Chapter 632 Cavalry Advance
"Let's talk about Wen first!"

Guo Jia raised his head and pouted at Li Ru, then continued to eat.

Li Ru didn't shirk, and said directly: "Your Majesty, Jin Yiwei has secretly reported that the Jingzhou navy of Chuyue Kingdom has been transferred eastward to Yangzhou recently.

According to the signs, there are plans to go to sea, but the intention is somewhat uncertain. "

Bai Qi stopped his chopsticks suddenly.

"The Jingzhou navy of the Chuyue Kingdom has been transferred to the east?" Bai Qi asked: "After going out to sea, how long will it take to go back to Xiangyang or Jiangling?"

General, what are you doing?
You still want to fight Xiangyang and Jiangling.

Just think about it, Da Zhou doesn't have the strength and energy to pull out a tooth from the tiger's mouth.

Everyone looked at Li Ru.

Li Ru thought for a while and said, "If the army wants to go back from the coast against the current, it will take half a month sooner or a month later. After all, Chuyue's navy and warships are no bigger than my Zhou's navy!"

Hearing this, Bai Qi's eyes shone brightly.

Calculated according to the time difference, it can be a guy from Chuyue Kingdom.

Ye Qing knocked on Guo Jia and said, "Speak!"

Guo Jia just wiped his lips and smiled like a chicken thief.

"I guess, Chuyue Kingdom wants to go to a decisive battle with the navy of the East China Sea, and use the superior force to eat up the surface power of the East China Sea.

Then break through the defense line of the Huai River, but the Donghai Kingdom is a fool, and will not fight against the Chuyue Kingdom alone, after all, they can't beat it! "

"So Chuyue Kingdom also understands this point. The last possibility is to open up a new battlefield, attack Langya County, and attack the rear of Donghai Kingdom. Disturb its deployment, and finally unite with South Korea to destroy Donghai Kingdom."

Lu Buwei said: "As far as I know, the Eastern Qi Kingdom has formed an alliance with the Eastern Sea Kingdom, and if the Chuyue Kingdom attacks Langya County or appears near the coast, the Eastern Qi Kingdom will also send naval troops to help.

If the Chuyue Kingdom's naval forces rushed over, they might be attacked by the East China Sea and the East Qi. "

Guo Jia smiled slightly, sat down, picked up chopsticks, divided a meatball into two pieces, ate half and said:
"What is a covenant, it is used to tear it up; what is an ally, it is used to stab a knife in the back. Whether we are close to Chuyue, whether we are good with South Korea, when it comes to our own interests, as long as the interests are big enough, It can support a strong enough betrayal belief.

Lu Shangshu, I think your Ministry of Commerce knows this point best! "

Zhang Yidao: "The Chuyue Kingdom is now frequently sending envoys to the Kanto countries, and with Chuyue's superior conditions, the Kanto countries are easy to win over, and the relationship between the Eastern Qi Kingdom and us has always been tepid.

In fact, it is not a good deal with the East China Sea.

If Chuyue Kingdom agrees to give up Taishan County or Langya County to Dong Qi, I think Dong Qi will definitely be moved! "

Shang Yang said: "It will be difficult to deal with this. I heard that Wei Guo is also ready to move towards the Bohai Kingdom. If the Kanto countries are allowed to eat up the small and medium-sized countries in the Kanto, it will be more difficult for me to go east in the future."

"Then hit! Hug the grass first, catch a few rabbits and come back." Bai Qi put down his chopsticks, exited his position, then bowed to Ye Qing and said:

"Your Majesty, I still have enough strength to go out of Wuguan and attack Nanyang. This battle does not require infantry. The cavalry is the main force, and the battle is supported by the battle. Fight and retreat quickly. The sweeping force is divided into two groups, and all the way to attack Wancheng. , Killed Luyang and Ruyang in Runan County, threatening the border between Chu and South Korea.

After going out all the way down the river, he attacked Xiangyang, threatened Nanjun, and forced him to move westward from Huai River. "

Use all cavalry, advance!
It is indeed a good tactic.

The Chuyue Kingdom lacked horses and cavalry, and even if they had them, they fought in the Huai River area.

