Chapter 618
"What? Zhang Ren is going to set fire to the city!"

Mao Dongdong was shocked.

The total number of soldiers and civilians in the city now exceeds 20.

Zhang Ren was insane, and he wanted to kill the whole country together.

It's so inhuman.

Mao Dongdong's breathing became heavy.

Suddenly, I felt a heavier burden on my shoulders.

It's like Mount Tai pressing down.

"Yes, this matter is very secret, but it was discovered by our country's spies." Ye Qing said worriedly: "Our army will definitely be able to break through the city soon, but I am afraid that he will set fire to it, and it will be difficult to put it out. No matter how large the area is, there will always be a large number of casualties and loss of civilian houses and buildings.

I still want to make a perfect plan, and I hope you can play a role in it. "

Mao Dongdong took a deep breath, bowed and said: "Your Majesty, the imperial palace has a magic circle, which is not only for reinforcement, but also for the consideration of fire, so take precautions in this regard, as long as you can rush to the imperial palace at the first time, it is better to save it." No problem.

There are also some more important government treasuries in the city, such as granaries. "

"There is nothing else, and the soldiers who need to enter the city need to be flexible and supervised."

"Only the palace and the granary." Ye Qing raised his eyebrows slightly, with a sad expression on his face.

If the palace burns, it burns, but it doesn't really matter.

After all, he is not greedy for enjoyment, but wants to deal with official duties here.

Any palace will do.

The most important thing is the residential buildings, or the entire city of Shudu.

If it is really ignited, it will be very troublesome to rebuild, and it will cost money.

After all, what he wants is the intact capital of Shu, not a ruin.

"Your Majesty, I am here not only to be ordered by the ancestors in the castle, but also to tell Your Majesty something." Mao Dongdong raised his head and said:

"Your Majesty, the heroes of Shu Kingdom would like to talk to His Majesty, maybe they can help His Majesty suppress the fire in the city!"

"Hmm! The heroes of the rivers and lakes in the Kingdom of Shu want to chat with me?" Ye Qing suddenly understood.

No wonder Maojiabao suddenly came to the door at this time.

It turned out that it was because of these Jianghu sects in Shu.

Ye Qing didn't speak, but thought deeply.

If you don't make a move late, if you don't make a move early, jumping out at this time, these Jianghu sects in Shu Kingdom are a bit interesting.

The rivers and lakes of the Kingdom of Shu are not so much the rivers and lakes, but the internal competition of Meimen itself.

One leaf blooms five flowers, and five flowers and eight leaves support each other.

The entire Kingdom of Shu belongs to your eyebrows.

The country can be destroyed, the royal family can be changed, but the Meimen remains the same.

"That's right, Your Majesty, their representative Yijing is outside." Mao Dongdong explained:
"Your Majesty, there are not only people from the Mei sect, but also people from the five sects, eight sects, and dozens of other sects."

Ye Qing closed his eyes and thought for a while before saying, "Yes, let them in."

Mao Dongdong went out to talk.

Soon Meimen and the representatives of the five factions and eight religions below all came in.

And none of them restrained their breath.

Deliberately as if saying something.

Ye Qing glanced over and found that among the visitors, there was one sixth-rank, five fifth-rank, eight fourth-rank, and eighteen third-rank.

The strength really cannot be underestimated.

This is just a representative, it is not clear what cards each family has.

Everyone saluted Ye Qing, and when Ye Qing returned the salute, they said: "I heard that you have something to say to me, now you can talk about it in detail."

After speaking, Ye Qing gestured to Li Xunhuan and Qiao Feng who were beside him.

The two are also full of breath.

I am afraid that my strength will be revealed invisibly.

Two sixth grades are carried with you.

The strength is equally strong.

It is also telling the rivers and lakes of the Kingdom of Shu that the Great Zhou is not the Kingdom of Shu. The Great Zhou has its strong foundation and reasons for its strength.

I was never intimidated.

