I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 638? Lu Bu deceived Wancheng

Chapter 638 Lu Bu deceived Wancheng


This is simply a reminder.

The people of Chuyue Kingdom in Nanxiang were even more frightened.

Competing to rush out of the city.

You squeeze me, I squeeze you.

You push me, I push you.

You step on me, I step on you.
They scrambled out of the city and ran to the south.

Even the county magistrate was dumbfounded.

Da Zhou's cavalry came to kill.

how is this possible.

The [-] troops had only been dispatched out of the city for two hours, and the Danshui hadn't even arrived yet.

Da Zhou captured Danshui and fought all the way to Nanxiang.

"My lord, go, or we will be trampled to death!"

The county magistrate pulled the county magistrate and retreated to the side.

As soon as they retreated, more people rushed out without stopping.

Just when the county magistrate wanted to reprimand his subordinates, he suddenly heard the sound of rumbling horseshoes coming from the direction of the city.

Then there was the sound of screams from the city gate.

Yiqi rushed to the side of the wall, chopped off the flag of Chuyue Kingdom with a sword, and planted the flag of Dazhou.

Hong Sheng, a cavalry general of the Great Zhou, said to the outside: "The No. 12 Regiment of the Great Zhou Suzaku Army has been killed. Everyone listened carefully and immediately surrendered with their heads in their hands. Stand aside and wait. Those who stand in the way will be killed without mercy!"

It is really the cavalry of the Great Zhou!

The word Suzaku made Nanxiang county magistrate's heart almost jump out.

"Quick, go, go back and inform General Zhenxi!"

The magistrate of Nanxiang turned around and went into the forest.

A group of yamen servants followed suit.

They dare not take the main road.

Because the No. 12 regiment of the Suzaku Army rushed out of the south gate like a whirlwind after a moment, and rushed towards Shunyang along the official road.

Half a day later, Shunyang was also captured by the Suzaku army.

After conquering the two cities, Di Qing led the main force and turned north to attack Danshui.

Attack Danshui with Liu Ji from north to south.

The Danshui defenders were also a little confused.

Why did Da Zhou's main force run behind them?

They are clearly in front of them, but they can fly their teeth.

But soon they also reacted.

This time, Da Zhou mainly attacked Xi County, and walked around behind him from there.

And the other party successfully succeeded, and no news was leaked.

Their Danshui became a trap.

The [-] army caught turtles in the urn and was trapped in the city.

At this time, Yijing's mission was not to stop the Great Zhou Suzaku army from going south, but to protect themselves.


Not to mention Danshui!

north road.

Huang Zhong and Lu Bu's [-] cavalry suddenly rushed to Li State, and Li State's [-] defenders were caught off guard and killed directly.

Li Guo fell, and the two armies separated. Huang Zhong led 5000 people all the way south, attacking Champion, Anzhong, and Xinye.

Lu Bu and Zhang Liao quietly touched the northern part of Wancheng eastward.

Zhang He led the army and followed behind.


As the prefectural city of Nanyang, the city is tall and wide.

Xiangyang City to the south is much larger.

In comparison, it is similar to Jiangling City, the capital of Chuyue Kingdom.

Why is it so big.

the reason is simple.

Nanyang is a large county with a large area, a large population, and is rich.

Except for the large mountains in the northwest, it is basically relatively flat land.

The Zajia River comes out of the Funiu Mountains, flows through the central part of Nanyang County, and goes south to Xiangyang to join the Mian River to form the Han River.

Water conservancy and water convenience are available for ships to travel.

The direction is to carry goods from the Dajiang area to Han, Wei and Dazhou for business.

So the economy is active and developed.

The commerce and trade are developed, and the local fertile land is vast.

Naturally, Nanyang, a large county rare in the world, was formed.

So his prefecture is very big.

There are many people in it.

"The city is huge, but this ghostly place is easy to attack but hard to defend. It's tasteless."

