I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 633? Strong Luo Cheng

Chapter 633 The Powerful Luo Cheng

Bai Qi was thoughtful.

Shang Yang asked, "Feng Fengxiao, what do you mean? Why do I sound confused?"

Guo Jia didn't point it out, but simply said: "Nanyang, East China Sea, Bohai Sea!"

Six words!
Draw a curved line on the map.

This is the travel route map of the Great Zhou Elite Cavalry.

Only then did everyone understand what Guo Jia meant.

Da Zhou not only wants to send troops, but also an expeditionary force.

From Nanyang to the East China Sea, the East China Sea couldn't stay longer and went north to Bohai State.

Didn't the State of Wei also want to attack the Bohai State, wanting to eliminate threats from the east and establish a facial safety zone?

Then I, Da Zhou, will help Bohai State.

"Your Majesty, the Bohai Kingdom has dispatched its prince to the west, and the journey has passed one-third of the way." Zhang Yizuo reported.

Everyone turned their attention to Guo Jia.

This guy idles around all day long, so he hangs a cabinet post, drinks flower wine and goes to brothels every day.

I didn't expect to know everything.

Even Ye Qing's eyes were shining brightly.

It has to be said that it is very bold to use the sudden and sudden tactics.

Be creative.

Not to mention Chuyue Kingdom, even Ye Qing couldn't think of it.

How amazing it will be when this advancing cavalry suddenly reaches the rear of Donghai Kingdom and Han or Chuyue Kingdom.

Of course, this tactic also has a drawback.

That is, his eyes are darkened.

Bad luck, I don't know which corner I may have gotten into.

Therefore, it is better to choose which fine cavalry and which general to fight.



The war is over.

No doubt it was a big win.

But after the victory, the Northern Stone Army couldn't be happier.

After seeing Luo Cheng, there was still some atmosphere.

"Luo Cheng, you did it on purpose. You knew there were Turks ambushing us, and you didn't warn us in advance!"

"That's right, Luo Cheng, you are so ruthless. You sit back and watch your allies get killed, while you watch the show yourself!"

"Luo Cheng, you used my Beishi as a bait and nearly wiped out our army. I will sue you to your majesty the emperor!"

Facing the accusing Beishi generals, Luo Cheng showed no fear or remorse at all, but just smiled proudly coldly: "If I hadn't come out in time, you would have been eaten by the Turkic people before, but if I am late Do you still have a chance to stand in front of me?"

"Besides, people will die in war. This battle killed more than [-] Turkic troops. If it was a head-on battle, would the casualties of your Beishi people be less than now? Now it's just a different method!"

"Hmph, in a head-on battle, our casualties will not be less, but yours will not be less, and now you have preserved your strength!" The general of Beishi Kingdom said dissatisfied.

"That's right, you've only lost 3000 people, and you've gained more than us. It's really unfair!"

Facing the questioning from the generals of Beishi, Luo Changchang raised his gun and scorned and sneered: "It's not fair, if you don't accept it, come to fight, win me, and I will give you all the spoils of war!"


Beishi people have always been reckless.

I like fighting the most.

If it was someone else, they would definitely rush up and fight instead.

But Luo Cheng let out his inner strength, majestic and fierce.

The strength of the fifth-rank warriors made them breathless.

Zhao She still considered the overall situation, Cui Ma came over and said: "What are you doing, go back, so that you can lead the troops, gather the dead and wounded soldiers, and play around nonsense!"

"No!" Beishi's generals retreated one after another.

Zhao She clasped his fists at Luo Cheng and said, "General Luo, I'm sorry, our Beishi Kingdom has always been reckless and has no sense of measure in doing things, the general still invites Haihan!"

When Luo Cheng saw what Zhao She said, his tone eased a lot and said: "General Zhao, it is indeed wrong for our army to be late, but we didn't do it on purpose. At first our army went to Heyin, but later It was found that the soldiers who sent the message did not come back, and the enemy was not found in the northwest, so it was concluded that the Turks might have come to attack you, so we hurried there.”

Whether Zhao She believed it or not, Luo Chengcheng insisted on this one anyway.

Big Yinbi, is the person who is not Yin still called Luo Yan Wang?
Zhao She said with a smile: "General Luo doesn't need to explain. We understand this matter. If we win this battle, it will be beneficial to both countries. The most urgent task is to pursue Geely and drive the Turks from the south of Yinshan Mountain to the north foot to complete our two battles." His Majesty's national policy."

Zhao She knew very well what Beishi wanted now, and the most important thing was to fight the Turks together with Da Zhou.

At this time, the two armies are breaking up, which is the most detrimental to their Beishi country.

Because the Turks were not driven out to the northern foot of Yinshan Mountain, the Beishi people would face even more pressure from the Turks.

After all, if the Turks are still free in Heyin and other areas north of the Yellow River, then it is most convenient for them to attack Yanmen in the southeast.

On the contrary, it is more difficult to jump over the mountains and attack Hexi through the desert.

After the Youxian King's Department was destroyed, it was impossible for the Turks to have soldiers and horses that directly threatened Xihe County.

Therefore, as long as the Turks are expelled from the south of Yinshan Mountain and rushed to the northern foot, the matter of dealing with Turks in the future will be the business of Da Zhou's family.

Their Beishi can no longer be related to the Turks, and they only need to deal with the Xianbei people in the north.

This is very beneficial to Beishi country, so Beishi will cooperate very hard this time.

"Okay! General Zhao understands righteousness, and it is the blessing of Beishi Kingdom." Luo Cheng said: "Tomorrow, our two armies will move westward together and wipe out all the Turkic forces in the northern part of the Yellow River."

"It should be so!"

After the senior generals of the two armies finished their discussions, they went down to prepare separately.

Far away, Qin Qiong said worriedly: "Military Master, is it not good for Luo Shuai to be so strong? If it arouses the resentment of the Northern Stone Army, such a rift will cause disasters in the future!"

Xu Shu shook his head and chuckled lightly: "Beishi Kingdom is an empire after all, no matter how close it is now, there will be war and break up in the future, it's just a matter of time, don't worry too much.

Moreover, the Northern Stone Army has always been rebellious, and each of them is very reckless. They need someone who is more reckless and powerful than them to subdue them, otherwise it will be detrimental to the unity of the coalition forces.

Luo Shuai is fighting for command power. You think Zhao She really understands righteousness, but he can't compete with Luo Shuai, so he will cooperate obediently. "

There is also this doorway.

It seems that there is still a lot to learn.

As a deputy commander, he is still very unqualified, and the problem is still one-sided.

The next day!

Under the command of Luo Cheng, the coalition forces moved westward with a net of [-] troops.

Gillette had been frightened for a long time, and fled northwest without stopping after hearing the news.

Three days later, Luo Cheng and others attacked Heyin!
At this time, there were no Turkic people here.

Then Luo Cheng led the army to advance all the way to the Yinshan Mountains in the northwest.

Some Turks or Zahu who did not come and escaped were wiped out by their troops.

Luo Cheng spent another three days searching westward along the southern foot of Yin Mountain, checked all the exits, and found that Geely had indeed escaped from Yin Mountain, so he turned south.

Finally, I ran into my own team of [-] in Urad Sea.

At this point, the coalition activities are over.

General Zhao She came to say goodbye and was ready to return east.

Luo Chengdao: "General Zhao, the distance we ran this time is not too short. Although we couldn't find auspicious shadows, he didn't dare to go south. You and I have taken all the south of Yinshan Mountain.

I admire your army's heroic combat style very much, and hope to continue to cooperate in the future! "

(End of this chapter)

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