I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 623 Qiong Qingshan can catch up

Chapter 623 Qiong Qingshan can catch up
Qiao Feng clasped his fists, and said with a loyal smile: "Brother Cheng is joking, I chased Zhang Ren all this way, and only then did I get to the barracks!"

"What, chasing that bastard Zhang Ren, Zhang Ren, pull it out, let me break my body into pieces." Cheng Yaojin stared at his big eyes like copper bells, looking around for Zhang Ren's shadow.

The Shu soldiers kneeling on the ground lowered their heads one after another, shifting their positions to avoid Cheng Yaojin's murderous gaze.

Qiao Feng said with a smile: "Brother Cheng, there's no need, Zhang Ren was killed by me, and there is no whole body left!"

Dead without a corpse!

So strong!

Cheng Yaojin shivered unnaturally,

out of town!

"Report! Your Majesty, Ximen has been breached!"

"Report! Your Majesty, our army has captured the West City!"

"Report! Your Majesty, our army has captured the imperial city!"

"Report! Your Majesty, Zhang Ren was bombarded and killed by Qiao Feng, leaving no body."

Ye Qing, who had been sitting upright in the hall, opened his eyes.

However, his expression still didn't change.

It is reasonable to conquer Shu.

Not worth his mood swings.

He only heard him slowly say: "The city can cause a fire, how many people in the capital of Shu will be affected!"

"This... I don't know!"

The visitor hesitated for a moment before replying: "However, many fires in the city have been extinguished, and there is no large-scale burning place."

"That's great!" Ye Qing waved his hand.

The messenger went down.

Only then did Ye Qing go out.

Come outside the west city gate.

There are still news reports from the city.

In less than half an hour, everything in the city was cleared.

All hidden fire points in the city were also cleared.

But Ye Qing was not in a hurry to go in.

Just let Wang Jian preside over the overall situation.

After dawn.

The city has not stopped yet, there are still soldiers rushing back and forth.

From time to time there will be screams in the city.

Some of Zhang Ren's subordinates who were alone were picked out one by one.

Some civil and military ministers who were loyal to Zhang Ren were also directly pulled out, not to mention the family raids and family extermination.

They don't have the kind of treatment that Pakistan has.

As for the officials of the Shu Kingdom, kill as much as possible.

Ye Qing will not be soft-hearted.

After all, Shu State is much richer than Ba ​​State.

There is no reason to let these old rich men not be killed.

Among the hundreds of officials who were seized, tens of millions of money were confiscated.

It really enriched the treasury of Da Zhou.

For three days in a row, Da Zhou was dealing with the affairs of the capital of Shu either explicitly or secretly.

The surrendered army was also selected in batches into three parts.

Some of them will be drawn into the army to serve the Great Zhou.

Part of it was moved to Wuwei County, as well as Beidi and Xihe County.

Some will be returned home.

But wait until Meng Jiang's fleeing Meng and Zhang clansmen are completely wiped out.



This is the last city from Shu County to the country of Shu County.

Less than a hundred miles to the west is Qiongqing Mountain, which runs vertically from north to south.

Qiongqing Mountain is a natural barrier that separates Shu County from Shu County.

"Your Majesty, as long as we pass Qiongqing Mountain, it will be difficult for the Zhou army to chase after it. The road to Qiongqing Mountain is difficult, and it is not conducive to the entry and exit of the army. As long as we have tens of thousands of soldiers and horses, we can defend it for a long time."

Zhang Ren's confidant pointed to Qiong Qingshan and said to Meng Jiang.

Looking at the towering Qiongqing Mountain, Meng Jiang felt at ease.

After crossing Qiongqing Mountain, is it safe?

With a vassal state of Shu County, can it really compete with Da Zhou and deal with it to the end?

There are only four counties and five cities in the Shu county.

Can it last?
Reaching out to caress Zhang Ren's eldest son, Meng Jiang's eyes showed infinite hope.

"Let's go, don't delay!"

"It's Your Majesty!"

dark place.

Li Yuanfang and Yuhuatian who followed were a little anxious.

"They are going to enter Qiongqing Mountain. If our large army does not come, I am afraid we will miss this opportunity?"

"Or, let's kill each other!"

Li Yuanfang licked his lips and said.

There was a flash of emotion on Yu Huatian's Lengjun's face, but in the end he still nodded his head and said: "No, the other party has a sixth-rank, once the two of us are exposed, the people behind may chase after us, follow me, In the worst case, we will go to Shu County, and then the driver will start."

"Okay, I'll listen to you." Li Yuanfang put away his pair of round blades helplessly.

The two followed all the way, leaving clues along the way.

Ding Chunqiu led Zhuge Zhengwo and others to chase them all the way.

Half a day later, he appeared in Linqiong.

"This is the signal left by Yuhuatian and the others!"

"It's only been half a day, we can catch up with them at Qiongqing Mountain."


after one day.

Ding Chunqiu and others finally entered Qiongqing Mountain, but it was only on the periphery, there was still a lot of way to go, they continued to chase fiercely.

However, Meng Jiang and others were mostly women and children, all pampered nobles, and they couldn't walk fast after entering the mountain.

Had to go for a while, stop for a while.

"General Huang, can you let the soldiers carry everyone behind their backs!" Meng Jiang suddenly proposed a ridiculous idea.

General Huang, who was guarding them, looked embarrassed.

"Your Majesty, I'm afraid this is inappropriate. Our soldiers are also working very hard. They are constantly on the road, and they have to protect everyone at all times. I'm afraid..."

Before General Huang finished speaking, someone from the Meng family said: "What's wrong with this, you are all sent to escort us, we haven't despised you common people for being dirty, you are too hard!"

"That is, letting you carry us is to think highly of you, it is your glory, a blessing that cannot be cultivated in eight lifetimes!"

Zhang Ren and the members of the Meng family were well pampered, and their feet were blistered when they walked, so one of them encouraged each other.

General Huang couldn't refute, so he just said to Meng Jiang, "Your Majesty!"

The implication is that I don't want to.

No, he overestimated Meng Jiang.

Meng Jiang is no nobler than others, and she is promoted as the queen in name, and her temper is more arrogant.

He said coldly: "General Huang, since everyone thinks it is feasible, you should order the soldiers to move forward with the army on their backs, so that the journey will be faster.

It will be fine after Qiong Qingshan! "

After finishing speaking, Meng Jiang waved his sleeves, walked forward, and intentionally glanced at the experts who escorted them.

These people immediately raised the swords in their hands.

But General Huang refused to follow suit. He drew his sword and drew his knife, and he was able to make other people's heads fall to the ground.

General Huang sighed secretly.

He stood up and said to the back: "Listen to Your Majesty, get the princes, princes, and princesses on your back, hurry up!"

The very reluctant soldiers, all of them pretended to be cows and squatted down in a mighty posture.

Far away, Yuhuatian and Li Yuanfang were stunned when they saw this scene.

You can do that too.

Do it!

Really can do.

Comparing the two, this bullshit queen is not worthy of carrying shoes compared to their emperor of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

No wonder the state of Shu is about to be destroyed.

That's it, without them Da Zhou, I would play myself to death.

But this also gave them an opportunity.

Such a capable team, once they fight each other, these soldiers probably won't fight to the death.

Just when the two of them were thinking like this, suddenly a gust of wind blew behind them.

The two turned around alertly.

At this time, a handsome face that was frighteningly white appeared in front of the two of them.

The owner of this face has white hair and smooth hair.

"Jie Jie, you two are really easy for Ding to chase after!"

(End of this chapter)

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