I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 637? Taking down Xixian County Danshui and dispatching troops

Chapter 637: Conquering Xi County Danshui and Dispatch Troops
"So fat, so fat, Qiuqiu is the best..."

Meng Qi suddenly made a sound like a mosquito, and then slapped Di Qing on the head: "Hehehe, hum~ the bad guys are dealt with!"

bad guy!

Everyone could hear clearly not far away, because Meng Qi increased his voice this time.

Meng Qi was the only one who dared to challenge the commander-in-chief of the fifth-rank Suzaku army in this way.

Do not!
People are pets, not people.

And the strength is the fourth grade, the treasure of the emperor.

It would be nice to borrow it.

Don't talk about provoking the handsome, even beat you up without any discussion.

nailed it.

Di Qing was overjoyed.

"Thank you Meng Qi!"

Di Qing was overjoyed and waved to the crowd in the distance.

Then Di Qing stomped his feet and jumped up.

When it rose to mid-air, and then touched the back of the waist with the right hand, a rigid claw was drawn out, and it was thrown upwards, and the rigid claw grabbed the wall and chopped.

Then Di Qing was hung in mid-air. It turned out that there was a strong rope tied to the tail of Gang Claw.

Di Qingfei grabbed the rope, stepped on the rope, and walked up to the top of the wall as if walking on flat ground.

It seems good to immediately jump into the wall.

Mao Yao looked around.

Very quiet.

Countless Chuyue soldiers fell to the ground.

Di Qing stood up, untied the rope around his waist, and threw it outside the city.

Then he quietly walked towards the gate tower.

Although there is Meng Qi, one has to guard against the lurking state-owned supreme masters of Chu and Yue.

Fortunately, when they reached the gate, through the cracks in the city gate that was not closed tightly, they saw that the Chuyue people inside had all fallen to the ground, and passed out one by one.

Di Qing didn't feel any aura of a strong person either.

Then he opened the door and walked in.

I searched again, and there was indeed no one else.

Di Qing felt relieved.

Then directly pick and kill most of the enemies with the sword.

Only two leaders who seem to be the most important people are left.

At this time, Li Bai and others who climbed up from outside the city also arrived.

"Tie the two of them up and gag them tightly. It may be useful to keep them!"


Several people behind Li Bai took action immediately.

Li Bai followed Di Qing to lurk in the inner city.

The matter of opening the city gate will be done by a newcomer.

Di Qing and Li Bai need to go to the government office in the city to take down the guards.

Soon they walked through the streets and alleys and turned to the government office.

With Jin Yiwei's information, analyzing the specific residence of the county guards, it is clear.

Meng Qi shot again.

All the soldiers and masters in the government office were knocked down.

Even the guard, including the general, was easily taken down by Di Qing.

The West City Gate is now wide open.

The soldiers of the Great Zhou Dynasty filed in, holding their torches high.

But there was no shout.

It was not until they entered the center of the city that they were discovered by the soldiers of the Chuyue Kingdom who had deserted.

"Not good! There are enemies!"

The next moment, the bow and crossbow shot immediately killed these generals of the Chuyue Kingdom.

"Not good! Zhou Jun came in, hurry up, save the adults!"

In the barracks, the soldiers of Chuyue Kingdom were in chaos.

In a hurry, he didn't even put on his clothes in a hurry, and took his weapons and rushed out of the gate of the barracks.

But at this time, the soldiers of Dazhou were killed.

The shield soldiers lined up in several rows, and the spearmen set up their spears.

The crossbowmen rushed to the gate of the camp with their bows and crossbows raised.

Come out and kill one.

There are even more masters ambushing around.

If any enemy will sneak out alone, shoot and kill immediately.

More Da Zhou soldiers rushed directly to the government office in the city and the east gate.

It didn't take long for the entire Xi County to be captured by Da Zhou.

This battle did not kill more than [-] enemies, and his own casualties did not exceed [-].

Five thousand veterans of the Chuyue Kingdom were wiped out.

"Immediately notify the engineers behind to widen the road leading to Xi County."

"At the same time, inform the military division attacking Danshui and tell them to proceed as planned."

Someone will pass the order.

