I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 617? Qiao Feng Juque Lanling King

Chapter 617: Qiao Feng Juque Lanling King

More than 20 taels of silver have been deposited.

Another windfall.

So cool.

"System! Draw!" Ye Qing said immediately.

Now it is time to set off to deal a fatal blow to Shu.

This wave of rewards was really delivered in a timely manner.

Hope to draw some masters.

"Good master, now draw a lottery for you!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the master for drawing a general card!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the master for drawing an inheritance card!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the master for drawing an item card!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the master for drawing a martial arts card!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the master for drawing a game card!"

There is one card of each type.

It's really alive.

Ye Qing said again: "The system uses cards!"

"Good host."

"Ding! Congratulations to the master for using the general card and obtaining the Dianwei of the Three Kingdoms (second rank)!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the master for using the inheritance card and obtaining Guan Yu's force in "Glory of the King"."

"Ding! Congratulations to the master for using the item card and getting a giant sword!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the master for using the martial arts card and getting the martial arts character Qiao Feng (Rank [-])!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the master for using the game card to obtain the "Glory of the King" Lanling King (Rank [-])!"

Dian Wei, the guard of Cao Cao in the Three Kingdoms, a warrior known as the ancient evil.

The strength of the second grade is the same as Lu Bu's initial value.

To be a good general.

"Glory of the King" Guan Yu force, hey, this is for the second brother Guan?
Cheng Yaojin inherited the force of "Glory of the King" and mentioned the fifth rank.

Ma Chao also inherited the force of "Glory of the King" and mentioned the fourth rank.

In this way, Guan Yu inherited the force of "Glory of the King", at least the fourth rank, and he will have to be called Guan Sandao in the future.

Ye Qing continued to look down.

Giant Que Sword!
This was cast by Ou Yezi, a famous swordsmith in the Spring and Autumn Period. The giant que is blunt and heavy.Que: Tong "que", meaning incomplete.But it is extremely hard, so it is called "Supreme Under Heaven", and other swords dare not compete with it.

Juque sword is an epee, its strength is not sharp, but hard.

"This sword is just for me to use. If I use the Juque sword to use Overlord Slash and Fearless Charge, it will definitely be more powerful!"

Joe Feng!

Familiar heroes.

The big hero in my heart.

The strength of the sixth rank seems a bit low.

But what Qiao Feng is strong on is internal strength.

No one in the world can stop the eighteen dragon subduing palms.

It just fills up the situation that Da Zhou lacks in Supreme, and the system is still so considerate.

King Lanling, the assassin of "Glory of the King".

Sure enough, it is also a fourth grade.

Produced by the king, the combat power is unified, like a standardized factory.

This wave is another big gift package.

All of them satisfied Ye Qing.

"Come on, go and call Guan Yu." Ye Qing suddenly turned around and returned to the main hall.

Brother Guan, it's time for you to transform into Guan Sandao gorgeously.


Ye Qing and others didn't have to take a long waterway.

Directly use the teleportation array to the altar outside the city of Shu.

"I'm waiting to meet your Majesty!"

Zhou Yu took control of the altar as soon as he reached the capital of Shu, and the army was stationed in the west of the city instead of the south.

Ye Qing said: "Everyone is exempt from courtesy, how is the situation in Shudu?"

Zhou Yu replied: "Your Majesty, Zhang Ren is crazy. He keeps recruiting men in the city and distributes weapons to force them into an army. Now the Shu army guarding the city has 15 soldiers and horses!"

"With so much, Zhang Ren doesn't want to live anymore?"

Ye Qing was also a little surprised after hearing this.

With the carrying capacity of the capital of Shu, it is impossible to support an army of 15.

When the land was almost lost, Zhang Ren forcibly armed so many soldiers and horses, not only was it not a good thing, but a bad thing.

Because these soldiers and horses are easy to mutiny.

"Your Majesty, according to the news from the spies in the city, Zhang Ren wants to burn the capital of Shu together, and wants to burn the capital of Shu."

