I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 630 Meeting on a Narrow Road, the Brave Wins, Go Recklessly!

Chapter 630 Meeting on a Narrow Road, the Brave Wins, Go Recklessly!

Zhao She gave an order.

After the rest, Beishi's army began to move westward.

Soon passed Shanan, and then continued to advance westward without stopping.

But when approaching Sha Ling, Zhao She suddenly stopped the army.

"Stop moving forward, all stop!"

The [-] Beishi cavalry stopped one after another.

Li Mudao: "General, why don't you go forward!"

Zhao She seemed to be lost in memory, frowned and said: "No, have you noticed that after we came from Wucheng, we were too quiet along the way!"

Quiet, not quiet.

The generals were at a loss, but Li Mu was also alert.

"The general said that there is an ambush in an ambush." ​​Li Mu said:

"After we left Wuzhou, it was the traditional Turkic territory. We went deep into the northwest for almost [-] miles, and we didn't see a single Turkic figure. It was extremely abnormal."

Some people objected: "Li Mu, don't be alarmist, didn't Luo Cheng lead the main force of Datong's Greedy Wolf Army to Heyin?

Ji Li wanted to fight Luo Cheng decisively. In order to increase the odds of winning, he naturally concentrated all his forces. "

"That's right, the Turkic people have gone to protect Heyin, so there are still soldiers and horses to stop us!" Someone echoed.

But Zhao She shook his head: "Wrong, it is because Geely wants to fight Luo Cheng, so we need someone to stop us. We haven't encountered it yet. The main reason is that the Turks are brewing a big conspiracy, or they are looking for someone in a small group of troops." A good place to ambush us is stopping us from moving forward!"

"No matter what the reason is, we have been targeted by the Turks." Li Mu looked around and said: "Shaling is the place where three rivers meet, whether it is an ambush or a blockade, it is the best place."

Zhao She broke out in a cold sweat and hurriedly asked, "How far is it to Shaling?"

The vanguard will reply: "There are still six miles!"

"Six miles!" A trace of fear flashed in Zhao She's eyes, and then his face changed drastically, and he shouted: "Retreat, hurry up, turn around, let's retreat ten miles south first!"

The generals were confused for a while.

Just retreat now, isn't the enemy not showing up yet?
Don't scare yourself to death.

To the north of Shaling, Jili, who was lying in ambush on the east side of Baiqushui, received the news that the Northern Stone Army had suddenly stopped.

My heart also thumped.

Without much hesitation.

He directly stepped on the horse and said: "Attack, don't wait any longer, attack the Beishi army now, and kill them."

Do it now.

you sure!
"Attack, what are you waiting for, Beishi Kingdom should run away, listen to Ben Khan's pursuit!"

The Turkic generals rode their horses one after another and headed south to kill.

It turns out Geely was right.

Zhao She forcibly retreated and sent a cavalry team of hundreds of men to search north, and soon issued the auspicious message of killing.

"Withdraw, withdraw!"

Fifty to sixty thousand Turks.

This is a big conspiracy.

"Luo Cheng, you fool, you were tricked by the Turkic people, you went to Heyin for nothing." Zhao She cursed, but kept pumping his horse.

It's not that he's cowardly.

And he really can't beat the opponent with [-] to [-] to [-].

Besides, the ghost knows if there are other helpers in this group of Turks. If there is another army that sneaks back to the east and blocks their own escape, it will really be the end of the game.

A veteran has his own way of doing it.

Although the Northern Stone Army is also impulsive and reckless, the soldiers are not afraid of the Turks.

But Zhao She understood the importance of his army.

He has nothing to lose.

"General, it's not good. Ten thousand Turkic soldiers came from the northeast."

Sure enough, there were Turkic people who blocked the back road.

Zhao She pointed his long sword and said: "Go up, kill them, and those who stand in my way will die!"

"Whoever stops me will die!"

The soldiers of Beishi Kingdom are not easy to mess with.

Full of savagery, fearless, fearless, holding the weapon tightly, stepping on the stirrup firmly.

This was their first battle since North Rock was rearmed.

This battle must become famous, and it must be fought loudly.

How could it be eaten by the Turks.


Soon the two armies collided.

Each other's weapons stab at each other.

The war horses rumbled and charged and staggered past.

"Puff puff……"

In an instant, countless people fell from their horses.

The horses that collided with each other fell down.

A burst of snow and mist accompanied by the wailing of war horses, looked extraordinarily bright under the setting sun.


Gold and iron horses, golden cries are incessant, and dust pervades the entire battlefield.

Zhao She, Li Mu and others rushed out.

Looking back, some of the soldiers were trapped, so they turned around and said: "Kill them back, tell them to cut them down!"


The northern stone barbarian didn't say anything else, he was right.

On the battlefield it is either life or death.

cut it!

Beishi's army returned to fight back, and the ten thousand Turkic people hurried away.

Then he was chased and killed by Beishi people.

But soon Geely arrived with an army of [-].

Seeing the Beishi people who are not retreating but advancing, they are excited and ecstatic.

"Kill! Kill all the Beishi people!"


The [-] army is boundless, like [-] arrows that leave the string.

The rolling yellow sand, covering the sky and covering the earth, engulfs the mountains and rivers, making people terrified and frightened.

"General, there are too many enemy troops, let's withdraw!"

Suddenly a general suggested to Zhao She.

But Zhao She didn't say anything else, he stabbed him off the horse with a sword, but the blood sword pointed at the rushing auspiciously and said: "When you meet on a narrow road, the brave wins, go over!"

"Go over!"

Instead of being afraid, the rest of the soldiers of Beishi Kingdom became excited and devoured blood.

One by one stepped up to applaud the horse.

Fifty thousand to twenty thousand.

The two cavalry collided quickly.

Two streams of yellow sand collided with the earth dragon.

The sight distance is really too short.

How can you tell the difference between the opponent and your comrades.

There is only one thought, just go ahead and kill.

The two armies rushed towards each other.


The large-scale attrition of the two sides, the soldiers who died in battle are fast, really too fast,
In the blink of an eye, it was half and half.

Soon the two armies passed through.

However, there were so many Turkic people, they turned back to the two wings and formed a new large formation, pressing them away like black clouds.

Zhao She didn't care about counting the number of people, and just shouted two words: "Kill again!"

So the Northern Stone Army once again rushed forward with a small number of soldiers.

But lighter than the previous collision, this time the momentum was much weaker.

The physical strength of the crotch warrior has also dropped a lot.

It is impossible to think about the past with vigor and recklessness.

Soon it was surrounded by Turkic people.

The two armies fought together.

A big melee intertwined into a chaotic song, miserable and tragic.

Beifeng Shuoshuo, the blood that had just been spilled immediately became cold.

"Report! Marshal, the Beishi army and the Turkic army fought in a melee, and visually estimated that more than half of them died!"

Luo Cheng put down the binoculars and said: "The Turkic casualties are almost [-]. The army is fighting with Beishi. The battle is stalemate, so they can't get out to deal with our army."

"Attack! Kill and eat the Turkic army!"

After the words fell into place, Cui Ma joined the rushing army.

The [-] Greedy Wolf Legion crossed the shallows and the Yellow River that was about to freeze to fight towards the battlefield.

(End of this chapter)

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