Chapter 631

"That is……"

The sudden appearance of an army from the south bank of the Yellow River really surprised Geely.

He didn't expect that Beishi Army would have reinforcements.

Who said that Beishi people are straight-headed and not easy to use.

Doesn't this hide tens of thousands of reinforcements?
But soon Ji Li's eyes widened.

Because the flag of the incoming army is embroidered with the word "Dou Da Zhou".

A water red battle armor, a battle robe and a flag.

"Zhou Qi! It's Zhou Qibing!"

More Turkic generals also looked terrified.

Because this unit also has an iconic battle flag.

"Tanlang! It's Tanlang, Luo Cheng is here, Luo Yanwang is here!"

In an instant, the Turkic army who were still fighting turned their heads and looked south.

Then he reined in his horse and turned around and walked north.

Luo Cheng is here, this time has come, Wan Duzi.

Geely himself turned around and fled north at the first time.

After fighting with the Beishi Army for so long, the soldiers were a little tired, so Zhou Qi came out at this time.

Obviously too bad for the Turkic army.

"Hahaha, okay, our reinforcements are here, kill, don't let the Turks go..."

Zhao She glanced at the Zhou cavalry soldiers rushing across the river, and was also pleasantly surprised. Seeing this, the Beishi army below was even more shocked.

Morale soared, and he tried even harder to kill the Turkic. Seeing that the Turkic wanted to escape, he stalked and bit him again.

The soldiers of the Great Zhou avoided the places where the Northern Stone Army fought, and pursued the Turks from the east and west flanks.

"Puff..." The horses of the Turks were already exhausted, and their speed was not as fast as that of the Zhou army.

Soon those who ran slowly were caught up and killed.

A tug-of-war chase begins!


"Your Majesty, the ten scientific examinations are officially over." Mencius wrote down the details of the scientific examinations in the report and submitted them:
"Your Majesty, the results of some disciplines have been published. Do you want to post them in advance?"

Ye Qing didn't reply to him, but read the report carefully.

This put it on the table.

"Your Ministry of Education has worked hard for this scientific examination, and you have done a good job without causing any chaos." Ye Qing said with a smile:
"Now that the result is out, of course...then we need to review it first to see if there is any bribery or cheating."

"After the review is correct, we will post a list."

"No! The minister will arrange the second review!" Mencius was about to go down when Ye Qing said:
"Wait, you can't let the Ministry of Education go to this matter, and you can't let the invigilators or people related to the invigilators go. I'll let the military law guards review it!"

Military law guards are stricter and more ruthless.

Mencius froze for a moment, and replied, "No!"

Mencius resigned, and after a while Zhang Yi came outside the hall.

"Your Majesty has a decree, the minister of the Ministry of Propaganda and Rites will enter the palace!"

After the briefing, Zhang Yi came in.

"Haifeng, what's the matter?" Ye Qing knew it was all right, these ministers would not come here alone.

Most of the time, they are reported in the cabinet of Liangyi Hall.

Zhang Yi bowed and said: "Your Majesty, I have just received a visit from the Crown Prince of Donghai Kingdom. Donghai Kingdom has asked me to send troops to attack Nanyang to ease the pressure on the country."

"Oh, the East China Sea State is asking for help!" Ye Qing asked, "How is the war between the East China Sea State and Chuyue State now?"

Zhang Yi replied: "According to the description of Donghai Kingdom, the situation is not optimistic. South Korea has stepped up its offensive, and Pengcheng may miss the front line."

"Donghai Kingdom knows that we have solved the two countries of Bashu and have spare energy to focus on Chuyue Kingdom, so we hope that we can attack Nanyang and transfer Chuyue Kingdom's troops to the west."

Ye Qing pondered for a while, and then said: "Convene the cabinet and hold a short meeting, mainly discussing the affairs of the East China Sea!"

"No!" Zhang Yi went down immediately and sent someone to convey the meaning to the cabinet in Beijing.

In the evening, cabinet members entered the palace one after another.

Ye Qing ordered Yushufang to move the hot pot directly into Liangyi Hall.

Everyone gathered around, chatting about the issues of the East China Sea while lighting the stove.

"Your Majesty, I don't think I should send troops in Dazhou now." Zhang Juzheng put down his chopsticks, cupped his hands and praised:
"This year, I fought from Chang'an to Nanyang, from Liangzhou to Hexi Governor's Mansion, from Hanzhong to Bashu, and from Gaonu City to Heyin. It can be said that we attacked everywhere.

Wars are more frequent than calendar years.

The scale is large and the number of enemies killed is more than any time in this dynasty.

Tens of millions of money and food were consumed. Although the national treasury made up a lot by increasing revenue and reducing expenditure, it could not support a continuous war! "

Zhang Juzheng is the Minister of the Ministry of Household Affairs, so of course he wants to keep an eye on the money bag and the country's pocket.

Ye Qing is the lord of England, a wise monarch, that's right.

But don't waste too much too quickly.

But next year, what if Da Zhou loses money and food.

It is easy to cause financial constraints or even debts again, just like Ye Zhen's time, always making ends meet.

Fang Xuanling said: "Your Majesty, the Greedy Wolf Group Army in the north is still fighting. In the next period of time, the north may continue to consume money and food. It really shouldn't be sending troops to Nanyang."

"Your Majesty, the conflict between the Hexi Governor's Mansion and various countries and ethnic groups in the Hexi region has increased recently, and our business travel development has indeed been hindered." Lu Buwei from the Ministry of Commerce also said:
"Your Majesty, the two countries of Korea and Wei have also recently tightened their business relations with Da Zhou. If the relationship with Chu and Yue continues to stiffen, the two countries may continue to tighten.

According to Yichen, we can actually support the Donghai Kingdom secretly, and we should relax with the Chuyue Kingdom explicitly, strive to increase trade with the Chuyue Kingdom, and earn money from the people of the Chuyue Kingdom for a long time! "

Ye Qing didn't reply to the three of them, but only said one word: "Eat vegetables!"

So put a plate of mutton down to rinse.

Everyone stared at the plate of mutton cooked by Ye Qing, but they didn't dare to take the initiative when they wanted to use their chopsticks.

The chopsticks stopped in mid-air.

Only Bai Qi took the initiative to clip a piece first.

He slid it into his mouth, then swallowed hard.

"General, isn't it hot? Follow their example and be more gentle." Ye Qing said:

"No one is robbing you!"

Not only did Bai Qi not restrain himself, but he took another piece.

"Your Majesty, eat this meat while it's hot. Although it's a little hot, it's delicious, and it's yours if you eat it in your stomach!" , Seeing that everyone was greedy and wanted to beat him up.

However, they are fifth-rank warriors, not to mention their higher status, even... they can't beat them.

"By the way, Your Majesty, look, those who strike first will get food, and those who strike at night, just like them, can only watch and drool!"

Bai Qi laughed after speaking.

Zhang Juzheng, Fang Xuanling, and Lu Buwei were so angry that they blew their beards and stared.

If so.

Ye Qing also picked himself up and began to chew slowly.

"What are you looking at, eat!"


Everyone is not polite.

Especially Guo Jia and Li Ru, who were playing sap at the side, didn't sneak a drink, but secretly put other delicacies into their plates.

However, Ye Qing's chopsticks came over and said, "It's too much, I'm picking it up after eating, with so much, I'm not afraid to overwhelm you."

"Hey, my lord, no, I can drink and eat!" Guo Jia hurriedly protected the food on his plate, and then started to eat big pieces.

"Don't eat it, everyone has expressed their opinions, you and Wen You haven't revealed the important things to me, you still have the face to eat!"

(End of this chapter)

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