I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 636? Di Qing's plan

Chapter 636 Di Qing's Plan

The day after the news of the Great Northern Victory came out, the people in Chang'an City didn't know about it.

The Jingwei cavalry stationed in Chang'an began to quietly go to Wuguan.

The empire did not stop fighting, but started a new era of foreign conquests.

5000 left cavalry guards, right cavalry guards, and euphorbia warriors embarked on the journey.

At the same time, the former cavalry guard who had been helping in Hanzhong and Yizhou was transferred back to Chang'an.

The rear cavalry guards and middle cavalry guards in the Hexi Dudu's Mansion were also transferred back.

Two days later, under the city of Wuguan!

To the north of Guancheng, there are continuous military camps, forming 36 villages.

The Suzaku Army also arrived from Shangluo and Lantian Valley one after another.

The two armies had a total of 5000 troops.

"Everyone, His Majesty originally planned to send only the Jingwei cavalry and the cavalry of my Suzaku Army to go out and enter Nanyang, but the victory in the north, the brothers of the Tanlang Army, saved us a lot of food and grass.

Let our Suzaku army have enough food and grass to dispatch the whole army, and capture Nanyang, so that we can fight Chuyue Kingdom for a month or two.

So in this battle, my Suzaku Group is going to grab people and grab territory. "Di Qing stood on the stage, looking at the soldiers below:

"Brothers, are you confident?"

"Yes! Take it motherfucker!"

"Kill Chuyue Kingdom to death and snatch the whole Nanyang!"

The soldiers of the Suzaku Army below shouted in unison.

Finally, it is time to rob Chuyue Kingdom again.

This time, it was not just grabbing a few 10 people at the beginning of the year, but taking up territory.

If they fight out, their Suzaku Army is called an army.

Guarding a Wuguan, stationed in Shangluo, a small flat land, really loses the prestige of the group army.

"Okay, since everyone is confident, let me arrange the battle deployment. In this battle, we will use the cavalry to make a quick raid, and use the attack on Wancheng and Xiangyang as a strategic illusion.

In fact, we want to mobilize the Chuyue army in Nanyang and eliminate them in the campaign.

The 15 Chuyue soldiers and horses are all old soldiers, so we must cheer up and not underestimate the enemy.

Our bottom line in this battle is to capture the north of Yin County and the west of Champion and Li Kingdom. "Di Qing said with a tense face:
"My own expectation is to win this battle, with Zhuyang and Xinye to the north and Wancheng to the west as the boundary, to divide Nanyang County equally with Chuyue Kingdom.

So that my Suzaku Army can threaten Xiangyang in real time, and let a sharp sword hang over the head of Chuyue Kingdom forever. "

Divide Nanyang County equally.

Completely punched Da Zhou's fist in the southeast direction.

All the generals stood up one after another and replied excitedly: "We are willing to help the commander-in-chief to forge this sword for the empire!"

The Suzaku group fights a lot.

The fruit is also abundant.

But it didn't add an inch to the empire.

This has always been a small regret within the Suzaku Army.

Take a look at the Fluctlight Group Army, which has been established for the shortest time and has added seven counties to the empire.

Even the Tanlang Group Army has expanded its territory by six or seven hundred miles.

Worst of all, the White Tiger Army also expanded several counties.

It hurts to think about it.

Dan water!

It is still the most important dungeon pool on the road after Da Zhou left Wuguan.

After the baptism of the last war.

This city is completely dare to be a military fortress.

There is no one in the city.

All soldiers.

There are [-] troops, and all of them are veterans.

Just tie it here.

After half a year of reinforcement and repair.

The city is better and stronger.

There are heavy patrols day and night, and the intervals are short.

Behind it, Shunyang, Fangnan Township, each had [-] veterans stationed.

Once a war breaks out in Danshui, reinforcements will be sent immediately.

So how to break through Danshui quickly is the first question that the Suzaku army should consider.

But this is not a problem for Di Qing. In order to capture Nanyang, he has not been idle, and has been paying close attention to everything in Nanyang for the past six months.

