I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 626? Han Wei's Reaction

Chapter 626: Han Wei's Reaction

Wei Kingdom!

"It turns out that Dazhou is about the same size as our country, and its strength is still slightly inferior to ours. In this way, the West Hammer is stable, the Southwest is also taken back, and the land of Bashu is also taken. The national strength has greatly increased, and the strength will increase in the future. Your Majesty, when you promote our two The country's relationship level has reached!"

Tian Zifang, an important minister of Wei State, stood up and said.

Tian Zifang is proud of princes and despises wealth and honor. He is famous among princes, not only has prestige at home, but also abroad.

Wei Zeng, the emperor of Wei State, was deeply afraid, but Tian Zifang was a loyal minister, so his words had to be considered.

Wei Zeng said: "Tian Aiqing, in your opinion, how to improve the relationship between the two countries!"

Do you think I don't want to?
Lao Tzu gave the princess to Ye Qing, but he didn't accept it.

What can I do.

Tian Zifang said: "Your Majesty, just send the prince to Chang'an!"

Fearing that the emperor would not agree, Tian Zifang said again: "Now Donghai Kingdom and Beishi Kingdom have sent the prince to Chang'an, and Chang'an is also holding scientific examinations and building a royal library with a collection of books all over the world. I think the prince can go to study and send a hundred The students go to Chang'an to study together, learn the way of the Great Zhou to strengthen the country, and learn the way of reform, so as to cope with all changes!"

Send my prince to Chang'an.

Wei Zeng's face was almost green.

If someone else asked for this kind of ball in front of all the officials, he would take it and blast it out at the first order.

But this is the Great Wei Zhushi.

Can't move.

The court of Great Wei was not in chaos anymore.

Wei Zeng turned his attention to the other officials and said, "What do you think about this matter!"

Wei Zeng's eyes were mainly on the generals of the Ministry of War.

Send the prince to be a proton.

Do you want the face of your generals?

My country of Great Wei is not a weak country with few people like Beishi and Donghai.

How can you do such a cheap thing.

Sure enough, when he heard the emperor's inquiry, a general stood up in the Ministry of War and said: "Your Majesty, my minister Gongsun Xi thinks that strengthening the relationship with the Great Zhou is understandable, but sending the crown prince to Chang'an will save you. It is thicker, and the atmosphere here is more suitable for the growth of the prince, so there is no need to travel to Dazhou!"

"Your Majesty's minister Le Yang seconded the proposal!"

"Your Majesty's minister Xin Wenyan seconded the proposal!"

A group of generals stood up to support Gongsunxi.

Send the crown prince to Chang'an, my country of Great Wei is not a subject of Great Zhou, so what to send.

If he really wanted to send a proton, then Da Zhou would have to send a rather important person to Da Wei.

Wei Zeng nodded his head reassuringly.

Everyone has their own benefits too.

But this can be anxious Tian Zifang.

He looked at one of the people at the front of the military department and said, "What do you think, the general?"

General Pang Jun, holding his goat mustache, stood up and said: "Your Majesty, the prince is the foundation of the country, how can he leave the capital lightly, the great Zhou is strong, and our great Wei is not weak. prestige.

His Majesty!The minister believes that the most urgent task is to strengthen the country and army, increase troops and select talents, and solve the tigers and wolves around us. "

The Great Zhou was able to destroy the Qiqiang, collect the Nine Dies, and eat the Bashu.

Why can't my Great Wei State destroy Bohai State in the east and Beishi in the west?

Xianbei was plundered in the north.

Send the prince as a proton.

My majestic general loses face.

"You..." Seeing that Pang Jun was so stubborn, Tian Zifang was so angry that his fingers trembled, but in the end he didn't say anything, and turned his head and sighed heavily.

The emperor still can't see the changes in the general situation of the world, can't you, a great general, see it too?
Today's Great Zhou is not the Tathagata's Great Zhou.

The Great Zhou, whose territory has doubled, now has the background that is not inferior to the Chuyue Kingdom.

As long as they recuperate for a few years, the national power of the Great Zhou will soar, and the military power will double. By then, it will be too late to make friends.

The most important thing is that the northern stone manzi and Dazhou are getting more and more popular, and the development of the scriptures has begun to get rid of the original bitter haha ​​mode.

