I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 627? Chuyue Kingdom Opens up the Third Battlefield

Chapter 627 Chuyue Kingdom Opens up the Third Battlefield

Violent kite!

You can't turn on the explosive mode just because your surname is violent.

Even Han Huang was shocked.

I thought to myself, Minister of the Ministry of War, you are too capable of making trouble.

"Ahem." Han Huanghan coughed, motioning for others to say something else.

Bao Yuan's words were too radical.

For no reason, the business travel of the Great Zhou was banned, and the four gates were closed, which was no different from breaking off the war.

South Korea is not afraid of Dazhou to this point.

If this gets out, everyone in the world will laugh at South Korea for being too cowardly.

At this time, a strong young minister came out of the civil servants.

This person said loudly: "Your Majesty, the remarks of the Ministry of War are too arbitrary and radical. I think that we can send someone to take the initiative to ease the relationship with Dazhou, strengthen border control, and increase customs clearance and commercial taxes. It will be enough to deal with Dazhou."

Emperor Han Ran nodded and said: "Shen Aiqing's words are justified, it's an old minister's move to seek the country."

But just after he finished boasting, this person continued: "Your Majesty, according to my opinion, the strength of the Great Zhou Dynasty lies in reforms. The new king ascends the throne, reforms the internal affairs, the Ministry of War becomes the Ministry of Defense independently, and the combat is out of control. Merit.

If we want to become stronger, we can learn from its method of reform, reform internally, form allies externally, and strengthen military operations with allies! "

"Your Majesty, no, the reform of the Great Zhou Dynasty is a way of death. It may be effective in the short term, but in fact it is the foundation of destroying the country. It will not be able to survive in the long run. Drinking poison to quench thirst!" Suddenly, a white-haired old man stood up among the civil servants, pointing He cursed at the person who spoke just now:
"Shen Buhai, do you want to destroy Korea? Are you trying to break the foundation of Korea by showing off your reform all day long?"

Shen Buhai straightened his back, upright and awe-inspiring, neither humble nor overbearing said: "Gong Zhongpeng, for your own selfish desires, insist on not changing the law, and safeguard the interests of the old landlords and nobles, that is the way to subjugate the country.

Now that my country has accumulated evils for a long time, it is in great need of reform and improvement.

It is not necessary for me in Korea to learn from Dazhou, but I can learn from some of its practical strategies to strengthen our people, enrich our treasury, and strengthen our soldiers. Wouldn't it be beautiful! "

"Hmph, Shen Buhai, as long as my Gong Zhongpeng is here in this big Korea, you can never think about reforming the law. If I don't die for a day, Korea won't be able to have you, a little servant of the Ministry of punishment, come out to control the court!" Gong Zhongpeng Obviously a bit disdainful and stubborn said.

Without it, because Gong Zhongpeng is Situ, one of the three official worshipers.

South Korea is different from other countries, and there are three public positions.

So Gong Zhongpeng's status is very high.

In general, a minister in a country has a very high official position.

But in South Korea, with the addition of three company apprentices, Sikong, and Taiwei, the Jiuqing and the Six Departments can be crushed to death.

Even Han Huang and Han Ran have some headaches.

No, let's talk about Da Zhou's affairs properly.

All of a sudden, it became an internal conflict in South Korea.

Disputes between reformist and conservative factions arose.

The Minister of the Ministry of War who spoke first was put aside.

Bao Yuan's face was extremely ugly.

But there is a general and a lieutenant above him.

Although he is a minister, he is not qualified to insert Situ Gong Zhongpeng's mouth.

After all, not everyone can stretch without harm.

Although his official rank is low, his background is not small.


Chuyue Kingdom!
"Damn it, Da Zhou succeeded again."

After hearing the news, Xiong Wan, the emperor of Chuyue Kingdom, cursed directly in the court hall.

The officials below whispered to each other even more.

There are those who are worried, those who are envious, those who are jealous, and those who do not believe.

It is really unimaginable that Da Zhou took down Bashu in such a short period of time.

Isn't Bashu difficult to travel by water?
Aren't they all mountains and rivers?

Aren't they all barbarian countries with no language?
"Your Majesty, the Great Zhou has removed the threat from the southwest. With Bashu as the rear in the future, the national power will inevitably rise. It will be the number one enemy of our Chuyue Kingdom. It needs to further weaken the country. It is best to unite with the Kanto countries to cut off its diplomacy and hinder it East out."

