Chapter 619: The Conditions of the Eyebrow Gate

Dayan Wusi didn't fully understand why he ran out of a martial arts lecture hall again.

What is the lecture hall for?

There are really a bunch of weird things in Da Zhou.

"Dare to ask Mr. Lange, what is the lecture hall!"

A middle-aged bald man in the five factions asked.

Dayan Wusi sounds tall and tall, so this lecture in the martial arts hall feels extraordinary.

Lan Dong explained: "Jiangwutang is a newly established martial arts hall in the Great Zhou Dynasty. It is a school for warriors. It is used to teach martial arts and train generals of the empire. It will teach military knowledge like a literature hall. Among them Including martial arts skills, there are masters from the empire teaching the students in the martial arts hall."

School of warriors!
What a great courage!
Great determination.

Dare to set up a martial arts school.

Let the warriors stand side by side with the literati.

There has never been one throughout the ages.

When he came out of the lecture hall, he was a general of the empire.

All generals!

The future of the warrior is bright.

"Maybe you don't know about my Great Zhou. After your majesty's reform, my Great Zhou no longer uses the set of six departments, but instead has [-] major departments. The Ministry of War is also independent and becomes the Ministry of National Defense.

The Ministry of National Defense and the Ministry of War and Military Affairs are completely different from the civil and political system of the imperial court. " Lan Dong continued:

"These are the treatment given to warriors. Whether it is the court or the rivers and lakes, they are all part of the empire. My Great Zhou does not allow any part to be confirmed, let alone all variables to affect the empire. If there is, then it will be eliminated."

Hearing this, the faces of all the representatives of the rivers and lakes of the Shu Kingdom froze.

There are two administrative systems in Dazhou.

One set of civil servants and one set of military officials.

However, he was overwhelmed by Lan Dong's sentence that the rivers and lakes are also part of the empire, and they are not allowed to wander outside, and if there is one, they will be resolutely eliminated.

Such a powerful emperor.

What a mighty empire.

Surrender can live, not surrender or die.

The rivers and lakes of the Great Zhou Dynasty were unified by this emperor who was not as weak as the crown.

The empire has only one voice, and only one ruler.

This makes them a little difficult to accept.

The rivers and lakes are the rivers and lakes, and the court is the court.

The court is in charge of the rivers and lakes, what is this.

Is there still freedom in the future?
It is said that the imperial court does not care about it, but in fact, Yijing is the administrative power occupied in a righteous way.

In the future, the imperial court's actions against the Jianghu are all well-known teachers.

The Jianghu will no longer be a scattered and free Jianghu, nor will it be dominated by their Jianghu sect.

The gains and losses are obvious.

For a while, everyone was silent.

After a while, everyone turned their attention to the representative of Meimen under the black veil.

The representative of Meimen said very freely: "Your Majesty is really worried about the world, whether it is Dayan Wusi or the lecture hall, they are all manifestations of the will of the empire.

It is also a way out for the empire to domestic warriors.

In terms of the purpose of my Meimen, I don't want to see fighting and killing all day long in the rivers and lakes.

With His Majesty under his supervision, the world can shed less blood and concentrate more power outside, which is great for the people of the empire! "


People from five sects and eight religions really want to spit dirty words.

What do you mean, it sounds like Meimen supports Da Zhou's behavior.

Although your sisters don't care about mundane things, you don't bring such a cheating brother.

Ye Qing stood up and said with a smile: "Thank you Meimen for understanding, I don't know what Meimen means..."

"In principle, my Meimen Zun can send people to Dayan Wusi to serve as elders at the call of Da Zhou." The sixth-rank master of Meimen changed the subject and said:
"However, Your Majesty wants to marry a disciple of my Mei family, and make her a concubine, and promise not to treat Shu differently, not to impose harsh policies on Shu, and to treat the people of Shu and all factions in the world kindly."

"Would you like to marry a disciple of your eyebrow sect?" Ye Qing was a little uncomfortable. He hated marriages the most, especially the ones with conditions.

The Kanto countries wanted to do it, but he didn't agree.

"That's right, I know His Majesty might be a little disgusted, but it's for His Majesty's benefit, you have to marry this person." The sixth-rank master of Meimen took two steps forward and said slowly:
"This person is Meng Ying, the third princess of the Kingdom of Shu."

The third princess Meng Ying!
These five sects and eight religions finally knew what Meimen's plan was.

The third princess, Meng Ying, is a disciple of Meimen, and a very important direct disciple.

If he becomes Ye Qing's concubine, the eyebrow family will be guaranteed, and naturally the five sects and eight religions below will also be guaranteed.

It can be said that Ye Qing really must marry this person.

The third princess of the Shu Kingdom, marrying him will have great benefits for ruling the Shu Kingdom.

Even Ye Qing was stunned.

He has seen the third princess, Meng Ying.

A beauty indeed.

And... Her identity really couldn't be rejected by Ye Qing.

"But the third princess is not in the country of Shu, nor is she in your Meimen. I don't think it's appropriate. If the third princess is willing, I will agree to your terms. If she doesn't agree, I will refuse!" Ye Qing thought for a while, Still gave his own principles.

Ye Qing had a crush on that girl, so he didn't want to hurt her, and he didn't want him to become a victim of politics.

The sixth-rank expert from Meimen gave Ye Qing a blessing.

"Your Majesty is indeed a man of temperament."

"Okay! According to His Majesty, we will go to the meeting to seek the opinion of the third princess. If she agrees, Your Majesty will marry her as a concubine. If she does not agree, we will not force it, and we will still support Your Majesty."

After finishing speaking, the sixth-rank master of Meimen turned around and left.

That's it.

Saying is the same as not saying.

What a negotiation.

Co-authoring, Ye Qing doesn't suffer from either side.

The rivers and lakes of our Shu Kingdom are so humble, do we need to ask Ye Qing?
People from the five sects and eight religions can't figure it out, and people from other sects are even more so.

It seems that Meimen, as a super power, is a little too cowardly.

"Everyone, since the matter is settled, the next step is to discuss the matter of joining the Dayan Wusi." Lan Dong said while the iron was hot:

"According to our principle, there are as many basic quotas as there are counties in a country. There are four counties in Sichuan, so the basic quota is four. Although Meimen used up one quota just now, I think this The number of places is not counted, it should have been given to Meimen alone, so the next four places will be nominated or contested by you.

Everyone can recommend themselves..."

"What? There are only four elders in the pavilion. Is there any mistake? Are you looking down on our sect in Shu?"

"That's right, there should be at least thirteen!"

"It's reasonable to say that there are five factions and eight religions, and one faction occupies one. It's the most fair!"

Lan Dong looked at Ye Qing, and Ye Qing left directly. This is the matter of Dayan Wusi, and he can rest assured that he will leave it to Lan Dong, an old fox.

Lan Dong smiled and said to the crowd: "Everyone, you may not know that now there are fourteen counties in my Da Zhou except Ba and Shu, and Ge Lao's quota is only nine, and you have four counties in Shu, and five counties." , Do the calculations, everyone, ask yourself, I, Da Yan Wusi, do I, Da Zhou, look down on you?"

"Is it fair or unfair? Let me tell you, this is you. If you change to another country and another region, can you still have this kind of treatment?"

"My Dayan Wusi has always been fair. If you feel dissatisfied, well, then I will let Dayan Wusi expand the number of elders in other regions..."

(End of this chapter)

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