All the representatives of the rivers and lakes of the Kingdom of Shu looked at each other and exchanged invisible eyes.

At this time, the sixth-rank master of Meimen said: "Your Majesty, Zhang Ren and Meng Jiang committed many unrighteous actions and they will kill themselves. This is what they deserve. However, the Kingdom of Shu is innocent, and the people of Shu are innocent. Your Majesty, don't burn the flames of war on the civilians, and deal with the soldiers and civilians in all parts of Shu leniently and lightly."

This sixth-rank master from Meimen is a woman with a black sand hat on her head.

The voice was sharp and thin, and there were some thorns when he opened his mouth.

This made Ye Qing a little unhappy.

"I don't need to worry about this. My Great Zhou has always rewarded virtue with kindness, and I am the most forgiving sinner. If the Kingdom of Shu dies, the people of Shu in the land of Shu will be the people of the place where I show my face. My Great Zhou should be lenient and kind." Treat." Ye Qing flicked his long sleeves, his eyes fixed on the sixth-rank master of Meimen:
"However, if there are unruly people making troubles, sabotaging our army to take over various cities, or obstructing our army from stopping the enemy bandits, naturally they will not be polite, they should be killed and captured.

Therefore, I also hope that everyone can understand, restrain the disciples of the disciples, the battlefield is not a matter of the world, and it cannot be surpassed. "

Very strong smell of gunpowder.

It's saying we don't mind our own business.

Let's not associate with other local officials and the army who have not surrendered?

"Your Majesty, the affairs of the imperial court are not for us to participate in, but how His Majesty is going to treat the affairs of the Jianghu, all sects and sects in Sichuan are looking forward to it, and hope His Majesty will give a reasonable answer." Meimen This sixth-rank master didn't get entangled in Ye Qing's words, but straight to the point, he mentioned how the Great Zhou Chaotian dealt with them.

This is the core essence.

Meimen had no intention of going to court.

If they can, they don't care about the rivers and lakes.

But then again, the status of Meimen is still raised by the five sects and eight religions.

How Chaotian treats him is very important.

Therefore, people from the five sects and eight religions also pricked up their ears and listened carefully.

Ye Qing didn't speak, but looked at Lan Dong on the other side.

Lan Dong stood up and showed his iconic smile.

As one of the original six factions, Lan Dong was an old fox who knew how to specialize.

To conquer the two countries of Bashu, it is even more necessary for Dayan Wusi to appease the local rivers and lakes.

So Lan Dong said with a smile: "Let me introduce myself, I am the old Lan Dong of Da Zhou Dayan Wu Sige!"

Lan Dong had never heard of it.

Is it strong?
What is Dayan Wusi?
Everyone just nodded and said nothing.

Then Lan Dong said again: "I know that everyone may not know me and Dayan Wusi, I am the head of the Xiaolongmen in the Jianghu of the Great Zhou, and Dayanwusi is a kind of coordinating affairs of the Jianghu in the Great Zhou." If there are injustices, killings, grievances, and injustices in the world, you can ask Dayan Wusi for help.

Of course, although the Dayan Wusi was established by the imperial court, it is not under the direct jurisdiction of the imperial court, nor does it need to be subject to the imperial court. "

An institution that manages the affairs of the rivers and lakes.

Coordinating the affairs of Jianghu, the Meimen and a group of people from the five sects and eight religions of the Shu Kingdom frowned slightly.

It felt a little bad when I heard it.

However, they were not in a hurry to make a statement, and Lan Dong continued: "Any powerful, prestigious, and virtuous Jianghu masters are eligible to join the Dayan Wu Division to become elders, and elders can help our sect or others." If someone speaks out, he can propose and discuss the affairs of Jianghu with other elders.

You can also directly report to His Majesty the Great Zhou Emperor about the affairs of the people in the Jianghu, and speak out for the Jianghu. By the way, my Dayan Wusi can also submit students for admission to the Lecture Hall, and each elder has several recommended places in hand. "

(End of this chapter)

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