"He sent Meng Jiang and others out of the city according to the scriptures, and was heading towards the vassal state of Shu County." Zhou Yu explained.

Ye Qing said: "You can send someone to follow."

"Your Majesty, Yuhuatian and Li Yuanfang followed. But the opponent should have a sixth-rank expert guard, and it must be very difficult for the two of them to intercept them."

Not only is it difficult, but it is impossible.

Yuhuatian is fifth rank and Li Yuanfang is fourth rank, so they can barely fight sixth rank together.

But there must be more than one sixth rank in Meng Jiang's place, and there will be other fifth and fourth ranks.

The Kingdom of Shu is stronger than the Kingdom of Ba, and none of the masters of the sixth rank has appeared yet.

But it doesn't mean there isn't one.

It doesn't mean it won't appear.

Although Zhang Ren and Meng Jiang were unpopular, and the Jianghu of Shu Kingdom did not support them, but they must have collected many masters in the past.

Of course, it is easy to destroy Shu, and it is easy to kill the Meng family.

It is not easy to take over the Kingdom of Shu.

The most powerful eyebrow gate is a hurdle that cannot be bypassed.

This is an existence stronger than the royal family of Shu.

Zhang Ren is a child in front of them.

"Ding Chunqiu, take Shi Potian, Zhuge Zhengwo, Leng Lingqi, Zhui Ming, Tie Shou and others to chase Meng Jiang. If you can capture them, you will be captured, and those who cannot be captured will die!" Ye Qing ordered.

Ding Chunqiu immediately took orders and left.

Zhou Yu and others wanted to persuade them.

When Ding Chunqiu left, there were not many sixth-rank masters and fifth-rank masters around Ye Qing.

Zhang Sanfeng is in Jiangzhou.

Now there is only one Li Xunhuan and Lan Dong available.

Ye Qing cast a glance at Zhou Yu and the others, and then said: "Go down and prepare, and attack the city and break the capital of Shu after nightfall tomorrow!"


Zhou Yu and the others gave a warning, and then withdrew.

He didn't realize that Guan Yu beside Ye Qing was already different from before.

What's more, they didn't notice that among the guards, a man with a face like a prairie man appeared.

After Zhou Yu and the others left, someone soon came to report: "Your Majesty, there is someone asking to see you in Maojiabao!"

This is a great hero.

Soon Mao Dongdong and others came in.

"Mao Dongdong pays homage to Your Majesty!" Mao Dongdong and others came in and bowed.

After saying goodbye to Jiangzhou, he sent Ye Qing back to Chang'an. Unexpectedly, Ye Qing turned around and became the emperor of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

Although its subordinate Maojiapubao still has contact with the people of Dazhou Fang.

But not frequently, and Zhang Ren has always sent people to guard at the foot of Maojiabao Mountain.

"Your Majesty Mao is welcome, is your Maojiabao okay?" Ye Qing asked with concern.

For Maojiabao, he is grateful from the bottom of his heart.

If it wasn't for the Mao family, it might be difficult for him to find the teleportation array in Jiangzhou.

Mao Jia has made great contributions and has been studying this way with great concentration.

It is also what he needs.

Therefore, he treated Maojiabao with extra care and courtesy.

"Thanks to Your Majesty, everything is fine in Maojiabao!" Mao Dongdong stood up and said, "My ancestor has always been thinking about Your Majesty, this time His Majesty brought an army here, and my ancestor immediately sent my people from Maojiabao down the mountain to assist Your Majesty! "

Ye Qing was very happy when he heard the words, and said with a smile: "Okay, it would be great if you could help me!"

"It just so happens that you need your help. Zhang Ren has prepared a lot of flammable materials in the city, and he wants to set fire to the city when it is not good for defending the city." Ye Qing said solemnly:

"Your Maojiabao built the imperial city of the capital of Shu in the past, and there is a magic circle hidden in it. I don't know if it has the function of fire prevention."

(End of this chapter)

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