I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 645 The Lurking of Chuyue Kingdom

Chapter 645 The Lurking of Chuyue Kingdom
There was chaos!
All kinds of reprimands kept coming.

Five hundred iron cavalry rushed to overwhelm the unprepared 1000 members of the Chuyue Kingdom's front team, shooting and hacking.

Then he turned around immediately and went straight north.

That's right, just leave.

Hit a guy and get out.

It's like traveling.

Just leave after the fight, absolutely not entangled.

Leave a chicken feather on the ground to slow down the speed of the enemy's northward march.

Next, it was the same for the five hundred cavalry, but the result was not as great as this time.

However, the purpose of slowing down the speed of the enemy's northward movement was achieved.

He Cheng.

A small town forty miles north of Yin County.

The No.12 regiment of Dazhou is going to continue to block here, and it is sticking to it.

Once this small city is lost, the main force of the Suzaku army will have to fight the Chuyue army in Shunyang.

Moreover, another cavalry of Da Zhou who attacked Wudang County would also be in danger.

So the No.12 regiment had no choice, no way to retreat.

"Report! General, the Zhou army retreated to Hecheng, but did not retreat north."

He Cheng!

A tiny place.

It is better to say that it is a rural pavilion than a small town.

It's just that this place is quite special, it is the place where the Mian River and the Dan River meet. The location is not counted, but there is too little arable land around.

Not much flat land.

Therefore, the county cannot be established.

It can only be to build a country pavilion or something.

Although the small area is small, the location is slightly dangerous.

It's not an easy place either.

"According to speculation, there are only 12 cavalry in the No.[-] Regiment of Dazhou, so the strength to defend the city is not very strong." Xiang Yan murmured, and waved his big hand:

"Attack fiercely, capture Hecheng as soon as possible, and don't give the enemy a chance to rest and prepare for the time to defend the city."


Soon the army of Chuyue Kingdom began to attack the city frantically again.

The battle was still raging.

He Cheng was short, so it was actually easy to attack.

It's just that the width of the same attack is not enough, and it is impossible to deploy a large army.

The advantages of the Chuyue National Army could not be brought into play.

The offensive and defensive sides fell into anxiety for a while.

And it increases over time.

He Cheng's counterattack strength was not weak but increased.

On the contrary, the casualties of soldiers attacked by Chuyue Kingdom increased greatly.

While beating and beating, Xiang Yan sensed something was wrong.

He captured Yin County within three hours, and now Xiaoxiaohecheng blocked him for four hours.

Look at the sky, it will be over soon.

"Come on, call Chen Yu!"

Soon a fourth-rank master dressed in a quack came over.

"General, you called me for something!"

Xiang Yan said: "I suspect that there are more than [-] Zhou cavalry in He County, and other troops from Da Zhou should have gone south for reinforcements. Take a few people around the mountain and investigate for our army."

"No!" The fourth-rank expert named Chen Yu embraced his orders.

After ordering two first-rank masters, he went into the dense forest.

Soon they went around to the right rear wing of He County, and passed a high low slope. The three of Chen Yu discovered the secret of He County.

"Where is this five hundred? It's more than two thousand, and the horses alone are no less than three thousand."

Chen Yu shook his head and said: "Counting the horses is meaningless. There are 2000 people in a regiment in Dazhou. More than 12 people died in the No.1000 regiment. Their horses did not die. They were all taken to He County by the remnant army."

"Liu Yong, you go back and report the situation to General Xiang first, and we will continue to investigate."

The person called Liu Yong came back immediately to report to Xiang Yan.

More than 2000 people, how could the No.12 regiment still have so many.

The other cavalry of the Suzaku Army went south for reinforcements.

"Order to stop the siege."

"Send an order to tell Yin County to step up the construction of the North City."

Now Xiang Yan Yijing doesn't have any expectations of breaking through He County.

Because what he was thinking about was whether Di Qing had brought the main force to He County.

It's not that there are only two thousand cavalry extra.

[-] old soldiers were eaten up so quickly.

This question has always been his lingering obsession.

The Chuyue Kingdom stopped attacking, and Zhou Jun, who was guarding He County, breathed a sigh of relief.

That's right, the No.12 Regiment was supported by friendly forces, and the cavalry regiments of Shounanxiang and Shunyang also went south to help them.

It's just that Di Qing's main force hasn't arrived in Shunyang yet.


into the night!

The two figures quietly touched He Cheng!

These two people are Chen Yu and Chen Yu, the fourth-rank masters of Chuyue Kingdom.

Taking advantage of the darkness, the two quietly approached the city, and then sneaked into the city from the north.

The houses in the city are low and the streets are not wide.

The defenders in the city seemed more crowded.

The two lurked all the way, trying to inquire about some valuable clues from Zhou Jun.

Even if possible, attack and kill the defenders to facilitate Xiang Yan's capture of Hecheng.

After all, a leader of 2000 people will not be too strong.

The masters of the rivers and lakes around him will not be very strong.

As a fourth rank, he has the confidence and confidence to do well.

"My lord, it seems that the main forces of the Great Zhou have not yet arrived in Shunyang. This is good news."

The first-rank expert who was beside Chen Yu said in surprise.

Chen Yu glanced at him, and made a silent movement.

Then continue to lurk forward.

After turning more than half a circle, it was discovered that there were two generals in the city, each of which was the leader of a regiment.

The strength is not high, they are all first-class generals, and they are easy to kill.

But one is in the city, protected by heavy soldiers.

The soldiers of Dazhou were very strict and meticulous, and the two of them squatted for a long time but did not find a chance.

The other head is in the direction of the city gate.

Take the lead and be surrounded by the great Zhou soldiers who are also vigilant outside the city.

It is not easy to kill.

Forceful killing is feasible, but that will expose yourself.

After thinking about it, Chen Yu led his men and left He Cheng.

As if it never appeared.

But after the two left.

In the direction they were evacuating, at an intersection, a figure in white appeared, with the corners of their mouths raised slightly.

"What a pity, if Di Qing didn't have a bad plan, I would have kept your head!"

Fourth rank vs. fourth rank, Li Bai is weaker than anyone else.

Chen Yu withdrew and came to look for Xiang Yan.

"How is it?" Xiang Yan felt that Chen Yu should have brought good news.

Otherwise, it wouldn't lurk until midnight.

Chen Yudao: "General, I have figured out the situation in Hecheng. Just like in the daytime, there are only more than 2000 cavalry. The number is not many, and there are no masters. The strongest military general is only first-class, and the strongest Jianghu master is a One product."

Xiang Yan nodded and said, "What else?"

"What's more, the main force of the Suzaku Army hasn't arrived in Shunyang yet. From the conversations with the soldiers of the Zhou army, I learned that Danshui was breached only last night. Nanxiang attacked by cavalry.

Surround 4 of our army in Danshui, and slowly eat them up. "

"So that's it!" Xiang Yan finally understood Di Qing's style of play.

I couldn't help secretly admiring that the cavalry rushed forward quickly, and then the infantry surrounded the rear wing. It was flexible in tactics and full of bold spirit.

It is really a famous strategy.

Ordinary people dare not use it.

Thinking of Di Qing's age, Xiang Yan felt relieved.

When Ye Qing ascended the throne, most of the generals used young juniors.

This passionate young man dares to think and fight, and is full of vitality.

It is indeed a change of the military style of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

As a result, this year's foreign wars have not been lost, and the territory of the Great Zhou has doubled in one fell swoop.

Xiang Yan also admired the good life.

(End of this chapter)

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