I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 628? Northern Attack on Turks

Chapter 628 Northern Attack on Turks
Ye Qing doesn't care what the Kanto countries are like!
After returning to Chang'an, he immediately discussed with the cabinet to deal with the backlog of official documents.

After dealing with these government affairs, he put on his fur coat, walked out of the hall, and now looked to the north.

The north wind blows the ground and the white grass turns, and Hu Tian snows in August.

At this time so it is October!

When the Southwest Legion ended the Bashu war.

Da Zhou's army did not stop.

The Tanlang Group Army, which had been recuperating for more than half a year, also marched north into the desert and launched a war against the Turks.

There is the Xuanwu Group Army guarding the house behind.

Luo Cheng led the [-] Greedy Wolf Group Army, and the troops were divided into three groups to press northward.

Attack Wuhai on the west road, and cooperate with Beidi County to solve the Turkic Zuoxian King's tribe that has always been in Lingzhou.

Alleviate the constant pressure on Beidi County and create conditions for the Great Zhou army to break through the shackles from Beidi.

The Central Route Army attacked the Urad Sea, broadened the field of vision of Shuofang, and lengthened the depth, so that the Turks would lose their surprise if they did not go south to plunder, so as to ensure the safety of Hexi.

The Eastern Army is the main force, led by Luo Cheng himself, to attack the North Yellow River area around Heyin, and completely reject the Turks in the Yinshan Mountains.

At the same time, Beishi Country also played.

After receiving the [-] troops released from the Great Zhou, the Beishi Kingdom finally had extra troops to march north.

Beishi State soldiers left Yanmen County in two routes.

Advance all the way to the northwest, join hands with Zhou to attack the North Yellow River area, and keep the Turks to the north of the Yinshan Mountains.

The other route went straight to the north and attacked Yanze, extending the defense of Yanmen County by three or four hundred miles, pushing it to the border between the Turkic and Xianbei forces, forming a trio of powers standing on the edge of the prairie.

mentioned earlier.

Turkic Khan Xieli died in battle.

The Turkic army was beaten and disabled.

Luo Chengcheng once led Shurui to raid the prairie.

They didn't kill many enemies that time, they mostly scouted Turkic territory and collected information on terrain and water patterns.

Prepare yourself for future advances.

This time Luo Cheng came prepared, the main force of [-] marched from Hexi to the north.

Suddenly killed to Meiji, the Youxian King who would have been crippled earlier was attacked and killed.

Then continue to attack north.


Ji Li, who has been on the throne for less than a year, is young but has some wrinkles on his face.

It's different from being young and frivolous, confident and arrogant.

At this time, the person frowned.

"Big Khan, something is wrong. The main force of Dazhou's Greedy Wolf Group Army attacked Meiji. King Youxian was caught off guard. The counterattack failed, and the headquarters was wiped out!"

Hearing this news, Ji Li's chest rose and fell violently.

The others were also dumbfounded.

The right virtuous king's department is gone.

There is no barrier to the south of Heyin.

"Hehe, this Luo Cheng's main target is us." Ji Li Khan stared at the map, his eyes flashed fiercely and said: "He sent 1 people to attack Wuhai, and another 1 people to attack Uradhai. In order to attract our attention, let us think that it is going to advance northwestward and completely occupy Shuofang."

"Unexpectedly, his goal has always been our Wangting Heyin." Ji Li Khan punched heavily on the location of Heyin on the map:
"We were cheated by him again."

The Turkic generals said: "Great Khan, what should we do now, Zuo Xian's royal family can't get away and can't support us, and the royal court is so empty."

"What else can I do? I fought with Luo Cheng, and he only has 3 yards?"

"A mere [-] people, [-] of them used to come and go like the wind on our territory, beating us... now there are [-] regular Zhou troops!"

"Wrong, wrong, the Tanlang Group Army is not all Zhou people, there are [-] Qiang soldiers, those people have no fighting power, don't worry"

"I don't have any fighting power, can you destroy my Youxian King's family?"

