I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 620? Attacking Shu Capital

Chapter 620 Attacking the Shu Capital

There are only nine places in the fourteen counties of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

Not many.

There are only five of the four counties on their side.

Everyone found that in comparison, not only did Da Zhou not be harsh and stingy to them, on the contrary he gave enough face.

It's too late to fight for more places.

Ge Lao must have strength and reputation.

Although the Eighth Religion is the pillar of the Shu Kingdom, there is not a single fifth-grade religion among them.

It seems that he is not qualified to be an elder.

It's just that if there are five factions competing for the four places, one of the factions is bound to lose the election. It's up to which one to choose.

Of course, this matter has nothing to do with Ye Qing.

Just leave it to Lan Dong to get it done.

After leaving, Cheng Yaojin came over with an envelope and said: "Your Majesty, the woman from the Meimen gave me this thing just now, saying that I should hand it to Your Majesty myself."

Ye Qing took it and took it apart to have a look.

I saw ten big characters written on it - invite Guo Xiang, young hero, to come to Meimen for a gathering!
Meimen looking for Guo Xiang?
In an instant, Ye Qing wanted to understand many things.

This time, Meimen brought a group of Jiang Hu brothers from the Shu kingdom, and it was too smooth and gentle.

Xiang Zhuang's sword dance is aimed at Pei Gong.

Meng Ying is just an addition.

What Meimen really cares about is Guo Xiang.

Recalling carefully, when Meimen sent herself and others to leave, she also gave Guo Xiang a box.

What's inside, Ye Qing still doesn't know.

And the stone statue on Meimen Mountain is too similar to Guo Xiang.

"What is this Meimen's plan, between Xiang'er and Meimen..."

Ye Qing squeezed the letter and glanced in the direction of Meimen.

"It seems that I have to go to Meimen again when I have time!"


The discussion between Lan Dong and various sects lasted for a long time, and it was not until after dark that the discussion came out.

"Your Majesty, the list of elders has been selected, and I also told you about Zhang Ren's plan to set fire to the capital of Shu. People from the five factions and eight religions all said that if the siege starts, they will stand up and help each other. Go into the city and keep Shu from being harmed by the flames of war."

As long as anyone has feelings for Shu, it is impossible to sit back and watch this country be ruined by Zhang Ren.

Besides, this is an opportunity to perform.

Now that he has joined the Dayan Wusi, he is on the same line as the Great Zhou Empire.

Then do something of your duty to gain a good impression.

Ye Qingdao: "Very well, tomorrow you will take care of these people in the rivers and lakes. Starting from the morning, our army will start to publicize this matter. First, we will first disintegrate Zhang Ren's army spirit, heart army, and the final battle of wits. Let them take care of themselves first." Let's be suspicious!"

The next day!

After dawn, an army of [-] in Dazhou, based on [-], surrounded a gate each.

Then shoot arrows into the city.

At the same time, they shouted outside the city that Zhang Ren wanted to burn the city.

The defenders in the city read the arrow book and listened to the shouts from outside the city.

All complexions changed drastically, with anger in their hearts.

Of course, Zhang Ren was more angry than them.

Because the generals below came to ask questions one after another.

"General, Zhou Jun said that you want to burn the city, and it is true that you want to burn the capital of Shu!"

"General, this is absolutely impossible!"

"General, this is the capital of the country. We can defend it to the death, but we can't set fire to it. There are so many people in the city..."

Zhang Ren was furious when he heard this, and denied it flatly: "Enough is enough, don't look for the troops, this matter is false, it is a rumor that Zhou Jun deceived and shaken our army's morale and fighting spirit, whoever speaks about this matter will be killed without mercy!"

Looking at the almost crazy Zhang Ren, the generals took back what they had said.

Words can be rounded, but actions cannot be rounded up.

The fact that dry firewood has been prepared everywhere in the city is not groundless.

Many senior generals and warriors know it.

Zhang Ren did not admit it, and he was not allowed to discuss it, which made people even more suspicious.

"Let's go, all go to defend the city. The Zhou army will attack the city at any time, so don't relax your vigilance." Zhang Ren drove everyone out, then locked them in the hall and raged, not afraid of smashing things.

The generals who were driven out, you looked at me, I looked at you, and exchanged eyes with each other, all showing disappointment.

"Everyone, the general is no longer the previous general. Are we really going to take 20 soldiers and civilians to the flames?"

"We are soldiers, and it is our bounden duty to obey orders, but some orders may become serious crimes."

"How about we find a place to drink..."

"Little brother has exactly this intention. The only thing in the world that can make a thousand sorrows is wine. Since we can't change anything, it's better to get drunk!"
"Hey, count me in, I'll have a drink too..."

An altar, you really went to get drunk.

Soon many generals, in groups of three or five, found a secluded place to drink lightly.

The atmosphere in the city was also inexplicably strange.

The people in the city were even more terrified.

Fencheng, Zhang Ren, that frenzied man, how dare he?
No, he really dared to kill the first emperor, but burning the emperor is nothing.

Time passed little by little.

From morning to night, the Da Zhou army launched a strong propaganda offensive.

Not to mention that the effect is very good, someone will post a letter as soon as it gets dark.

Picked up by Da Zhou's army.

Send them to their respective generals, open them, and they are all sincere, hoping to cooperate with the army of the Great Zhou.

These were voted by the family and officials who did not support Zhang Ren.

The soldiers at the bottom directly pulled a rope, tied it to the crenel of the wall, and ran down.

Abandon the city and flee.

It's not just one person, but a group, one team and one team.

"Damn it, someone defected, shoot an arrow!"

The generals defending the city were Zhang Ren himself, and they were all diehards. After they found out, they immediately led people to intercept and kill them.

"Report! Your Majesty, soldiers in the city keep coming out of the city to surrender!"

"Report! Your Majesty has Tou Chengxin in the city. This is the defense map they marked in the city!"

"Report! Your Majesty, the Zhang family in the city expressed their willingness to respond internally, and wait for the army to attack the city and attack the city gate."

There were constant reports of news, but Ye Qing kept his cloak tight and didn't even look at it.

Just ask: "Have all the ministries rested well, Ziye launched a surprise attack and attacked the city from all sides!"

"Return to Your Majesty! All ministries have rested and are ready, just waiting for the siege order." Zhang Liang said:

"The magic bird on the runway is also in place, ready to glide and take off at any time."

That's right, it was thanks to the runway that the emperor of Shu hurriedly built.

Ye Qing is going to use the mechanism bird to send masters into the city, and cut Zhang Ren in the imperial city.

But this beheading is different from Pakistan.

So Ye Qing will not participate.

Little Zhang Ren is not enough to let him end in person.

With the severe suppression of Zhang Ren's loyalists in the city, the soldiers who fled out of the city were finally contained.

Only then were the city gates on all sides quiet.

However, the patrols in the city have been strengthened several times.

Until midnight, the city was quiet inside and outside, as if the torment of the night was coming to an end.

But the Kingdom of Shu in the city didn't know that this was just the beginning of the uproar.

Outside the east of the city, on open flat ground.

There are four fighters under the bellies of the twenty divine birds.

The strength ranges from the sixth rank to the first rank.

"Everyone, the mission tonight is extraordinary. The honor of the empire depends on you, and the future of the capital of Shu also depends on you. I won't say much about it. Your Majesty is watching us over there. I wish you success." !"

"Set off……"

(End of this chapter)

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