Chapter 634

"I also hope to cooperate with General Luo in the future!" Zhao She responded, and then he said with hesitation:

"General Luo, the area of ​​the Yellow River in the north is not small, and the Turkic people have left. Next, should we discuss the issue of the garrison!"


Only one's own territory has power.

Where the army is stationed, there is the land of the empire.

The Turks ran away.

It's time for Dazhou and Beishi to discuss the border and divide the conquered land.

Luo Cheng didn't reply, but the queen said with a wave: "Where is the military adviser, where is the map!"

Xu Shu walked over leisurely.

Spread the map in your hand on the ground.

Xu Shu is a master of the first rank.

The force is equally strong.

This set of movements is smooth and flowing, chic and coherent.

All the generals in Beishi were a little surprised.

I have never seen Xu Shu make a move, and I thought this military division was just a display, but I didn't expect that he was also a first-rank master.

No worse than these generals.

Luo Cheng didn't care about this, he drew his sword and pointed at the map and said: "From the dry water to the south into the Yellow River until Tongguo, the east is yours, and the west is my Dazhou."


This boundary is too clear, with the river as the boundary, it is too easy to distinguish.

But the Beishi people were uncomfortable.

Don't even care about the original.

"General Luo, does this mean... I have too few North Rocks, two-thirds of which have been taken by you Da Zhou, and we only occupy one-third of the east!"

The generals with Beishi refused to accept it.

Why do you fight so quickly for a piece of land, but your Da Zhou occupies more than half of it.

Luo Cheng said coldly: "My Great Zhou sent a lot of troops, so it's normal to get more, and my Great Zhou wiped out a lot of Turkic people, so it's normal to get more.

Moreover, in the future, the Turks will be faced by our Great Zhou Kingdom, and it is normal to take more land from the Turks. "

Domineering, that's it.

I call it more normal.

Even Zhao She had some criticisms.

The national interests around the country cannot be compromised.

But before he spoke, Xu Shu first said: "General Zhao, please see that the land I acquired in Dazhou seems to be large in size, but have you noticed that it is all desert or not suitable for reclamation.

Only the banks of the Yellow River in the Heyin area are suitable for reclamation, while the land to the east of your dry river is suitable for reclamation, which is more conducive to development.Being able to connect Yanmen County together makes it extremely safe.

On the contrary, our area of ​​Heyin and Xihe County are separated by desert and mountains, like a lonely fortress hanging outside, which may be taken back by the Turks at any time, or face the risk of being plundered south at any time. "

Zhao She clasped his fists towards Xu Shu and said, "Master Xu is right, okay, just follow the line drawn by General Luo, and the territory of the two of us will be determined accordingly in the future!"

What Xu Shu said was the truth. In this wave of attack, Da Zhou has a large territory, but it is not beneficial.

Beishi Na's territory is small, but it is more advantageous.

After the discussion, the Beishi army returned to the east, then all withdrew across the dry water and the Yellow River, and garrisoned and built a garrison on the east bank.

At the same time, Beishi's other army went all the way north to Yanze, and beat Wuhuan, Shanwu and other morons further north.

After laying down these lands, the Beishi people immediately immigrated to guard them.

Two administrative counties were established.

One is called Dingxiang County and the other is called Yunzhong County.

Looking at Da Zhou, Luo Cheng left 3 soldiers for Xu Shu and Qin Qiong, and then gathered [-] soldiers and rushed towards Wuhai to deal with Turkic Zuoxian King.

Luo Cheng is good at destroying things.

It is also his job to fight.

But he can't do construction work.

Therefore, the power of the garrison was handed over to Xu Shu.

Xu Shu took Qin Qiong to explore the geography and water patterns around Heyin repeatedly, then pointed to the north of the Yellow River and said: "There is a city in the south of the river called Heyin, and a city in the north of the river named Jiuyuan. Jiuyuan is called Jiuquan. also!"

"One south and one north, the two cities echo each other. In the future, starting from these two cities, they will expand to the east and west. Gradually form a real county pattern."

