou's attitude towards the Hexi small clan, whether they sincerely accept this clan, and are willing to work together to spend 1 taels of silver as a reward. Will they sell it?"

Ye Qing, who was about to leave for the Kingdom of Shu, suddenly stopped in his tracks.

come alive!
Ye Qing quickly checked.

The Yuezhi, Quanrong, Rouran, and Tuyuhun are all great clans and states in the Wanli Hexi area.

According to the information sent back by Wei Qing, the Yue clan is mainly located in the west of Hexi, along the Qilian Mountains thousands of miles away, intertwined with the Shaodang Qiang.

Rouran is located in the eastern part of the Hexi region, the main area is the edge of the desert, living there tenaciously relying on the desert and the oasis.

In the east of Rouran, across the thousands of miles of desert is the Turkic grassland.

Therefore, Rouran and Turkic are like enemies but not friends. If nothing happens, both sides will be safe. If Turkic is strong, they will still march west across the desert to plunder Rouran.

Quanrong is in the central and southern parts of the Hexi region.

Even the Wuwei County established by Wei Qing has one-third of the territory of Quanrong.

Inurong's influence extended to the northeast and also to the northwest of Beidi County.

The three kingdoms of Quanrong, Dazhou, and Turks intersected with each other in Lingzhou in the north, and they were enemies of each other.

Therefore, Quanrong was the first and most important enemy of the westward advance of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

Tuyuhun is located in the western part of the Wanli Hexi region, with the largest sphere of influence, larger and stronger than the Yuezhi and Rouran.

There has always been an ambition to go south and annex the entire Hexi.

It can be said that this is the strongest enemy that Da Zhou advanced to take down Hexi.

It is also the strongest barrier for Da Zhou to extend his hand to the Western Regions.

Qinhu, Xiutu, Dingling, Xianling, Juyan and other clans are some medium-sized small clans and small countries in the west of Wanli River.

The power is not strong, the territory is not big.

Protect and help each other and compete with each other.

Of course, there are still some smaller clans and countries in the Hexi region that depend on Yueshi, Quanrong, Rouran, and Tuyuhun to survive, even if they are vassals.

Is the Hexi region finally starting to change?
"I thought you didn't move, but now it seems that with the increase of my army and civilians in the Great Zhou, the minds of the countries and ethnic groups in Hexi have also begun to become active!"

Ye Qing thought for a while before saying, "System, all five intelligences are sold!"

"Ding! The transaction was successful!"

"After deducting 20% ​​of the handling fee, master, you still have 242800 taels of silver, and 5 chances to draw prizes!"

(End of this chapter)

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