The spies never stopped.

He also saw the changes in Danshui.

The nearby mountains and rivers and water patterns have been studied over and over again.

After leaving Wuguan, there are two roads.

The main road leads to Danshui, and the small road leads to Xixian County.

In the past, they mainly attacked Danshui. After taking it, they went all the way south to attack Xiangyang.

On the contrary, the possibility of killing Wancheng is low.

But this time it was different.

On the contrary, Wancheng is the main focus direction this time.

So this time Di Qing put the main force on the north offensive line, and it was Danshui who pretended to attack.

The same, because Di Qing has always been prepared.

He formed an engineering corps of 5000 people in the area under his jurisdiction.

What is Chuanmen doing?
Of course, it is road construction and road expansion.

This time, they turned the road leading to Xi County into the main road.

In this way, whether it is attacking or defending in the future, the Suzaku Army's army can quickly come out.

One road is blocked, and another road is attacked.

One way is broken, and the other way is self-defeating.

On the contrary, it can maneuver quickly and encircle the other way.

At the same time, he also borrowed something from Ye Qing.

Before evening, the masters of the Great Zhou came out of Wuguan one after another.

Clean up all the eyes and ears of the nearby Chuyue Kingdom.

Then proceed to Danshui and Xi County.

When they came to the city, they began to closely monitor the defense of the city by the people of Chuyue.

After dark.

Wuguan closed and opened.

The big Zhou iron cavalry went out of Wuguan first.

Then the infantry trotted out of the pass.

They rushed to Danshui and Xixian respectively.

Among them, the main force headed towards Xi County.

Some soldiers and horses, carrying big banners, headed towards Danshui.

In order to avoid exposure, the torch has not been lit.

Discredit the move forward.

until the city.

Right for a while.

The army that arrived at Danshui first took a rest.

The supply ordnance team headed south with torches at the back.

In Xi County on the other side, the cavalry passed through the trail to the west of Xi County.

There are not only Lu Bu, Huang Zhong, Zhang Yun and others in this home team.

And Di Qing herself.

"It is estimated that the Danshui side has already reached the enemy's city, and the ordnance logistics has also begun to go south!" Di Qing checked the time, and then said: "Assault team, follow me!"

After speaking, Di Qing hugged the lovely Meng Qi and headed towards Xixian County.

Accompanying them were military masters, as well as Li Bai and the masters of the Jianghu from the Dayan Wusi sent by Chang'an.

Three or forty people, all in black suits, approached the city wall like ghosts.

The defenders on the city did not notice anything unusual.

There are not many defenders in Xixian County, only 5000 troops, and there are no civilians.

It has become a single military frontier defense center.

The master guards in the city are all on duty in the gate tower.

Once the situation is discovered, the warning signal will be found at the first time.

But when Di Qing approached, he didn't notice it at all.

After all, Di Qing is now a rank five general.

With the strength of their mere second- and third-rank warriors, it is really hard to detect.

Di Qing came to the city quietly, and then patted Meng Qi who was about to fall asleep.

Then he blinked at it, and then moved his mouth.

Meng Qi recognized Di Qing's signal.

Then began to prick up its furry ears.

Then activate the dream of its fourth-grade strength.

Meng Qi's ability is very special, and there is no advantage in fighting head-on.

But at night, secretly releasing tricks is definitely the best assistant.

Regardless of whether they were on guard or on duty, the defenders on the city were quickly dragged in by Meng Qi's dream.

One by one, they fell limply to the ground and passed out sweetly.

It is the masters of Chuyue Kingdom in the city gate tower.

Also felt drowsy for a while, and yawned a few times, trying to force himself up.

But the drowsiness still hit me, endlessly.

"What's wrong today, I kind of want to...sleep!"

A martial artist from the Chuyue Kingdom with a third-rank strength was a little alert, but he still couldn't defeat Meng Qi's attack.

Half lying down, fell into a short sweet dream.

(End of this chapter)

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