I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 639? Wancheng of Nanyang County won

Chapter 639: Taking Wancheng in Nanyang County

The city gate general was very angry, but he saw the word Jing behind Lu Bu.

He dared not say a word.

The Jing family is one of the three Lu.

Any child born from a side branch is more noble than them, I don't know how much.

The arrogance displayed by Lu Bu directly shocked the gatekeepers and ordinary soldiers guarding the gate.

Lu Bu entered the city as he wished, but he did not seize the city gate immediately.

Instead, he led the cavalry into the city and walked towards the center of the city as if nothing had happened, as if forgetting that he was here to capture the city.

"Hey, what's the air, what's so great about your Jing family, isn't it because you were beaten all over the floor by Da Zhou, and you will still die when you are damned!"

The city gate general cursed secretly, and didn't care about Lu Bu and others, but concentrated on defending the city.

Soon, Lu Bu came to the prefect's mansion.

Lu Bu glanced left and right.

Only then did he pick off the horse.

He was about to enter the prefect's mansion, when the soldiers guarding the gate blocked his way.

"I don't know who the general is?"

As soon as he finished asking, Lu Bu stared, took a step forward, and shook the weapon with both hands.

The four Chuyue soldiers were pushed to the front of the drums on both sides by the inner energy flow, knocking them down.

"Who dares to act presumptuously in the prefect's mansion!"

The soldiers of the prefect's house patrolling inside showed their weapons one after another, and rushed down after the leader.

At this time, Yu Huatian behind Lu Bu drew his sword.

An air blade flew over.

The team leader who rushed over was instantly hit, flying upside down and hitting the entrance wall.

"Get out, tell Cai Xie to come over and see me!"

Lv Bu roared angrily, and rushed in with tiger strides.

The left cavalry guards behind him filed in.

Put the weapons on the necks of the soldiers of the prefect's mansion.

Seeing this posture, the people inside thought it was some important person from Jiangling, so they retreated one after another.

Run fast and go to the lobby immediately.

"Your Majesty is not well, someone is looking for you, it seems that they are here to settle accounts with you!"

"What?" Cai Xi, the prefect of Nanyang, was stunned for a moment, in astonishment.

Someone asked me to settle accounts, what accounts.

Cai Xi tidied up his appearance before walking out. When he left the lobby, he saw Lu Bu with a menacing aura.

Can't help looking suspicious.

"Who is your Excellency?"

A military general, I haven't seen it before, and it doesn't look like a very high-level general in terms of clothes.

Command a maximum of 5000 troops.

Such generals may be great in other countries.

But in Chuyue Kingdom, the level is more than doubled.

Because the Chuyue Kingdom has a large number of soldiers and horses, these are ordinary generals.

"You are Cai Xi!" Lu Bu asked without answering, and looked at Cai Xi with contemptuous eyes.

Cai Xi felt very uncomfortable, but he still replied: "This residence is right, I don't know where the general came from? What's the use of coming to Nanyang?"

"Where did you come from, hahaha, good question!" Lu Bu drew his sword, leaned forward with his right foot, and said with a sneer:
"I, Lu Bu, came from Chang'an, of course to arrest you!"

Lu Bu!


Catch me!

and many more!

The people in the Nanyang Prefect's Mansion were stunned for a while before reacting.

Lu Bu!


People from Dazhou.

General of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

Da Zhou has reached Wancheng.
Lu Bu rushed over at a brisk pace, pinching Cai Xi's clothes with one hand, and holding a sword around his neck with the other.

It all happened so suddenly.



The people in the prefect's mansion reacted, and Yijing, a soldier of the left cavalry guard, showed his fangs.

With a lift of the crossbow in his hand, he buckled the crossbow.

Countless crossbow arrows shot out, killing all the people in the nearby Nanyang Taishou Mansion.

Even the masters of the prefect's mansion were caught off guard and were injured by arrows one after another.


