I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 640: After the Greedy Wolf battle, an overview of Hexi

Chapter 640 After the battle of Greedy Wolf, an overview of Hexi

Zhenxi General Mansion.

"Damn it, the Suzaku Army, Di Qing is not finished yet, and he's coming to attack my Chuyue Kingdom again!"

"However, this time, don't try to take advantage of anything.

Both His Majesty and we have expected it, and want to relieve the pressure of the East China Sea, but there is no way! "

After receiving the news, General Zhenxi of the Chuyue Kingdom immediately said: "Beat the drums and gather the generals to mobilize all our active soldiers and horses. This time I will never let Di Qing run away again.

With a 15 Suzaku army, I have [-] old soldiers in Chuyue Kingdom. If I add about [-] local troops, I don't believe it can't beat the mere Suzaku army! "

Xiangyang immediately sent a large army northward.

The news of the battle immediately spread to Jiangling City.

The court of Chuyue Kingdom soon became heated again.

Of course it was scolding.

They are prepared to send troops to Da Zhou.

So it's not sudden.

After all, Donghai State and Dazhou are allies.

It is also reasonable for Da Zhou to send troops.

At the same time, it also showed that the East China Sea was about to lose its hold.

The East China Sea is about to collapse.

At this time, it is only necessary to add more fire, and the East China Sea Kingdom is over.

"My lords, the Great Zhou came to attack our Chuyue Kingdom again and plundered my Nanyang. It's really abominable." Xiong Wanzheng uttered a sentence, then stood up and said:

"Although all the soldiers and horses of our Chuyue Kingdom have gone to the front line of the Huai River, this time I still have to send [-] infantry from Jiangling to Nanyang to help in the battle.

It is easy to say that the army of the Great Zhou retreated, if they did not retreat, all the fifty thousand Suzaku army would be left behind! "

"Your Majesty is wise, the old minister is willing to send five hundred soldiers to strengthen the country's prestige!" The Patriarch of the Jing family was the first to jump out.

Qu's and Zhao's also said: "Your Majesty, we are also willing to send out soldiers and prepare our own food and grass to fight!"

Sanlu spoke, the following

The five nobles are Huang, Xiang, Chang, Sun, and Gou. They also expressed their five hundred soldiers.

Other civil servants and military generals who were able to send troops also sent hundreds of private troops.

Those who have no soldiers will donate property.

Anyway, it is a school of harmony, a school of generosity for the sake of the empire.

The above bears are extremely moved.

In the end, the [-] army plus [-] private troops marched from Jiangling to Nanyang County.



A land of lush vegetation.

But at this time it was indeed dyed blood red.

There were fallen corpses everywhere, as well as weapons and banners thrown on the ground.

A sudden encounter, here broke out suddenly, and then ended quickly.

"Report! Luo Shuai, the Turkic Zuoxian Dynasty has gone to Jilu Mountain."

Suddenly a general ran over to report.

Only then did Luo Cheng put down his gun with a cold light.

"Even if he runs fast, otherwise he will be killed by the horse!"

Originally, Luo Cheng wanted to block the back of the Zuo Xian King's family, but the Zuo Xian King's family escaped half.

Slightly regretful.

After sweeping the battlefield, a cavalry came rushing from the west.

The same attire belonged to the other 1 members of Tanlang Group Army who attacked Wuhai.

However, at this time, this part of the war has reached 6000 people, and the number of casualties has reached [-].

The loss is not small.

You must know that Zuo Xianwang's department has not followed Xie Li's activities.

So I escaped two serious injuries.

Strength is preserved.

The tribe that escaped this time is still the most powerful among the Turks.

Stronger than Geely.

"The master is weak and the support is strong, so the Turks themselves should have a fight." Looking at the north bank of the Yellow River, Luo Cheng was not thinking about this problem.

He only said: "Set up camp, and set up a city here for me in the future, just to watch the Turkic people coming from Jilu Mountain."

The general below said: "General, I'm afraid it's not enough to build one city, at least two, so that we can respond."

