I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 644 The Battle of Wancheng

Chapter 644: The Battle of Wancheng ([-])

The camp was burned and washed away.

At this time, the army of Chuyue Kingdom turned back, and the morale of the army was a little unstable.

Moreover, Lu Bu was still a cavalry soldier, and he was confronted head-on. In the chaos of Chu Yue's army, he could not form a very effective barrier at all.


Passive defense, on this open flat ground.

Although the Chuyue army has a great advantage in numbers.

However, the left cavalry guard also has its own advantages, so if the two face off, both sides can only be regarded as half a catty.

Lu Bu rushed to the front first, Fang Tian swung his halberd.

The sword and shield soldiers of Chuyue Kingdom who stood in front of them were all knocked into the air in an instant.

Leaping in, waving left and right.

All the soldiers of the Yueyue Kingdom were beheaded by their horses.

"Don't be arrogant, general Zhou, I, Ma Hao, will fight you!"

A first-rank powerful general from Chuyue Kingdom stepped forward, holding out his long spear, and his spear was extremely swift like a dragon.

If you are stabbed, you will be seriously injured if you don't die.

But Lu Bu is also a veteran of many battles.

Fang Tian's painted halberd directly blocked it obliquely, and followed it hard.


When the two weapons collided, sparks shot out.

Then Lu Bu reversed the stick, Fang Tian drew his halberd and picked it towards the opponent.

The enemy general was also fierce, with a few spears shaking from the tip of the gun.

Take Lu Bu's attack hard from left to right.

But it seemed a little difficult, and there was a little fear in my heart.

"Hmph, that's all, go die!"

After fighting for a round, Lu Bu understood the opponent's strength, and as soon as he increased his strength, he released his inner strength outward.


This enemy general named Ma Hao couldn't bear it, and was chopped down by a Huashan mountain of Lu Bu.

Even the man and the horse collapsed.

He spat out a mouthful of stuffy blood, tilted his arms, and fell to the ground.

At this time, the left cavalry guards behind Lu Bu followed one after another, stabbing with long spears and slashing with long swords.

The crossbow shot fiercely.

The sword and shield soldiers of the Chuyue Kingdom who rushed forward fell to the ground with casualties.

The originally small hole quickly burst into a big gap.


Lu Bu roared to the sky, and urged his horse to kill the enemy's central army.

The four thousand soldiers of the left cavalry also followed, like knives, marching forward indomitably.

Cut open the enemies in front.

To the south, although Zhang Liao had fewer troops, the Chuyue army that retreated behind was even more chaotic.

They were all just replaced by the siege.

Before he could take a quick breath, Zhang Liao led his men out.

The continuous crossbows fired non-stop, and there was no real short-handed handover, so there were many casualties.

On the city, Zhang He saw the situation outside the city and became a superior commanding general.

He didn't miss his chance.

Instead, three thousand euphorbia soldiers were left to defend the city.

Then they also killed them with 2000 troops.

When he rushed out, Lu Bu reached the central position of the Chuyue army with the scriptures.

The main general who is chasing the opponent will slash and kill.

This stirred up the Chuyue army into even more chaos.

Zhang Liao's thousand cavalry also charged into the enemy's ranks, and they rushed from left to right.

"Small diamond formation!"

At Zhang He's order, the two thousand euphorbia soldiers were divided into fifty parts.

Each section is 40 people.

The four formed a shuttle diamond formation.

Fifty shuttles formed a diamond formation, and rushed into the chaotic Chuyue army in the shape of a character.

Originally, fifty small formations were nothing, but from a distance they were just a few small dots.

It's not enough for the army of Chuyue Kingdom to bite their teeth.

But the entry of these fifty small formations was indeed like the last straw that broke the camel's back.

Harvest the lives of soldiers of the Chuyue Kingdom along the way.

Regardless of whether it is injured or not, they will all be killed.

Merciless and brutal.

The soldiers of the Chuyue Kingdom wanted to attack the Euphorbia warriors.

However, they were all protected by the large shields on both wings.