At this time, there were no decent cavalry in Jingzhou area.

Not to mention the hinterland of Runan County.

The Zhou cavalry came and went like the wind, and ran away after fighting.

I can't catch up even if I want to.

Zhang Juzheng said: "The war in the north is not over yet, and the war in the south is starting again. If there is a change in the north, where will the capital send cavalry to reinforce Xihe County!"

Zhang Juzheng was old enough to seek the country, but he was still afraid of accidents in the north.

Now the inside and outside of the big week are all high-speed machines, and they can't get out at all.

Guo Jiadao: "I am in favor of the general's proposal to use cavalry to rush into the Chuyue Kingdom. As for the north, I think that even if there is an accident with the Tanlang Army, at worst we will not be able to take the North Yellow River area such as Shuofang and Heyin. Anyway, we are now There is not such a large population to fill, there is nothing wrong with a year later than a year earlier."

Ye Qing didn't make a statement and continued to boil the mutton.

Everyone joined hands, and Fang Xuanling said worriedly: "It's not impossible to go south, but the problem is that the Chuyue Kingdom is guarding against us. Last time we attacked Nanyang and plundered 30 of its people, Chuyue Kingdom learned a lot from it.

Now that the Jingzhou navy has been transferred away, they must be prepared, and they will strengthen their military forces in Nanyang and Xiangyang. "

Mentioning this, Ye Qing cast his eyes on Li Ru again.

Li Ru is the official with real intelligence.

Li Ru spit out slowly: "Chuyue Kingdom has quietly transferred the army from the north to Nanyang. Because of Chuyue Kingdom's move, South Korea has also transferred the army to guard against Chuyue Kingdom to the east."

"It's no wonder that South Korea has recently strengthened border control. The three major barriers leading to Yingchuan are not allowing my business trip from Dazhou to pass. It turns out that there is such a reason." Lu Buwei suddenly realized something.

Because of this, he had a lot of headaches.

The activities of the Ministry of Commerce in the country are becoming more and more successful, and the business within the empire is also becoming more and more active, so the cities are becoming more and more prosperous.

But the business to the east is shrinking, and business development is suddenly stuck.

Naturally, life was difficult.

Hearing this, Bai Qi raised his eyebrows slightly.

Chuyue Kingdom has transferred veterans from the north to guard us against Da Zhou.

He actually met with South Korea frankly.

This time, everyone in the cabinet fell silent.

It doesn't matter whether you send troops or not. The important thing is whether you can deal with the Chuyue veterans who were transferred from the north to the west.

"I'm full!" Ye Qing put down his chopsticks and drank half a glass of fruit juice to moisten his throat.

Then he said to Guo Jia: "Ask Feng Xiaoma about difficult matters, you can't let him run around and eat and wait to die every day!"

"Ah! My lord, I'm not..." Seeing Ye Qing's serious eyes, Guo Jia immediately became serious, then stood up and said:
"The old soldiers from the northern border of the Chuyue Kingdom came here, and the total strength did not exceed 15.

Even if you transfer to Nanyang, don't be afraid.

Because Nanyang is so big, they are scattered in various cities, so they are actually much weaker.

Our cavalry are not going to attack the city, and this time they are not plundering the people, but just making trouble.

Just ignore them! "


That's right, we are not going to attack the city and land, or we are attacking Chuyue to save the East China Sea, forcing it to withdraw some of the soldiers on the front line of the Huai River.

"Although I don't look at his soldiers, it may be troublesome when we retreat." Bai Qi, as a general, was the first to jump out to send troops, but he also began to worry.

The empire's troops are very precious, they must be brought back after they are fought out.

This is especially true for the cavalry, which cannot be lost on the land of Chuyue Kingdom.

If Chuyue Kingdom closes the door and lets the dogs go, it's not good to block the escape route.

"Hahaha, General, you are worrying too much. Our army is cavalry. There is no place in the world where you can't go. Wherever you enter the enemy's nest, you don't have to retreat from where." Guo Jia laughed loudly:

"We can be more flexible. Rules are dead, but people are alive. We should go sightseeing."

(End of this chapter)

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