On the mountain in the northwest of Wancheng, Lu Bu put down his binoculars, showing a little contempt and disgust.

Wancheng is very large, except for Chang'an in the Great Zhou Dynasty, almost no city can compare with Wancheng.

But the advantages and disadvantages of this city are also obvious.

Zhang Liao smiled wryly and said: "Fengxian, we are not here to defend the city, but to occupy it. We will fight it first and then we will run away if we can't defend it. Let Di Qing decide how to capture this place for a long time!"

"Alright, let that guy Di Qing have a headache. Anyway, Nanzui County will be the battlefield of their Suzaku Army in the future. What do we worry about?" Lu Bu ordered the binoculars to be put away. Change the clothes of the soldiers of the Yue Kingdom into the flags of the Chu and Yue Kingdom, and let's go cheat the city!"

After speaking, Lu Bu took two thousand cavalry around to the northeast, and then went to deceive the east gate of Wancheng.

Why did he lie to Dongmen, because Lu Bu didn't know whether Wancheng had received the news that Da Zhou had entered Nanyang.

Are the defenders in the city alert?

And a cavalry coming from the west would also look weird.

It is more reasonable to come from the east, and the interrogation must not be so strict.

Zhang Liao continued to lurk in the valley with 3000 people, keeping an observation post and watching the movement of Wancheng.

"Get out of the way! Get out of the way, the urgent military situation in the west, get out of the way!"

The southwestern gate of Wancheng flew in, galloping hard on the street.

All the vegetable stalls along the way were blown away.

Soon rushed to the prefect's mansion.

"Quick, take me to see the prefect!"

The man on the horse fell off his horse after speaking, and the soldiers in front of the prefect's mansion immediately stepped forward and lifted him up.

It quickly arrived in the lobby.

The Nanyang prefect heard the news and said, "What's the matter?"

"Master Taishou, to the west... Great Zhou sent troops, and Great Zhou captured Nanxiang and Shunyang."

Speaking of messenger, he handed over the bamboo tube on his body.

It contained letters.

The Nanyang prefect was startled, then took the bamboo tube and poured out the letter inside.

Frowning while watching.

His face gradually turned pale.

"The Suzaku Army is out of Wuguan again. It's never over. They fight twice a year!"

The Nanyang prefect threw the bamboo tube angrily.

Turning around and returning to the main seat, he was so angry that he slapped the table.

The people below immediately went down with the report.

After a while, the voice of Nanyang prefect was heard in the hall.

"Come here, order the counties and cities of Nanyang to bring troops to Fucheng, and prepare to reinforce Danyang!"

Ready to support.

rather than immediate support.

The difference is huge.

It is estimated that the prefect was afraid that Da Zhou would grab him and left.

So I don’t want to waste money and people too much.

The people below felt that they were thinking about it, and immediately went to spread the word.

The army in the city did not move, they were still lying in the barracks.

It's just that the voice of discussion in the city is a bit loud.

The prefect of Nanyang didn't intend to send troops to Li Guo and the champion immediately.

And when Wancheng began to spread news to other cities.

An army came from the east gate.

The incoming army was all cavalry, walking very slowly.


The city gate put his hands on his eyebrows and took a look.

He wondered and muttered: "It came so fast? They are all cavalry. Could it be that they came from Runan, and they are going to Xiangyang for business, or..."

The city gate general couldn't figure out why.

But not too vigilant and worried.

So the city gates remain as usual.

When the cavalry outside the city arrived at the city gate, they asked, "Dare to ask the general where to fight? It's a bit strange!"

Lu Bu was originally an arrogant person, and he was even more arrogant when he came to lie to the city. He pointed at the general flag behind him and snorted coldly: "Don't you have eyes and can't see?"

As he said that, Lu Bu urged his horse to rush straight past the soldiers of Chuyue Kingdom who were standing in front of him and entered the city cave.

(End of this chapter)

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