Looking at the noisy generals, Ji Li was about to scold him, when someone came to report:

"Report! The profuse sweating is not good, and [-] soldiers from the Northern Stone Army came out of Yanmen to kill Heyin."

The northern rock savages also came to join in.

[-] plus [-], that's [-] enemy troops.

Ji Li's face suddenly paled.

"Any more news, Beishi won't have this army alone!" Ji Li asked the reporter.

The messenger also said: "There are still [-] troops from Beishi Kingdom going out of Yanmen and going straight to the north. The Wuhuan, Lushui, Shanwu and other miscellaneous tribes who are attached to our Great Turks may be difficult to resist, so I ask the royal court for support. .”

Wuhuan, Lu Shui, Shanwu and other miscellaneous Hus, the largest one has a population of 30 million, and the smaller one has a population of about [-].

There are few soldiers to fight, and their combat effectiveness is weak.

It used to be a buffer between the Turks and the Xianbei in the central grassland.

At the same time, it is also the source of Turkic blood-sucking supply.

The property provided by these miscellaneous departments to the Turks every year can make the Turkic warriors more convincing that there is no training for fighting, rather than grazing.

Although the miscellaneous parts are not important, they are also a capillary of the Turks.

Beishi and Dazhou each dispatched [-] troops. This was a plan to drive their Turks out of the Yinshan Mountains in one fell swoop.

Ji Li's face was very ugly.

My mind is also a little messed up.

Once they were driven out of the Yinshan Mountains, the Turks would no longer be able to threaten the hinterlands of Dazhou and Beishi.

As one ebbs and another rises, the Turks tend to decline.

But if you don't retreat, you have to fight.

With the current Turkic strength, it can't stand it, it's too much consumption.

This time the generals below fell silent.

"Fight! The royal court can be transferred, but I must not lose the fighting spirit of the Great Turks." Ji Li stood up and looked at the generals and said, "Gather all our current soldiers and horses, and I want to have a good fight with Da Zhou and Bei Shi. "

"Khan, how do you say to fight?"

Turkic people are radical, they worship the strong, and they are more bloodthirsty.

If Geely flees without a fight, it will probably lose half of its supporters.

Originally, his succession time was short, and there were few tribes he could control.

Without prestige and without meritorious service, the seat of the Turkic Khan would have to change hands.

Auspiciously said: "Luo Cheng is very fierce, and there are many soldiers and horses. We are not easy to fight, so we will fight the [-] army of Beishi Kingdom. They are poorly equipped and have few numbers!"



Luo Cheng stopped here with an army of [-]. There are many mountains nearby, and the northwest runs southeast.

Separate Heyin from Meiji and others in the south.

Therefore, if the Tanlang Group Army wants to go to Heyin, there are only three feasible ways.

One is to cross northward from the desert area of ​​Shuofang from the west.

The second is to go around from the east, close to Yanmen County of Beishi Country.

This one took a long time, and it was still far behind the army of Beishi Kingdom.

Unfavorable war.

The third line, I walked through the blocked mountains and passed through the mountain path.

Although it's troublesome, it's better than concealment, and you don't need to run around too far. It saves energy and guarantees safety.

"It would be great if we could open a road between these mountains. In this way, after capturing the North Yellow River area in Heyin and other places, our Great Zhou Xihe County can establish a closer relationship with it. Even if the Turks come to retake Heyin in the future Waiting for someone to help!" At this time, Qin Qiong, the deputy commander of the Tanlang Army, put down the copper double mace in his hand, and sat down on his buttocks.

Looking at the mountains, Luo Cheng said: "It would be best to open a way out, so that our cavalry can maneuver quickly, not only one, but at least three direct avenues in the entire vertical mountain range."

After speaking, Luo Cheng looked at Xu Shu, the military commander beside him, and said, "Are you a military advisor?"

(End of this chapter)

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