I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 624? Tier 6, how many points will you give for the first kill?

Chapter 624 Tier [-], the first kill, how many points will you give
The person who came was none other than Ding Chunqiu.

"Old Monster Ding, you want to die!"

Yu Huatian and Li Yuanfang hid the weapons in their hands back, and both gave him blank glances.

Ding Chunqiu was thick-skinned, and looked forward along his eyes: "Let them go ten miles longer, then it's best to do it!"

"How many people did His Majesty ask you to bring?" Yu Huatian asked.

Ding Chunqiu said: "Shi Potian and Zhuge Zheng and I are here, what do you say?"

At least two rank five came, plus rank six poison expert Ding Chunqiu.


"Of course it's enough, you guys wait at the back, I'll go to the front and give them something good!"

After saying that, Ding Chunqiu's figure disappeared in place with a whoosh.

The moment Ding Chunqiu left, Shi Potian, Zhuge Zhengwo and others arrived one after another.

"Where's Ding Chunqiu?"

Zhuge Zheng asked me.

Yu Huatian said: "He went to the front, saying that he wanted to send some good things to the empress of the Kingdom of Shu!"

"He's going to poison him, don't he want to die?" Shi Potian was kind in nature, frowned slightly and said:
"Your Majesty said that you can capture as much as you can."

Yuhuatian was noncommittal.

Li Yuanfang shrugged.

Zhuge Zhengwo is the oldest and most experienced, he shook his head lightly and said, "It's better to be dead than to be alive, and it can save a lot of trouble."

What do you mean?
Shi Potian didn't react for a while.

Then Zhuge Zhengwo said again: "Otherwise, Your Majesty will send someone else to take the lead."

Since Ding Chunqiu, an old poison, was sent to take action, he didn't intend to live.

A bunch of moths killed Woxin, and if they really want to take them back, they are useless, and they will add trouble to the emperor.

One royal family of the Ba Kingdom is enough, Da Zhou does not need another royal family of the Shu Kingdom.

Meng Jiang and the others didn't know that there was always a tail behind them.

I don't even know the reinforcements coming behind the tail.

Even if there was a sixth-grade master in their team, they didn't notice it.

When they got here, even a sixth-rank expert felt that Zhou Jun would not be able to catch up for a while.

The capital of Shu is the focus of Da Zhou's attention.

Before the capital of Shu was captured, it was impossible for Da Zhou to be distracted and send masters to chase them down.

This trip to escape was just a little harder, but it was actually without any surprises or dangers.

Soon there was a small stream ahead. The clear water made the tired people unable to walk.

They all stopped to fetch water and rest.

Although the environment in the mountains is a little more primitive, but at the same time when the strong wind outside the mountains makes people's ears hurt.

It's warmer here.

"Ah! Comfortable, so cool!"

"It would be nice to have some fresh venison!"

"I still need some jugs of good wine!"

"Hey, here are some dancers, singing and dancing, wouldn't it be better!"

"Good... poof!"

A Meng family king spat out a mouthful of blood, pinched his throat with both hands, and his eyes were round and wide.

"Why... poof!"

Others also poured out a mouthful of stuffy blood one after another.

The body jerked and twitched.

"No, the water is poisonous!"

"No, it's the poison in the air..."

The masters in the team covered their mouths and noses one after another, holding their swords and guarding their surroundings.

But still fell down one after another.

There are all kinds of symptoms, not enough.

"come out!"

The sixth-rank master of the Shu Kingdom swept the weapon in his hand, and saw countless air knives blasting away in front of him.

"Bang bang..." Several times, the tree poles in front of them were all blown apart.

"I'm here, you're in the wrong place!"

On the right wing, suddenly a figure floated down from the tree.

Dressed in a gray robe in blue and white, with white hair and white beard, from a distance, he looks graceful.

"Who are you?"

Ding Chunqiu said: "Ding Chunqiu!"

"Ding Chunqiu, a member of the Great Zhou Dog Emperor, even a mere second rank, dare to chase after him!" The sixth rank master of the Shu Kingdom snorted coldly, stomped his feet, and flew to kill him.