The dissatisfied person said again: "Two are still missing, there should be three, two to the south, and one to the north. This triangle is the safest. Hey, don't you believe me, this is what I said in the evening school class..."

The three cities are missing, I want to establish a county, I want to build a state capital, I want to live here, all the people and soldiers of my Great Zhou!

The battle report was sent to Chang'an immediately.

Chang'an City!
Just follow the three cavalry's counterattack.

The guards of the capital have stabilized again.

Zhao Yun and Li Cunxiao were recruited into the mansion on the second day after their return.

The two came to the imperial study room, and then saw the sand table that Lu Bu and Zhang Liao saw at that time.

But the difference is that this time Ye Qing is staring at Liangzhou and Hexi Governor's Mansion.

"His Majesty!"

Ye Qing turned around and said with a smile: "You two are back, how are you staying in the Hexi Governor's Mansion these days?"

Zhao Yun was tired: "Your Majesty, the Governor of Wei is taking good care of us. For the time being, the Governor of Hexi is mainly focused on consolidating Wuwei County. There is no war. The main purpose is to build the city and collect information from various countries and ethnic groups!"

Ye Qing nodded.

New counties are established in unfamiliar lands, and these are necessary processes.

Li Cunxiao said: "The land there is very wide, but it is windy and sandy, even worse than Liangzhou, and the water source is also not rich."

Ye Qing pointed to Wuwei County and said, "Tell me about the recent situation there. Wei Qing didn't report it very clearly in the letter. You can explain it more thoroughly when you come back from there!"

"Your Majesty, in the land of Hexi, there are four major clan states.

They are Yuezhi, Quanrong, Rouran, and Tuyuhun. Among them, the Yue clan is the most moderate, and its clan is not so aggressive. It is also relatively harmonious with Shaodang Qiang, and it is in the west of the Qilian Mountains, so we can unite with the Great Zhou. , and even the existence of harvesting it for the people! "Zhao Yun continued: "Rouran is the most mysterious, and we know the least about her family, so it is difficult to get in touch with and integrate into.

Tuyuhun is the most domineering, has the ambition to dominate Hexi, and has the strongest soldiers and horses. "

Ye Qing knew a little about these things a long time ago.

Li Cunxiao said: "Your Majesty, I feel that our top priority is to kill the dog army, this country and this family is the biggest obstacle for us to gain a foothold in the Hexi Corridor.

Quan Rong is now the most hostile to my Great Zhou, and is also the public enemy of all ethnic groups in Hexi. Quan Rong has been bullying the small countries and clans in the Hexi Corridor.

It is also a huge obstacle preventing Wuwei County and Beidi County from joining together. "

Ye Qing asked: "Have you found out how many soldiers and horses there are in the dog army? How many ethnic groups are there, and how many masters are there?"

This Li Cunxiao shook his head.

Zhao Yundao: "We don't know the details, we are still investigating, but it should exceed 80!"

"Moreover, the dog army is divided into three parts, east, middle, and west. Each is king. There is no unified empire. The management is very scattered. They like to kill and loot. They are nomadic like Turks and other tribes. Their totems are wolves and their weapons are relatively rough. It should be The smelting technology is backward.”

There are three parts of Quanrong, the eastern part is in the northern part, and the western part is sandwiched between Liangzhou and the northern desert.

The middle one is near Wuwei.

The west is in the middle of the Wanlihe West Corridor.

Li Cunxiao also seemed to think of something, and said: "Your Majesty, the governor of Wei has established five cities in Wuwei according to the scriptures. According to his plan, he will first unite the big clan of Yuezhi, and then take in Qinhu, Xiutu, Dingling and other clans. , and have good relations with Xianling, Juyan and other countries.

To break the dog army in the middle, divide the dog army into two, and expand Wuwei County.

At that time, Dong Ke will join hands with Beidi County to destroy the eastern dog army, leaving the eastern dog army without assistance.

You can also get in touch with Rouran and investigate its country and its people, so that you can continue to develop to the four ends of the Hexi Corridor in the future! "

(End of this chapter)

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