Chapter 622 Breaking the city and letting Zhang die

Horse eggs!

Can you not brag.

You are a fifth-rank, and you have to kill a seventh-rank.

What about the face?

However, no one in Shu really dared to step forward, let alone answer.

People are bragging, they can't kill Qipin.

But the ax in his hand is not bragging.

Up to the fourth rank, they might be able to cut melons and vegetables easily.

After all, this is a fifth-rank warrior, and a sixth-rank warrior may not be able to win against others.


More and more soldiers of the Great Zhou came down from the city wall.

With Cheng Yaojin on top, the Shu army dared not go forward.

The soldiers of Da Zhou rushed under the city cave.

Then remove the stone and pull out the peg.

The east city gate was knocked open with a bang.


Outside the city, the soldiers of the Great Zhou Dynasty rushed in one after another, and the sound of killing shook the sky.

Seeing this, the Shu army either retreated one after another or surrendered on the spot.

Once the city gate was opened, it could no longer be guarded.

It's better to be direct.

"Kill me!"

Cheng Yaojin took the lead in the front, swung his ax and went forward without hesitation, heading towards the center of the city.

Other city gates were also opened one after another.

To the south of the city, Guan Yu rushed in on a horse. Soon there were enemy generals of the second rank on the street blocking him.

The man was stunned and cut into two halves.

"Hahaha, Yun Chang is mighty, kill him!"

Zhang Fei followed behind, shouting excitedly, stabbing wildly with Zhang Ba's spear in his hand.

In Beicheng, Ma Chao was the first to kill and rush, a fourth-rank general, leading hundreds of cavalry, blowing past like a tornado, passing by along the way, all the soldiers and soldiers of the Shu army became ghosts under the gun.

"Brothers, kill!" Wang Ben commanded the army to file in behind, following like a tide.

West City!


Huang Zhong cooperated with Lu Bu to kill the guards in the city repeatedly, one in front of melee, one in the back with a longbow burst.


Lu Bu Fangtian swung his halberd, beheading the soldiers of the Shu army in Wengcheng.

Gan Ning, a general in the water, directly inserted the long chain in his hand into the broken wall, and then slid down the long chain.


Then lift the two bolts of the city cave.

"Hahaha, Gan Xingba is fine, I'm going to open the inner city gate!"

Seeing that Gan Ning had opened the city gate, Lu Bu charged towards the inner city gate.

The city gate opened.

Holding the Peerless Iron Halberd in his hand, Dian Wei roared, "Kill!"

Twenty thousand soldiers rushed in.

When I came to see Lan Dong and the others, when Lu Bu and others attacked the city gate, he brought the five sects and eight religions of the Shu Kingdom and other masters of the rivers and lakes, and they all leaped in on the ladder.

Then he jumped off the city from other places, and ran towards the city with the fastest speed.

Their task is not to kill the enemy, but to search for all suspicious ignition points in the city.

In the city, Zhang Ren died loyally and went to put out the fire as soon as he set fire to the city.

The gate of the west city was about to be demolished, Zhang Ren's loyalists in the west city took out the torches and lit the firewood one after another.

"There is a situation on the right!"

As soon as the flames came out, the nearby masters of the Shu Kingdom's rivers and lakes fired up, and rushed over immediately, the weapons in their hands moved.


As soon as the figure swept away, the soldier who set the fire was killed.


The people who came quickly dispersed the burning fire and extinguished it.

Things like this happen all over the West City.

The night is the best foil for the fire point, so it is extremely convenient to find it.

"Zhang Ren is going to set fire to the city, the disciples of the five sects and eight religions in the city must hurry up..."

"The lay disciples of the Qingshi sect in the city should hurry up and monitor the fires in the city, and put out the fire immediately if found!"

"The lay disciples of the Wenchuan sect in the city, get up quickly, supervise the fire in the city, and put out the fire immediately if found!"

People from other sects, big and small, also started to run, calling on the disciples of the various families in the city and the lay disciples to take action.

