I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 643 The Battle of Wan City

Chapter 643: The Battle of Wancheng ([-])


The regiment leaders sang promises one after another, and then quietly approached their target.

On the way, I met a patrol that appeared out of nowhere.

The two armies looked at each other, and were momentarily stunned.

Then the patrol team of Chuyue Kingdom reacted and ran away.

The soldiers of Da Zhou immediately chased after them, killing half of them with bows and crossbows.

Then the leader had no choice but to shoot a loud arrow into the sky.

With a cloud-piercing arrow, thousands of troops will meet each other.

As soon as the arrow shot out from this side, the other regiments knew that they had been exposed.

They all shouted loudly: "Hurry up, hurry up, hurry up!"

outside the city.

Liu Bowen, who had been waiting for a long time, still had more than 1 troops, when he heard the sound of arrows.

Not all of them were very excited.

"military adviser!"

Everyone clasped their hands together.

Liu Bowen said: "Attack, attack Beicheng, kill in, cooperate with the commander!"


Waiting for this sentence.

All the regiments drew their swords and pointed at Danshui.

"Brothers, kill with me!"


In the originally dark field, the sound of shouting and killing shook the sky.

Then countless torches were lit.

One branch is divided into three branches, and three branches are divided into six branches, gradually increasing.

The Suzaku Army, armed to the teeth, charged fiercely at the Bald Danshui North City.

The defenders of Chuyue Kingdom in the north of the city were awakened one after another.

Take your weapon and want to fight back.

But the next moment, a wave of arrows rained down.

The Chuyue people who hadn't lifted their shields were shot by arrows one after another.

I was so scared that I ran away.

At this time, there were shouts of killing in the city.

Bigger than outside the city.

"It's over, Nancheng has fallen?"

Climbing up the half-broken north gate tower, looking into the city, countless fire dragons are pouring into the city from the south of the city.

Then distributed everywhere.

The guard of Beicheng knew that the Danshui was over.

He sat down on the ground, looking bewildered.

He didn't even bother to organize his subordinates to fight against the Zhou army outside Beicheng.

The Chuyue army in the city resisted fiercely at first, but with the fall of the Yamen, the main general died in battle.

The soldiers of Chuyue Kingdom who were scattered all over the city finally couldn't bear it anymore and collapsed.

before dawn.

Danshui all battles are over.

Most of the 1 Chuyue veterans were wiped out, and more than [-] people surrendered.

"Report! Commander, there is news from the northern army that Huang Zhong has captured the champion, but he was stubbornly blocked by the enemy in Anzhong, unable to go south and retreated to the champion."

"Report! Commander, news has been sent from the army that Lu Bu and Zhang Liao captured Wancheng, captured [-] enemy soldiers, and captured alive Cai Xi, the prefect of Nanyang of the Chuyue Kingdom."

Di Qing grabbed the battle report and was extremely excited.

Liu Bowen said: "I didn't expect Lu Bu and Zhang Liao to attack so quickly and achieve such great results. They completed their strategic goals ahead of us."

"It's a pity that Huang Zhong's department failed to take down Anzhong. Anyway, 1 veterans of the Chuyue Kingdom were repulsed back. I think this group of people will immediately go to Wancheng and retake Fucheng." Di Qing thought for a while and said: "It seems that we also If the troops are divided, at least [-] people must be sent to Wancheng, otherwise Zhang He's halberd soldiers will not be able to defend the city with a single infantry."

Liu Bowen said: "Commander, I think it's better to send 5000 troops there. Not only Wancheng must be defended, but Huang Zhong's champion, Anzhong, must also be restarted."

Yes, there is also Huang Zhong's attack on Xinye.

It is difficult to advance with a simple cavalry alone.

After all, Chuyue Kingdom hid 15 veterans in Nanyang County.

Now more than [-] have been wiped out, and another [-] have surfaced.

Another [-] did not show up.

"Okay, just do as you said, you will take charge of the northern part, and the southern line will be handed over to me!" Di Qing immediately ordered: "Order, the first, second, and third regiments, immediately go south to reinforce the [-]th regiment." .”