After leaving Xi County, Di Qing said to Lu Bu, Huang Zhong and others: "Once the news of Danshui's attack spreads to the south, the army of Shunyang, the southern township of Chuyue Kingdom, will surely send reinforcements to Danshui. The two cities are empty, so I want the soldiers and horses of the Suzaku Army to attack Nanxiang and Shunyang, and besiege Danshui with the military division.

Terror has no time to take care of you. You need to fight the battle in Xiangwan City first. "

"Di Shuai has to go, we will find a way in Wancheng." Lu Bu, Huang Zhong and others clasped their fists together.

After dawn.

One of the two armies attacked Li Guo and Wancheng, and the other attacked Nanxiang and Shunyang.

Just as Di Qing guessed.

At this time, the defenders of Chuyue Kingdom in Danshui saw the Dazhou army outside the city.

Also startled.

Overnight, Da Zhou's soldiers and horses rushed to the city.

And began to build siege equipment.

It seems that they want to capture Danshui and invade Nanyang.

"Damn it, why did Da Zhou come to attack our Chuyue country again? Are they crazy?"

"It's the second time this year. We really think our Chuyue Kingdom is a sick cat."

"That's right, they are fighting crazy, they will attack Bashu after the war in the west, and attack the Turks in the north after the war in Bashu.

Now that the Turks have not finished fighting, they have come to attack our Nanyang again, and they still want to loot 30 people from us? "

"Whether it is tolerable or unbearable, this time we must show Da Zhou the color."

The city lord who guarded Danshui went up to the top of the city to see what was going on outside.

His face was extremely gloomy, and he said in a deep voice: "Immediately report to Xiangyang and Jiangling City that the Great Zhou army has left Wuguan again and invaded our Chuyue Kingdom.

At the same time, the defenders of Nanxiang and Shunyang were transferred over. "

"Others, go down and prepare, pay attention to Da Zhou's throwing stones, and avoid being hit!"

When it came to throwing stones, the generals of the Chuyue Kingdom who were shouting arrogantly just now were completely dumbfounded.

And also with a hint of fear.

This kind of big killer is really terrifying.

How could Da Zhou have such a weapon.

When will I be born in Chuyue Kingdom, otherwise it will be uncomfortable to be smashed every day.

I don't know how many days Danshui can last.

Soon the Chuyue army from Nanxiang and Shunyang was transferred to Danshui.

As soon as the army left, the people of Chuyue Kingdom in Nanxiang and Shunyang began to pack up their belongings and head south out of the city gate.

They are all new immigrants.

There is no feeling for Nanxiang and Shunyang.

So when I found out that there was a war, my first thought was to run away first, in case the horses of Da Zhou came again and robbed them, and then I would not be able to come back.

After the county magistrates of the two cities heard the news, they immediately took the yamen servants to intercept them.

"What are you doing, go back immediately, don't leave, kill whoever leaves the city and this county?"

"My lord, please let us go, give us a way to survive, we don't want to die!"

"That's right, my lord let us go, we will come back when the war is over."

The county magistrate said with a stern face: "No, go back immediately. You will make the hearts of the counties fluctuate. Listen to me and go back. The other troops of our Chuyue Kingdom will come soon. Our Chuyue Kingdom has long been prepared. A large number of soldiers and horses are hidden in the cities below, and they will arrive in a day or two.

If you don't go back to the county, you will really kill someone! "

The common people don't just bring taxes to the local area, more often, when there is a war, they can contribute to the front line, and if they leave, his county will become an empty county.

As soon as the soldiers and horses of the Great Zhou Dynasty came, they were defeated even if they couldn't even defend them.

People, you look at me, I look at you, anxious and anxious, and reluctant.

Obviously, they also didn't believe the words of the county magistrate.

If it was before, they would definitely believe it, but this year, the evil sect of the Great Zhou Dynasty killed their 100 million army of Chuyue Kingdom.

On the other hand, it has never been defeated in a foreign war, so it means to fight wherever it is, and to destroy it wherever it is fought.

It's too fierce.

Relying on the tens of thousands of people in Danshui, they can hold it.

hang na.

Just when everyone is deadlocked.

Suddenly there was a sound of panic in the city.

"It's not good, the cavalry of the Great Zhou has attacked outside the city, and they have killed us in Nanxiang!"

"What? The Dazhou cavalry came in, run!"

(End of this chapter)

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