I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 641 ? Battle in Nanyang, Shuozhou 4 Counties

Chapter 641 Battle in Nanyang, Four Counties of Shuozhou
Ye Qingdao: "Basically follow Wei Qing's plan, so that the middle is on both sides first, which is a good strategy."

"Where are the masters? How many sixth-rank dogs are there in the east, middle, and west?" Ye Qing asked.

There are not many dogs, and there should not be too many masters.

Zhao Yun replied: "Your Majesty, according to inquiries, there is at least one and no more than three masters of the sixth rank in the Central Dog Rong, no more than five for the fifth rank, no more than ten for the fourth rank, and no more than 30 for the third rank."

At least one is a sixth grade.

There may be three, and it is indeed not to be underestimated.

Fortunately, the dog army is not united, divided into three parts.

Can be broken individually.

"From this point of view, we still need to add some power to the Hexi Governor's Mansion, especially the masters." Ye Qing murmured.

Wei Qing only has the strength of the third rank.

Moreover, there are not many masters in the Hexi Dudu Mansion.

There are not many Liangzhou masters to rely on.

The White Tiger Army under Ye Yu is limited to masters.

And the strength is generally not high.

.Next, Ye Qing asked Zhao Yun and Li Cunxiao about other matters concerning the Hexi Governor's Mansion.

Get as clear as possible about the situation of the Hexi Governor's Mansion.


"Good news, good news, good news for the Greedy Wolf Legion!"

"Good news, good news, great victory in the north!"

The messenger who came in from the east gate rushed across the city, crossed Chang'an Avenue, and rushed into Suzaku Avenue.

Soon, the hurried city gatekeeper sent the letter from the front line to Ye Qing's imperial study.

"Okay! That's right, it's a great achievement for Luo Cheng."

Ye Qing read the letter sent back by Luo Cheng, and his and Xu Shu's proposals to Shuofang and other places.

After thinking for a moment, he waved his hand and drew three lines on the map.

"The decree is to let Luo Cheng, Xu Shu and others prepare to build the three northern counties. The land to be captured now is divided into Jiuyuan County, Shuofang County, and Shang County."

"At the same time, prepare for Shuozhou. Shuozhou governs Xihe County, Jiuyuan County, Shuofang County, and Shang County. Xu Shu is the governor of Shuozhou."

After Ye Qing finished reading, Cao Zhengchun also drafted the imperial decree in one go.

After confirming that it is correct, it will be covered in Yuxi and sent to the cabinet for deliberation.

After deliberation, it will be sent to all ministries for registration.

From then on, Dazhou had one more state and three counties in the north.

From the nine counties at the beginning of the year, it suddenly expanded to 24 counties.

Seeing that the empire suddenly had 15 more counties, Cao Zhengchun saw it and was delighted.

But he frowned again.

Some worriedly suggested, "Your Majesty, the empire has so many counties and counties all of a sudden, I'm afraid there are not enough officials. The gap is huge.

Moreover, immigration matters are also very onerous, will it arouse the resentment of the people? "

The Great Zhou is now thriving, and Cao Zhengchun doesn't want the empire to return to its original bad state.

You must know that not only the north is attacking now.

The south also sent troops out of Wuguan to attack Chuyue and Nanyang County.

If Nanyang County is also eaten up by one and a half counties, more capable officials will have to be sent to govern.

Such a rapid expansion of the empire is extremely detrimental to internal stability. .

Ye Qing had also thought about this question.

However, he has already had countermeasures in this regard. The purpose of holding an imperial examination to select officials is to select some capable people.

These newborn forces can be bold and let them go to the frontier borders to build new city-states, to exercise and to break through.

Ye Qing said with a smile: "It doesn't matter, the empire will soon have additional officials, and they are still freshmen, creative, energetic, energetic, and the most vigorous group of young people."

Cao Zhengchun was not an idiot either, he immediately thought of the imperial examination that had just ended.

"Your Majesty, what you are talking about is the imperial examination, but this method is still my first in Dazhou. We are not clear whether we can select qualified personnel and trustworthy talents. If these newcomers are used rashly, will it cause incalculable damage to the country? loss and impact."

Ye Qing smiled, and then pointed at Cao Zhengchun: "As long as there are military and legal guards and political and legal guards to supervise them, even if there are some problems with these new officials, they are minor problems, and we can completely allow them to make mistakes."

"The road is made. Only by walking and wiping can you test everything..."


Nanyang County!
General Zhenxi of Chuyue Kingdom led the army on the way to Zhuyang.

Suddenly ahead.A few disheveled officials came running.

"General, there is someone in the front claiming to be the county magistrate of Nanxiang, saying that there is something urgent to report."

Nanxiang county magistrate!

General Zhenxi had a slight impression, so he said to his opponent: "Let them come over.

Soon the magistrate of Nanxiang came to General Zhenxi.

Seeing General Zhenxi, he bowed down and said: "The general is in trouble. Nanxiang and Shunyang were successively captured by the cavalry of the Great Zhou Suzaku Army."


General Zhenxi of Chuyue Kingdom was shocked: "How could it be so fast? Didn't the Zhou army in Danshui just attack, and the urgent report from Danshui just arrived not long ago, how could Nanxiang and Shunyang miss it?"

The magistrate of Nanxiang replied: "General, we don't know the details, but the cavalry of the Suzaku Army did appear after our army was transferred. If it wasn't for me waiting to stop the fleeing civilians, it happened to be at the east gate. We will also be captured by the soldiers of Dazhou."

General Zhenxi has no doubts about the words of Nanxiang county magistrate.

He knew that the other party dared not lie to him.

However, it is still a little difficult to accept.

This time the big week advances faster than last time.

What happened to Danshui?
But there was something that caught him off guard even more.

I heard the magistrate of Nanxiang go on to say: "General, just now, the No. 12 Cavalry Regiment of the Suzaku Army, Wan, has captured Yin County."


General Zhenxi wanted to draw his sword very much, so he chopped off the county magistrate of Nanxiang.

Why did this bastard bring all the bad news.

But General Zhenxi was not confused.

Calmly ordered: "Come here, immediately investigate in the direction of Yin County. You must find out whether the Suzaku Army has captured Yin County. If so, how many troops are there?"

Someone led the way.

Then General Zhenxi said again: "Notify the front team to advance towards Zhuyang at full speed, and defend Zhuyang at the first time. If Zhuyang is lost, come and see me."

The geographical location of Yin County is extremely important.

Because of it, the northeast can be connected to Shunyang and Nanxiang; the northwest can be connected to Wudang.

, If Wudang misses, the Dazhou soldiers and horses in Hanzhong can drive eastward and go straight to Nanyang County in the east. .

Undoubtedly, such a result is the worst. .

After giving the order, General Zhenxi still couldn't let go.

What the hell is Continental Week doing?

Why is the army attacking so fast.

He didn't even have time to react.

Soon news came back that Yin County was indeed captured by the Zhou army.

It is difficult to find out how many soldiers and horses there are in the city.

Because there are many flags on the gate tower.

True or false, it is impossible to judge.

Fortunately, Zhuyang was entered ahead of schedule by the front team and drove away the Zhou cavalry who came to seize the city.

Report the news to General Zhenxi.

Let him chat for comfort.

Finally there is good news.

General Zhenxi of the Chuyue Kingdom has many years of combat experience. After thinking about it, he gave a new order to the front while he was still on the road: "Notify the front team to advance to Yin County immediately. After arriving, attack the city immediately. Yin County Zhou’s soldiers should all be cavalry, and there are not many of them.”

(End of this chapter)

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