"Jiuyuan, Heyin! This is the land of my Great Zhou." Qin Qiong said:

"In the west and southwest, we continue to expand the territory of the empire. This time our soldiers in the north have also expanded the territory of the empire by six or seven hundred miles."

The border extends to the north for six or seven hundred miles. What an area it is.

Not much in the Southwest.

How could Qin Qiong and others not be proud and excited.

Xu Shu said: "Now this place is still ours. I calculated it. Jiuyuan City and Heyin City just go south to Nannu, and Nannu goes south just to face Chang'an. It's a pity that this line can be connected. Build a wide road for the army to support the northern frontier, then this place will completely belong to me.

Even going out of the Yin Mountains and into the depths of the prairie is no problem. "

Build a straight road from Jiuyuan to Chang'an.

Military division, you really dare to think about it.

How many mountains must be hewn, how many rivers must be crossed, through deserts, and through fir forests.

Unless someone is crazy, he will spend a lot of money to build such a road.

"Do you think it's crazy, why do you spend so much money to build roads?" Xu Shu said with a smile:
"This is what His Majesty said. If you want to be rich, build roads first. If you want to be strong, build roads first. If you want to strengthen the border defense, you should build roads first. The roads are open, the roads are fast, and the imperial soldiers are pointing to the border.

Your majesty is a great majesty, he is wise and powerful, in order to strengthen the connection between the land of Bashu, he waved his hand to guide the country and expand the road between Hanzhong and Bashu.

Similarly, as long as he feels that he still has the strength to spare, he will definitely build a road to Jiuyuan with a wave of his hand.

And our road is much easier to repair than Bashu, but the road is a little longer. "

"Then let's build the city first!" Qin Qiong really sighed, there is no shadow of the two cities yet, and I don't know when they will be built.

Things about the road are not something we can look forward to right now.

Xu Shu said: "General Qin, you go to the north of the river first, set up a military camp, set up a point first, and then start with the military camp and build a city.

I will first set up Heyin City on the south bank, and report this matter to His Majesty on the way! "


The battle report from the north was rushed through Baili and spread to Chang'an in a hurry.

The war horses of the good news entered from the east gate.

Shout out all the way!
"Great victory in the north! Great victory in the north!"

"The Greedy Wolf Legion raided Meiji, wiped out the entire family of the Turkic Youxian King, and captured [-] people!"

"The Greedy Wolf Corps rescued the Beishi coalition forces, defeated the Turkic Khan Jili, and killed [-] enemies!"

"The Greedy Legion swept to Heyin and other northern Yellow River areas, chased the Turks to the northern foot of Yinshan Mountain, and collected Urad Sea and other places!"

Jinfei scraped by, and quickly rode towards Suzaku Street.

People along the way escaped one after another.

I wanted to curse, but I was taken aback.

"What did the messenger say just now, the Tanlang Group Army wiped out the Turkic Youxian King's tribe!"

"Not only did you destroy the Turkic Youxian King's tribe, but you also defeated the Khan named Ji Li, and killed [-] enemies!"

"It's nothing to kill the enemy. We drove the Turkic people to the northern foot of Yinshan Mountain. From now on, the south will be all the land of our Great Zhou!"

"Yin Mountain, where is this Yin Mountain? Can anyone who understands explain to me how much territory I have robbed this time!"

It was also said that someone asked, and a student next to him who had just finished the exam took the initiative to do the math and said, "Old man, I did the math, and there are at least three more counties to the north of my Great Zhou!"

"There are three more counties, Si, it's terrible, you guys study hard, there is a big gap for officials!"

The student who just answered was taken aback for a moment, then realized immediately.

Hey, well you're really all about that.

With the expansion of the empire's territory, not only was there a shortage of eunuchs, but the officials below him were also seriously lacking. I was worried that he would not pass the exam, but suddenly I had confidence again.

The empire recruits talents, not only the top few, it is estimated that this scientific examination is for all these preparations.

Your Majesty's vision is so high that Xiaosheng admires him so much.

(End of this chapter)

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