Tian Zifang is sure that Bohai Kingdom will make another big move this time.

Da Wei lost a chance to become stronger.

Blind arrogance is fatal.

But then again, Tian Zifang has always been arrogant and conceited.

This is the ethos of Wei State.

The characteristics of the Wei state.

Wei Zeng was overjoyed that General Pang Jun stood in line.

Stretching out the sleeves of his dragon robe, he said, "The general's words are very kind, let's play!"

If Da Wei wants to become stronger, we need to rely on no one but ourselves.

Da Zhou does not give weapons or technology, I, Da Wei, can buy them from other places, or steal them quietly.


The neighboring country of Wei State is Bohai State.

The surname of the Bohai Kingdom is Ren, and the emperor is Ren Ding, who has reigned for ten years.

There is Prince Renbi, who is underage.

But when he heard that Da Zhou swallowed Bashu, this Ren Ding didn't have any considerations, and directly sent the general to send Ren Bi to Chang'an.

He was afraid that he would go late and let Wei Guo seize the opportunity, which would be detrimental to Bohai State.

At the same time, the demise of Bashu made Ren Ding aware of the crisis around him.

The rise of the Great Zhou, without the constraints of the west and the southwest, will other countries follow suit and solve their own flank crises.

You know, the reason why the Chuyue Kingdom is strong is because it destroyed Dongyue back then, swallowed up the land of Dongyue, and encroached on Zhongyue.

This made the eastern and southern parts of Chuyue Kingdom no longer in crisis.

You can put your troops and energy on the west and north.

This is how it gets stronger.

Attacking the East China Sea now is also solving the constraints in the north. Once the East China Sea is destroyed, the Chuyue Kingdom will lose another direction.

National power will not be weakened by war.

On the contrary, it is promoted.

What Ren Ding could see, Han Wei could also see.

Beishi is backed by Dazhou, and the two countries have formed an alliance.

It is unrealistic for Wei State to want to attack Beishi State.

The last way is to kill them Bohai State.

It is convenient and safe for such an east-facing queen.

At that time, Wei Guo took the opportunity to eat his two younger brothers, Bei Dai Guo and Ji.

The northeast is also quiet.

You can communicate with each other to fight for hegemony in the South and the West.

"No, I still have to send envoys to Beidai Kingdom and Beishi Kingdom, and I must win these two people over!"


South Korea!

"My lords, the speed with which Great Zhou dispatched troops and the speed with which the two countries were destroyed is far beyond our imagination." The Korean emperor glanced at the officials below and said:

"The strength of the Great Zhou needs to be further evaluated. Now that our country has joined hands with the Chuyue Kingdom, it has not yet been able to destroy the East China Sea Kingdom.

And the Great Zhou Dynasty easily wiped out the two countries of Bashu, which are separated by great rivers and mountains. It is conceivable that its strength is so powerful. If it goes east, there are a few chances that we, South Korea, can stop it.

How long can it be blocked? "

This is not alarmist talk.

At the beginning of the year, Da Zhou destroyed 100 million Chu and Yue kingdoms.

This may be another reason. The Chuyue Kingdom is fighting in a different place, and the climate is not acclimatized.

Influenced by heaven and earth, geography, and people.

Now that Bashu is destroyed, it will be disadvantageous for Dazhou.

As a result, they destroyed more simply and more domineeringly.

It can be described as destructive.

As a big Zhou Dongchu, the most direct South Korea.

It was like a dagger was stuck in the throat.

With a little force, the enemy can be pierced and blood is splashed.

There was a lot of discussion among the officials below.

All looked worried.

"Your Majesty, I believe that the Great Zhou Dynasty is comparable to the Chuyue Kingdom. It should be our number one enemy in Korea. We should strengthen the troops and horses of the four passes, and at the same time increase the height and thickness of the city defense." The Minister of the Ministry of War of South Korea stood up and said:

"At the same time, all Dazhou business missions are banned from entering and exiting from our four major gates in South Korea, weakening Dazhou's business and preventing it from making up for the shortfall in combat by relying on business profits."

As soon as the words came out, everyone was shocked, and all the officials were shocked.

is this necessary?

The rhythm of going up and down.

The war hasn't started yet, so what?

(End of this chapter)

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