I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 642 The old way to win the pill again

Chapter 642 The old way to win the pill again


The judgment of the western general of Chuyue Kingdom is still very accurate.

The cavalry of the Suzaku Army rushed all the way.

The army behind has not followed up.

At this time, Di Qing and Liu Bowen were working together to attack the [-] Chuyue army in Danshui.

There is simply no extra troops going south.

Planting many flags may be able to deceive ordinary generals, but it cannot deceive General Zhenxi.

Because General Zhenxi went to Xiang's family in Chuyue country.

Although the Xiang family could not be the coach in previous wars.

But it is the family of generals that the coaches like to bring.

Besides, to be General Zhenxi, he naturally has the ability.

Half an hour later, Xiang Yan brought the main force to Zhuyang.

After staying for an hour, they arranged for generals to defend the city, and then led the army to continue northward.

Among them, the former team also arrived in Yin County after a very small half a day.

Immediately launched an attack on Yin County.


There are no decent siege weapons, a dozen simple ladders, and a log.

It is the main weapon for siege.

People from Chuyue Kingdom flocked to the south gate of Yin County like a tide.

The sound of shouting and killing shook the sky.

The momentum is fierce.

The head of the No.12 Regiment of the Suzaku Group Army on the city, his eyes stretched from below the city to the distance.

Putting down the binoculars, he said, "This is just the striker under the general's mansion in the west of the town of Chuyue. The real main force has not yet arrived, so we need to save our arrows. Use more wood and throw more stones!"


Attacking all the way, there were not many arrows with him.

Of course, it should be used at critical times.

The soldiers of the twelfth regiment commanded the strong men of Yin County in the city to move stones and block the gates of the city.

On the one hand, he directed them to lift the stones and logs up.

No matter how hard the warriors of Chu and Yue outside the city bumped into it, the city gate just couldn't hit it.

Soldiers who climbed up the ladder, every time they successfully climbed to the top and wanted to jump into the city wall, they would be shot and killed by the soldiers of the [-]th regiment.

Accompanied by a scream.

The soldiers of Chuyue Kingdom fell down one by one.

The soldiers of Chuyue Kingdom under the city were also uncomfortable.

Throwing down stones and trees greatly prevented them from attacking the city.

"Call the archers down and suppress the Zhou army in the city!"

The commanding general of the Chuyue Kingdom shouted.

Soon more Chuyue archers were called up.

Then shoot arrows towards the city.

At first it had some power, but was quickly shot and wounded by the condescending [-]th Regiment soldiers.

The Twelfth Regiment is a cavalry regiment, and riding and shooting are their basic skills.

Shooting at each other, the city naturally took a lot of convenience.

Not long after the siege battle, the sky was getting dark.

Night is coming.

Chu Yue State stopped attacking.

Early the next morning, the Chuyue army outside the city increased several times.

"It seems that Xiang Yan, the general of Zhenxi, is here. There is a hard and tough battle to be fought today!"

The faces of the other generals also became tense: "There are so many more people, and they are rare famous generals in Chuyue Kingdom. It is really difficult to fight!"

"If it's not easy to fight, we have to fight, even if we fight all of us, we still have to fight. The battle of Danshui cannot be disturbed.

Moreover, once Yin County is lost, the siege of Wudang will be gone, which will be disadvantageous for the Hanzhong army to come out in the future.

So Yin County is our final bottom line. "


Dan water!

After a day and a night of fighting, the city wall to the north of Danshui City was already dilapidated.

However, Liu Bowen still did not attack the city.

Instead, they were waiting for Di Qing from the south to take his place.

The city is easy to break, but the [-] veterans of the Chu and Yue Kingdom in the city are not easy to kill.

The city is broken, they can stick to the city and fight street by street.

There is a saying in the art of war, breaking the city is the bottom, and attacking the heart is the top.

The first priority is to first disintegrate their fighting spirit and determination, and attack and weaken the opponent's morale.

Liu Bowen used sharp weapons as weapons to attack his heart.

Di Qing, on the other hand, spread the news of Chuyue Kingdom's defeat all the time.

Let the Chuyue army in the city doubt themselves.

"Shunyang and Nanxiang have captured!"

"Zhuyang in Yin County has also been captured, and the army of the Great Zhou Dynasty went to Xiangyang with the scriptures."

"You say, is this true?"

The defenders in the city were talking about it.

Soon, a new round of propaganda by the Suzaku Army outside the city came again.

"Listen up, the Chuyue army in the city, your champion, Anzhong, has been defeated by us, and our army has killed [-] enemies in Xinye!"

"Listen up to the Chuyue army on the city. You Li and Wancheng have been captured by our army. This time our army took your city in only two days and killed [-]. There are no more reinforcements."

Sure enough, there was a commotion in the city.

The soldiers of Chuyue Kingdom became more and more uneasy.

Da Zhou's army spoke so confidently and well-founded that it really scared them.

Even Fucheng was captured.

Da Zhou captured most of Nanyang.

Is it meaningful for their pill water to last longer?
"General Chang ordered that all armies in the city must not discuss, must not spread rumors, and must not listen to the instigation of the enemy.

Guard the city with peace of mind, everyone can live if the city is guarded, and if you can't guard it, you will die! "

This order quickly controlled the emotions of the soldiers in the city and reduced a lot of discussions.

However, the more banned rumors are, the more evil they will spread.

The [-] Chuyue soldiers in the city were even more disturbed.

Anxiety and despair permeated the city.

In particular, the walls of the North City Gate were smashed more and more, and the more they were smashed, the shorter they became, which terrified the soldiers of Chuyue Kingdom.

Da Zhou's weapon is too sharp.

I heard that there are also melee crossbows.

When it comes to Liannu, isn't the empire imitating it?

Why didn't they distribute it to the defenders of Nanyang.

As long as there is such a thing, they will have more confidence in defending the city, and they can also suppress the troops of Da Zhou.

The Suzaku army only besieged but did not attack. At night, the Chuyue people who defended the city loosened their guard.

The tense strings also loosened.

After midnight, the weather turned cold, the cold ground, warm coats and fires, and holes in the walls for shelter from the wind.

All are the best harbors.

The soldiers of the Chuyue people patrolled the city for a while, but it was pitch black outside the city, so they also sat in small groups on the fire and dozed off.

Then bursts of drowsiness came, and the ordinary soldiers were the first to fall asleep.

Then the generals also closed their eyelids one by one.

The masters of the first and second ranks in the city gate tower also failed to escape the attacks of sleepiness one after another.

In the end, he also collapsed on the mat.


Di Qing, who is familiar with driving, easily went up to the top of the city with Chu Qi in his arms.

Countless masters of the Chuyue Kingdom sat on the southern city wall of Danshui together with Li Bai.

The necks of the enemy soldiers and generals who were dragged into the dream were wiped off one by one.

"Quick, remove these stones."

Seven or eight cubic meters of stones were blocked under the city gate.

There were no soldiers, so the masters who attacked the city worked together to move it to the Wengcheng.

Fortunately, after all the tossing, the Chuyue army in the city was not awakened.

Until the door bolt was released, the soldiers of the Suzaku Army quietly entered.

The people of Chu and Yue didn't know about it.

"Come on, go to the barracks in the city and stop the soldiers of Chuyue Kingdom from coming out."

"The second, third, and fourth regiments attacked the Yamen; the fifth and sixth regiments went to capture the granaries."

"When the regiments are attacking, shoot arrows into the sky!"

Di Qing waved his hand to signal the heads of the regiments to act according to the order.

(End of this chapter)

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