In fact, there are two cavalry regiments behind the [-]th regiment, one of which occupies Shunyang Nanxiang.

Another one went to Wudang County.

It is estimated that there are still [-] Chuyue veterans in Wudang County.

Two thousand against twenty thousand, the pressure is extremely high.

The order is issued, and the ministries act.



After capturing the capital of Nanyang County, Lu Bu immediately sent people to escort [-] soldiers from Chuyue Kingdom to Li Kingdom, trying to send them to Wuguan as soon as possible.

[-] strong laborers are used to go to the newly established border county for development, which is really good.

There are six cities around Wancheng.

With the cooperation of the prefect Cai Xi, Lu Bu boldly played the strategy of dividing troops, took the pass certificate, and the handwritten token, and went to the counties to attack.

"General, Wancheng has just sent back news that Zhang Yun's army has even arrived in Wancheng and took over the defense." Laiqi reported the information.

Lu Bu glanced at Zhang Liao and said, "It looks like it's time for us to hit the road and go to Runan."

Before Zhang Liao could speak, the reporter said again: "General, there is some bad news. General Huang, who is on the right cavalry, managed to block [-] old Chuyue soldiers in Anzhong, and failed to capture Anzhong. champion.

The [-] troops of Chuyue Kingdom, who were about to go to the championship, then rushed towards Wancheng! "

Huang Zhong didn't even win Anzhong, let alone Xinye.

It failed to cut off the connection between Xiangyang and Wancheng.

Undoubtedly, it made it more difficult for Zhang He to defend the city.

"Fengxian, let's stay away from Runan for the time being, and stay in hiding in Wancheng to see how Chuyue Kingdom recaptured Wancheng." Zhang Liao suggested.

Lu Bu said: "Yes, since there are still uncertainties in the battle in Nanyang, we are helping the Suzaku Army.

But Wenyuan, you must enter the city. When you enter the city, you must pretend to be all the horses of my left cavalry guard.

Let the generals of the Chuyue Kingdom think that our army's cavalry are all in the city, and they will not be vigilant in the wild! "

From less to more.

This is a problem.

But Zhang Liao did not refuse, and complied.

In order to achieve the effect Lv Bu wanted, Zhang Liao adopted the simplest and most old-fashioned method.

That is, when it is dark and entering the city, light more torches.

It makes people mistakenly think that there are five thousand cavalry.

Lu Bu was warlike by nature, and he was also very arrogant.

With [-] cavalry, the cat was in a forest south of the Wu River.

Soon the three veterans of the Chuyue Kingdom rushed to Wancheng, and brought with them [-] soldiers from Nanyang County and [-] local private soldiers.

They would never have imagined that there would be hidden Zhou cavalry on the south bank of the river.

Because the generals of the Chuyue Kingdom who commanded [-] veterans sent people to investigate the mountains to the west, north, and east of Wancheng, and found that there were no large Zhou cavalry, they were relieved.

After simply building the siege equipment, this army immediately launched a battle to retake Wancheng.

Wancheng is very large. As mentioned earlier, this city is very difficult to defend.

It is easy to attack, but difficult to defend.

Therefore, it was extremely difficult for Zhang Yun to defend with five thousand soldiers.

As soon as the siege began, the two sides reached a state of intense heat.

The attack is fierce, and the defense also counterattacks fiercely.

The personnel on both sides lost their combat effectiveness to a certain extent.

Seeing the battle is almost over.

Lü Bu led four thousand cavalrymen across the Fau River and appeared behind the forty-three thousand Chuyue soldiers.

"Attack, stepped on the enemy camp!"

Lu Bu took the lead and attacked the camp of the Chuyue army first, rushed in and set fire to it.

Set the entire camp on fire and kill thousands of enemy soldiers defending the camp.

Then he suddenly withdrew from the burning camp.

The army of Chuyue Kingdom who was attacking the city found that the camp was on fire, and hurried back to fight it.

At this time, Lu Bu turned around and attacked from the north to the south.

Zhang Liao of Wancheng also drew his sword and said, "All soldiers, follow me to kill!"

A thousand cavalry also rushed out from the south gate and charged towards the Chuyue army.

(End of this chapter)

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