And it's still superimposed, it's hard to blast away in one breath.

When the battle was not long, the morale of the Chuyue army plummeted.

Half an hour later, the soldiers of Chuyue Kingdom finally couldn't bear it anymore after being plowed and plowed with cavalry by Lu Bu and Zhang Liao.

Started to crumble.

Morale was blown, and the army was defeated like a mountain.

Especially those private soldiers and the local army in Nanyang fled towards the south.

As soon as they fled, the old soldiers of Chuyue Kingdom also fled.

On the west bank of the Wei River, a flood of people followed the river to the south like a flood breaking an embankment.

Lu Bu led two thousand cavalry in pursuit.

Zhang Liao and other generals were on the main battlefield, continuing to charge and kill those Chuyue soldiers who had not dispersed or fled, but were in no hurry to leave.


Yin County!

The battle has been fierce from the start.

As soon as Xiang Yan arrived in Yin County, he sent the most elite soldiers there.

The strongest military generals, and many disguised as soldiers mixed in, the toilet masters also climbed up on the ladder.

The head of the No.12 regiment is no longer retaining strength.

Come up with the strongest counterattack force.

He greeted the army of Chuyue Kingdom outside the city.

Within two hours, the city was attacked several times by Chuyue people, and the gate tower was almost lost.

But at the cost of losing thousands of soldiers and horses.

Still kept it.

There were countless corpses above and below the city, and blood flowed like rivers.

"Regimental Commander, I'm afraid we won't be able to hold on if we continue like this. The enemy army is making a strong attack, and we will have to be driven into the city!"

"Captain, the commander and the others should be arriving soon!"

The head of the No.12 regiment said: "I just received the news that the Danshui has been broken, and the commander-in-chief has come with the main force."

The generals were overjoyed upon hearing this.

But then they all showed bitterness.

Even so, it is difficult to defend Yin County with their cavalry troops.

Everyone was not urging, because the pressure on the head of the group was the greatest at this time.

How to choose, should be decided by him.

After thinking for a long time, the head of the No.12 regiment finally said: "Let everyone prepare, when Chuyue Kingdom's next attack, we will withdraw!"

The generals looked at each other.

Then he cupped his fists and said, "No!"

This is not a fault of the war, their cavalry are not good at defending the city.

There are not many arrows to carry.

When Chuyue Kingdom launched a new round of attack, suddenly a few arrows were shot sporadically from the city and there was no movement.

Chu Yue's army quickly attacked the city.

"Report! General, our army captured the south gate of Yin County, and the army of Great Zhou retreated."

Xiang Yan was overjoyed.


Soon the Chuyue army moved away the stones blocking the south gate.

The army swarmed in.

But rush to the north city first.

But unable to move forward.

It turned out that the Great Zhou soldiers of the Twelfth Regiment set fire to the North City Gate.

Countless dry firewood and wet firewood were piled up under the city cave, and oil was also poured on them.

Dry firewood and wet firewood were mixed together, the fire was raging, and thick smoke billowed.

It is impossible for people to pass through.


The generals of the Chuyue Kingdom knew that this was deliberately done by the Zhou cavalry in order to delay their speed to the north.

So he shouted: "What are you still looking at? Find water immediately and put out the fire for me!"

Helpless, the soldiers of Chuyue Kingdom had no choice but to put out the fire first.

After the fire is extinguished, the passage is cleaned up.

Only then did we continue to set off.

Run up, obstacles appear from time to time on the official road.

This made the soldiers of the Chuyue Kingdom stop and go, cursing.

So walked more than ten miles.

Just as the soldiers of the Chuyue Kingdom stopped again to clear the obstacles on the official road, suddenly five hundred cavalry rushed down the trail.



Before the cavalry arrived, the arrows arrived first.

He shot and killed many Chuyue soldiers who were caught off guard.

"Array! Quickly array..."

"Damn it, there is an ambush by the Zhou cavalry, and the archers, hurry up and move to the front..."

(End of this chapter)

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