"Your Majesty, we have to speed up our offensive against the East China Sea Kingdom. The East China Sea Kingdom needs to be destroyed as soon as possible, otherwise Dazhou will definitely increase its assistance."

Two important ministers stood up at once, and Xiong Wan said: "What the two love ministers said is true. Our Chuyue Kingdom will not only unite with South Korea, but will also unite with Wei Guo, and ban all business and diplomacy from Da Zhou's exit. .”

"It's just a matter of the East China Sea. The front line is not going well. The Ministry of War can make a new plan!"

The third son of the Chuyue Kingdom, the Zhao family presided over the diplomats and civil servants of the Ministry of Rites.

The Qu and Jing clans were in charge of the war and held military power.

A member of the Jing family stood up and said, "Your Majesty, I think that we should open up a third battlefield to quickly resolve the war in the East China Sea!"

The person who spoke was Jing Hong, and he was the younger brother of Jing Tian, ​​the first coach of Gong Da Zhou.

It is also the direct line of the Jing family.

Xiong Wan said: "How to open up the third battlefield?"

Jing Hong replied: "Your Majesty, you can send our navy of Chuyue Kingdom to the shallow sea to find the navy of Donghai Kingdom for a decisive battle, and use the advantage of our navy of Chuyue Kingdom to destroy the navy of Donghai Kingdom.

Then Langya landed behind him to mess up his position. "

Attack Langya County and open up the third battlefield.

That's a good idea.

It is a way to break the current deadlock.

Xiong Wan didn't immediately agree, but looked at Qu.

A member of Qu's family stood up and replied: "Your Majesty, if you want to fight against the navy of the East China Sea on the shallow coast and gain an absolute advantage, you must send the navy from Jingzhou to the east to help in the battle. At the same time, we will send a mission to the Eastern Qi State, if the Eastern Qi State can not help the Eastern Sea State, then the event will be settled."

The Chuyue National Water Army was divided into two parts, Jingzhou and Yangzhou.

Now the naval forces confronting the East China Sea on the front line of the Huai River are all sent to the Yangzhou navy.

The main duty of the Jingzhou navy is to guard the river and maintain the safety of Jingzhou, especially Jiangling.

As long as there is a navy, not only Jiangling can sit back and relax.

Even important cities in the north such as Xiangyang are impregnable.

Even if Da Zhou came out to fight, it would be fine.

However, the possibility of Da Zhou going east now is extremely low.

Da Zhou, who had just ended the battle of Bashu, must have been seriously injured, and the possibility of attacking Chuyue Kingdom was too low.

Xiong Wan pondered for a while, and finally made a decision: "Then transfer the Jingzhou Navy to the east, and help the Yangzhou Navy attack and kill the Eastern Sea National Navy."

"At the same time, the Ministry of Rites sent officials to Wei and Dongqi as envoys; by the way, Zhaohong, you are going to South Korea, sending ten thousand gold, one hundred beauties, one hundred pieces of brocade and silk, and ten thousand stones to Han Huang. To further deepen the relationship between the two countries, make mutual marriages, and sign a non-invasion agreement, I hope South Korea can terminate exchanges with Daeju."



East China Sea country!
"Okay! Great Zhou is great. He wiped out the two countries of Bashu in one fell swoop. There is no advantage in the west, so we can go east with all our strength. The pressure on our East China Sea country can be slightly reduced!"

The emperor of the East China Sea Kingdom was ecstatic when he received the news, and immediately sent someone to say: "Go, go to Da Zhou immediately, let the prince enter the palace to talk about the matter, and ask Da Zhou to send troops to Nanyang, and threaten Chuyue Kingdom to send troops back to help, so as to relieve our East China Sea Kingdom. danger!"

The ordnance was almost delivered, and everyone in the East China Sea knew that if there were more, Dazhou would not give it away.

Moreover, the distance is far away, and the support will be a little slow.

It would be better to let Da Zhou send troops to force the Chu Yue army to retreat westward.

This is the most direct and effective way to save the East China Sea.

It can be said that the Great Zhou's annihilation of Bashu caused disturbances in the Kanto countries, directly affecting the future trend of the world, as well as each other's strategic plans and national policies.

The turbulent East became even more lively.

(End of this chapter)

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