Ding Chunqiu followed Ye Qing to Shudu, where the strength is still average.

Far from advancing to the current sixth rank.

That's why this Shu country's sixth-rank master will disdain and underestimate him.

Ding Chunqiu didn't explain either.

Instead, he stepped on his feet and raised his hands to step back.

One of the two moved forward while the other retreated. Their movements were chic, like two flirting men and women, looking at each other with deep affection.

"Cowardless rats, they can only release poison, if you have the ability, don't run away!" Pushing the sword in the hands of the sixth-rank master of the Shu Kingdom, the sword turned into a long rainbow and flew towards him.

A wicked smile finally appeared on Ding Chunqiu's cold face.

Yun Gong, a direct hit, forcibly received the sword from Fei She Cong.

He hit the sword and stabbed it into the tree beside him.

"Well, I can take it hard!" The sixth-rank master of the Shu Kingdom was a little surprised.

"It's just a sixth grade, what an air, as if no one is the same!"

Ding Chunqiu's feet must be fixed, his hands are knotted, he does not retreat but advances, and he actively stretches out his palms towards the opponent.

"The Great Law of Transformation!"

The sixth-rank masters of the Shu Kingdom didn't notice the difference, raised their eyebrows in contempt, and threw their fists away in the same way.

"Boom bang..."

Almost at the same time when palms were facing each other, Ding Chunqiu's internal energy was fully released, and a strong aura suddenly overflowed.

The surrounding vegetation, branches and leaves withered and turned black at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Only now did the sixth-rank masters of the Shu Kingdom realize that Ding Chunqiu was actually also a sixth-rank strength.

And there is poison in the fist.

They slapped two palms together and hurriedly retreated, trying to distance themselves from Ding Chunqiu.

But when Ding Chunqiu got close to him, he combined his fists and palms again, attacking more violently, when he left the fight without giving any reaction.

"Damn it, how could you be a sixth grade, ah, get lost!"

With a burst of anger, the sixth-rank master of the Shu Kingdom used his own strength to blast over, but Ding Chunqiu didn't pick it up, and pulled away in a flash.

This palm failed, the body of the sixth-rank master of the Shu Kingdom was shaken suddenly, and he spat out a mouthful of stuffy blood.

Busy breath adjustment to suppress the poison on the body.

A second-rank, unexpectedly repaired to sixth-rank so quickly.

How could Da Zhou have such a monster.

"There are still many things you don't know, for example, you are going to die here now!" Ding Chunqiu shouted coldly: "It's time for Yuhuatian to act!"

After the words fell, I saw a man in brocade clothes and jade face standing on the tree pole behind the sixth-rank master of the Shu Kingdom.

In the next moment, countless broken swords flew over, densely packed, like a rain of arrows.

"Hmph, little plan!"

The sixth-rank master of the Shu Kingdom raised his hands outward, and a breath of earth-shattering and human aura rushed towards Yuhuatian.

Sweep blows away the incoming Broken Sword Rain.

But just when he thought that Yuhuatian was going to jump down from above to assassinate him, suddenly a small voice flashed in the grass on the right wing,

Two rotating circular blades flew from left to right to outflank it.

This scene really horrified him.

Just when he crossed the block.

Suddenly, the small figure came to his feet in a flash.

Then a dagger stabbed upwards from above.


The sixth-rank master of the Shu Kingdom screamed in pain, and his lower body was punctured.

This is not the most abominable thing, the most abominable thing is that there are steel needles in a deep mark under his feet.

When did my own feet step on it.

The severe pain from under his feet made his awkward hands crooked.

One of the round blades was knocked off, and another flew past, slashing his neck.

Finally passed through and was caught by Xiaoying with one hand.

"The night gave me black eyes, and I use them to chase and kill the enemy... Tier [-], for the first kill, Master Di will give you some points!"

Wei An's body hit the ground heavily, raising a layer of fallen leaves...

(End of this chapter)

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