The left cavalry guards took the opportunity to rush forward with their spears, stabbing the wounded soldiers of the prefect's mansion to death with their spears.

Those injured masters wanted to escape, but Yu Huatian's figure flashed and his long sword swung, beheading these injured people in a few moments, and then led the left cavalry guards to kill other places in the prefect's mansion.

Cai Xi's mind was buzzing, all this was too sudden and unimaginable.

My Nanyang was captured by Da Zhou so quickly.

Wancheng was attacked quietly by Da Zhou.

I, the prefect, was captured in the prefect's mansion.

"Don't move, if you move again, I don't mind killing you!"

Lu Bu put a sword across his neck with one hand, and then let go of the other hand, and began to strike at important acupuncture points on Cai Xie's body.

The first thing to do is to destroy the opponent's sea of ​​qi.

"Lu Bu, what do you want to do?" Cai Xie knew that there was no way for him to break free, but he still asked.

"What are you doing? Of course you want to occupy Wancheng and bring it into my territory!" Lu Bu kicked him into the lobby, then walked in by himself.

"Occupy my Wancheng, hahaha, I know, you didn't bring many people here, you succeeded in a surprise attack on the prefect's mansion, but there are [-] veterans from our country in the city, you attacked the prefect's mansion, they will come soon Surrounding and killing you." Cai Xi felt as if he had grasped something crucial.

However, he won a look of contempt from Lu Bu.

"[-] soldiers and horses, I thought there were [-]!" Lu Bu mentioned him and threw him on the top couch, then pointed his sword at his throat and said: "Besides, with you in my hands, no matter how many troops It became a decoration!"

"I...it's useless. Do you think you can order these 2 people by arresting me? It's impossible." Cai satirized shook his head, he didn't want to help Lu Bu.

He is from Chuyue Kingdom.

You cannot sell your country.

However, Lu Bu swung his sword down and directly chopped off one of his arms.

"Ah!" The pain caused Cai Xi to burst into tears.

Cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

Looking at his still bleeding arm, Lu Bu said coldly, "Since it's useless, why don't we kill you like this?"

"It's useful, it's useful, and it's still useful to me." Cai Xi knew that Lu Bu was really up to it, so he gritted his teeth and said, "Stop the bleeding, I don't want to die yet, I'll help you, I..."

"If you say so earlier, it will be over!" Lu Bu then withdrew his sword, and said to the people behind him: "Help him stop the bleeding, don't let him die!"

Out of the lobby.

At this time Yuhuatian jumped off the roof.

"The prefect's mansion has been cleaned up, and no one has escaped!"

Only then did Lu Bu show joy on his face.

"Very well, let's go to the barracks next."

After finishing speaking, Lu Bu nodded again and said, "Wen Yuan estimates that Yijing is rushing towards the west city. Go and take down the west gate to ensure that my army of left cavalry guards can enter the city smoothly!"

"It's the general!" Lu Bu's generals immediately ordered five hundred cavalry to go to the west gate.

Of course, he also took a transfer order from the prefect's mansion.

When Lu Bu and the others entered the East City, Zhang Liao waited for others and began to rush out from the hidden valley.

Three thousand cavalry and eight thousand horses rushed out of Wancheng with the sound of rumbling.

All the way to the bottom of the city gate, there was no obstacle.

Three thousand cavalry entered the city gate smoothly.

At this time, the people of Chuyue and the army in the city discovered that Wancheng was attacked by the soldiers of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

The Chuyue people from the other sects wanted to seize the city, but they were defeated by the left cavalry with a single charge.

Nancheng and Beicheng fell successively.

As for the barracks, they were taken down by Lu Bu himself with Cai Xi's cooperation.

The generals of the [-]-strong army also became Lu Bu's ghosts under the sword in a daze.

And the [-] soldiers were collectively surrounded.

Their prefect actually betrayed them.

Somehow, they became captives of five thousand Zhou cavalry, and they were still in Wancheng.

(End of this chapter)

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