The people who had been awakened by the flames of war stood up one after another holding their lamps.

Hearing the call of the people from their respective sects, they immediately put on a robe and looked around the city.

Many people who already hated Zhang Ren's regime got up when they heard that Zhang Ren was really going to burn the city.

The Lord joined the fire-fighting army.

At the same time, it was heard that the city gate was broken.

Those generals who had already surrendered immediately led the soldiers to abandon their weapons and surrender.

Zhang Ren led his men to escape from the palace all the way, and ran towards the camp in the east of the city.

While running, he said: "Set fire, set fire to the capital of Shu, if I can't get it, Da Zhou can't even think about it.

Come on, Da Zhou, I want to die with you, hahaha come on! "

All of a sudden, those who protected him stopped, looked at each other, and even started to abscond towards the two wings.

"Come back! Come back!" Zhang Ren yelled.

This group of ungrateful things, when Lao Tzu gained power, they begged to come to Nabai one by one, but when Lao Tzu lost power, they ran faster than rabbits one by one.

Fortunately, there are two diehards following him.

Seeing that it was time to go to Daying Camp in Dongcheng, Zhang Ren was overjoyed.

"Come on, call the army over here, quickly, intercept the enemy behind me!"

The soldiers of the Shu army in the Dongcheng camp wanted to support Dongcheng. When they saw Zhang Ren, they suddenly had a backbone, so they all went to welcome Zhang Ren.

"Protect the General!"

The soldiers of the Shu army rushed towards Qiao Feng and the others who were chasing behind Zhang Ren.

Seeing this, the subordinates behind Qiao Feng couldn't help but secretly sighed.

Let Zhang Ren, the bastard, run into the barracks, and it will be difficult to kill him.

But Qiao Feng didn't care about this, he jumped up and was in mid-air.

Hit from above, and blast out with one palm.

"The flying dragon is in the sky!"

The palm wind is like thunder, and its power is like electricity.

The bodies and chests of the rushing soldiers of the Shu army burst out with loud bangs, and their armor was shattered.

Fall in pieces.

After Qiao Feng landed, he kicked lightly and rushed towards Zhang Ren.

Zhang Ren turned around and turned pale with fright.

At this time, Zhang Ren's two loyal first-rank masters shot to intercept.

"See the dragon in the field!"

Qiao Feng's left palm is round and vigorous, while his right palm is straight.

Two palms out.

The two Zhang Ren diehards who intercepted them, only heard a click, their bones were broken, and they flew upside down and crashed into the wall of the street.

Zhang Ren took the opportunity to run to the gate of the camp, and more Shu soldiers rushed out.

Qiao Feng wasn't chasing him either, he stood still, his left leg slightly bent, his right arm bent inward, he made a circle with his right palm, and pushed it outward with a whirring sound.

A dragon roar roared out, and everyone seemed to see a dragon's head gathered by the wind flying towards the opposite side.


The soldiers of the Shu Kingdom in front of the camp rolled up from the ground one after another.

Zhang Ren is no exception.

One by one screamed in horror, and then crashed into the buildings in the camp.


It exploded with a sound.

The corpses of Zhang Ren and a group of Shu soldiers were divided into countless pieces.

Dead can't be dead.

The countless Shu soldiers who fell in the camp, and the Shu soldiers who hadn't rushed out, were all terrified.

Seeing Qiao Feng who was fine and finished his fight.

Everyone has only one thought.

Natou bows.

"Please spare the hero, I will surrender!"

Zhang Ren is dead.

His loyalists also died.

There is no need to fight this battle.

The battle of the capital of Shu had no meaning of any protection.

"Grandma, why is there such a big commotion."

Here Cheng Yaojin kills the general from the east gate with a hatchet in hand.

Along the way, they captured all parts of the Eastern City.

Take a closer look.

"Hey, isn't this old Joe? I said who is bluffing like that, well, you have taken down this barracks!"

"No, old Qiao, didn't you fly into the city to kill Zhang Ren?"

"Why did you grab the battle merit from me!"

(End of this chapter)

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